Missouri State University

                                    D. Alexander Wait's Laboratory               

Lab Images: Wait;Baja-rainbow;ChuckieChuckwalla;BiologicalRockCrust; StudentResearch


Research Interests: I am a plant physiological ecologist with interests in arid plant ecophysiology, arid community interactions, fire ecology in oak/hickory forests and plant/animal interactions. My research addresses questions related to species diversity and plant productivity in arid regions affected by allochthonous inputs (e.g., seabird guano, algae, seaspray), how resource supply (e.g., CO2, nitrogen) affects arthropod damage via changes in plant chemistry and leaf development, and how prescribed burns in oak/hickory forests affect soil respiration, plant gas exchange, and feeding by herbivores. This research addresses questions related to the conservation of island systems and oak/hickory savannahs, and how changes in resource supply and ratios affect amounts of herbivore damage in natural,  managed and agricultural systems.


Openings for Graduate Students: Research opportunities exist for students interested in plant ecology, plant/animal interactions, plant responses to environmental variability and other related areas (see below for past and present graduate projects). Funding for the school year (including tuition waiver) is provided through teaching assistantships or research assistantships. Summer funding is generally available. Contact me at AlexanderWait@Missouristate.edu or (417) 836-5802.


bullet CV
bulletpdf versions of recent publications: Oecologia (1999);  Ecology Letters (2001; 4:292-294); Journal of Ecology (2001; 89:670-680); Oecologia (2002; 132:175-180); Environmental Entomology (2002; 31(5):836-843); Journal of Biogeography (2003; 30: 1575-1581); National Park Service (2003); Journal of Arid Environments (2005; 60:681-695.); Oikos (2005; 109:145-153); Oecologia (2005; 145:541-548); Biology and Fertility of Soils (2006; 43:263-266); Missouriensis (2006; 25:7-21); American Journal of Botany (2006; 93:978-987); The Southwest Naturalist (2008; 53:96-100); Ecology (Special Feature, 2008; 89:660-670)


bulletBIO 122. General Biology II. Diversity; Animal and Plant Form and Function; Ecology
bulletBIO 436/636. Plant Ecology
bulletBIO 544. Plant Physiology (with Dr. Einhellig)
bulletBIO 533. Wetlands (with Dr. Havel)
bullet BIO 567. Physiological Ecology (with Drs. Einhellig and Tomasi)
bulletBIO 579. Conservation Biology
bulletBIO 628. Graduate Seminar (Selected Topics)
bulletCurrent Projects:
bulletGrowth and reproductive compensation to herbivory in Abutilon (Velvet Leaf)
bulletProductivity and Biodiversity in Managed and Unmanaged Ozark Forests
bulletPhysiological and ecological mechanisms determining plant species composition on islands in Baja California, Mexico (Recent ESA Poster)
bulletGraduate and Undergraduate Student Research:

        Completed Theses:

Beth Dalrymple (August 2008): "Ecological limitations for southern wild rice associated with backwater lakes of the Illinois and upper Mississippi river valleys" (pdf)

Jack Cornell (May 2008): "Short-term intensive management of high densities of the invasive plant Sericea Lespedeza"

 Pam Brown (May 2005): "Foliar herbivory on understory oaks as a function of forest type and prescribed burning" (word.doc)

Doug Aubrey (August 2004): "Savanna restoration through prescribed fire: demographic and physiological responses of oak and hickory seedlings and saplings to a changing light environment" (pdf)

Cynthia Andre (May 2003): "Biology of the rare woodland perennial Trillium pusillum Micheaux (Lilaceae) in southwest Missouri" (word.doc)

Kyle Barrett (August 2002):  "The effect of spatial subsidies on the diet, density, and species richness of insular lizards in the Gulf of California" (pdf for journal articles, JB, Oikos)

        Graduate Theses for the entire Department

bulletEcology and Biology Links (Societies, Research, Teaching, Resources)


bulletVisit the Missouri State Bull Shoals Field Station Web Page for research opportunities, and biology in the Ozarks


bulletVisit the Missouri State Biology Department and University Web Page

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Last revised on 14 August, 2008

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For further information contact Dr. Wait, (417) 836-5802 webmaster