Exam V Study Guide

1) Define “ecology”


2) What is natal dispersal? What example was used and why? Discuss dispersal in male ground squirrels


3) What is a trophic cascade?


4) What is the relationship between mammal richness and energy in North America?


5) What is net primary productivity? What is the general relationship between NPP and species richness? What are some exceptions?


6) Why might birds, in general, be more prone to extinction than mammals?


7) What is sexual selection?


8) Distinguish between ultimate and proximal causation in migratory behavior


9) Describe the costs and benefits of social behavior


10) Discuss the costs of sex for males and females


11) What is the difference between direct and indirect fitness?


12) How is the size of populations determined?


13) Be able to calculate population size given mark recapture data


14) Distinguish between density dependent and density independent growth and the forces that regulate each


15) How are most populations structured?


16) What is a survivorship curve?


17) What are the consequences of niche overlap?


18) Describe how and why human population growth became exponential


 19) Define “ecological footprint”


20) Define “community ecology”


21) Distinguish between intraspecific and interspecific competition


22) Define “ecological niche”


23) Define “character displacement”


24) What are the possible outcomes of interspecific competition?


25) Describe resource partitioning in Anolis lizards


26) Define food chain


27) Describe energy transfer between trophic levels


28) Define food web


29) Distinguish between primary and secondary succession


30) Define: Ecosystem, Biome, Trophic level


31) Relationship between biomes, NPP, precipitation and temperature


32) Energy flow through ecosystems


33) Pyramids of energy, numbers, biomass


34) Carbon, nitrogen and hydrological cycles (and humans impacts on each)


35) Hubbard Brook


36) CO2 (humans and natural fluctuations)


37) Define Conservation Biology


38) 3 levels of biodiversity


39) Major threats to biodiversity


40) Small population approach


41) Extinction vortex


42) Effective Population Size


43) Reserves