Lecture 20: Animal circulation and gas exchange


1) Introduction

•         Every organism must exchange materials and energy with its environment, and this exchange ultimately occurs at the cellular level.

•         Cells live in aqueous environments.

•         The resources that they need, such as nutrients and oxygen, move across the plasma membrane to the cytoplasm.

•         Metabolic wastes, such as carbon dioxide, move out of the cell.

•         Most animals have organ systems specialized for exchanging materials with the environment, and many have an internal transport system that conveys fluid (blood or interstitial fluid) throughout the body.

•         For aquatic organisms, structures like gills present an expansive surface area to the outside environment.

•         Oxygen dissolved in the surrounding water diffuses across the thin epithelium covering the gills and into a network of tiny blood vessels (capillaries).

•         At the same time, carbon dioxide diffuses out into the water.

•         Diffusion alone is not adequate for transporting substances over long distances in animals - for example, for moving glucose from the digestive tract and oxygen from the lungs to the brain of mammal

•         The bulk transport of fluids throughout the body functionally connects the aqueous environment of the body cells to the organs that exchange gases, absorb nutrients, and dispose of wastes.

•         For example, in the mammalian lung, oxygen from inhaled air diffuses across a thin epithelium and into the blood, while carbon dioxide diffuses out.

•         Bulk fluid movement in the circulatory system, powered by the heart, quickly carries the oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body.

•         As the blood streams through the tissues within microscopic vessels called capillaries, chemicals are transported between blood and the interstitial fluid that bathes the cells.

•         Metabolic rate is an important factor in the evolution of cardiovascular systems.

•         In general, animals with high metabolic rates have more complex circulatory systems and more powerful hearts than animals with low metabolic rates.

•         Similarly, the complexity and number of blood vessels in a particular organ are correlated with that organ’s metabolic requirements. 

•         Perhaps the most fundamental differences in cardiovascular adaptations are associated with gill breathing in aquatic vertebrates compared with lung breathing in terrestrial vertebrates.

•         The evolution of a powerful four-chambered heart was an essential adaptation in support of the endothermic way of life characteristic of birds and mammals.

•         Endotherms use about ten times as much energy as ectotherms of the same size.

•         Therefore, the endotherm circulatory system needs to deliver about ten times as much fuel and O2 to their tissues and remove ten times as much wastes and CO2.

•         Birds and mammals evolved from different reptilian ancestors, and their powerful four-chambered hearts evolved independently - an example of convergent evolution.


2) Blood pressure, exchange, and components of blood

•         Blood pressure is determined partly by cardiac output and partly by peripheral resistance.

•         Contraction of smooth muscles in walls of arterioles constricts these vessels, increasing peripheral resistance, and increasing blood pressure upstream in the arteries.

•         When the smooth muscle relax, the arterioles dilate, blood flow through arterioles increases, and pressure in the arteries falls.

•         Nerve impulses, hormones, and other signals control the arteriole wall muscles.

•         Stress, both physical and emotional, can raise blood pressure by triggering nervous and hormonal responses that will constrict blood vessels.

•         The exchange of substances between the blood and the interstitial fluid that bathes the cells takes place across the thin endothelial walls of the capillaries.

•         Some substances are carried across endothelial cells in vesicles that form by endocytosis on one side and then release their contents by exocytosis on the other side.

•         Others simply diffuse between the blood and the interstitial fluid across cells or through the clefts between adjoining cells. 

•         As blood proceeds along the capillary, blood pressure continues to drop and the capillary becomes hyperosmotic compared to the interstitial fluids.

•         The resulting osmotic gradient pulls water into the capillary by osmosis near the downstream end.

•         About 85% of the fluid that leaves the blood at the arterial end of the capillary bed reenters from the interstitial fluid at the venous end.

•         The remaining 15% is eventually returned to the blood by the vessels of the lymphatic system. 

•         Fluids and some blood proteins that leak from the capillaries into the interstitial fluid are returned to the blood via the lymphatic system.

•         Fluid enters this system by diffusing into tiny lymph capillaries intermingled among capillaries of the cardiovascular system.

•         Once inside the lymphatic system, the fluid is called lymph, with a composition similar to the interstitial fluid.

•         The lymphatic system drains into the circulatory system near the junction of the venae cavae with the right atrium.

•         Along a lymph vessels are organs called lymph nodes.

•         The lymph nodes filter the lymph and attack viruses and bacteria.

•         Inside a lymph node is a honeycomb of connective tissue with spaces filled with white blood cells specialized for defense.

•         When the body is fighting an infection, these cells multiply, and the lymph nodes become swollen.

•         In addition to defending against infection and maintaining the volume and protein concentration of the blood, the lymphatic system transports fats from the digestive tract to the circulatory system. 


•         In invertebrates with open circulation, blood (hemolymph) is not different from interstitial fluid.

•         However, blood in the closed circulatory systems of vertebrates is a specialized connective tissue consisting of several kinds of cells suspended in a liquid matrix called plasma.

•         The plasma includes the cellular elements (cells and cell fragments), which occupy about 45% of the blood volume, and the transparent, straw-colored plasma.

•         The plasma, about 55% of the blood volume, consists of water, ions, various plasma proteins, nutrients, waste products, respiratory gases, and hormones, while the cellular elements include red and white blood cells and platelets. 

•         Blood plasma is about 90% water.

•         Dissolved in the plasma are a variety of ions, sometimes referred to as blood electrolytes,

•         These are important in maintaining osmotic balance of the blood and help buffer the blood.

•         Also, proper functioning of muscles and nerves depends on the concentrations of key ions in the interstitial fluid, which reflects concentrations in the plasma.

•         Plasma carries a wide variety of substances in transit from one part of the body to another, including nutrients, metabolic wastes, respiratory gases, and hormones.

•         The plasma proteins have many functions.

•         Collectively, they acts as buffers against pH changes, help maintain osmotic balance, and contribute to the blood’s viscosity.

•         Some specific proteins transport otherwise-insoluble lipids in the blood.

•         Other proteins, the immunoglobins or antibodies, help combat viruses and other foreign agents that invade the body.

•         Fibrinogen proteins help plug leaks when blood vessels are injured.

•         Blood plasma with clotting factors removed is called serum. 

•         Suspended in blood plasma are two classes of cells: red blood cells which transport oxygen, and white blood cells, which function in defense.

•         A third cellular element, platelets, are pieces of cells that are involved in clotting.

•         Red blood cells, or erythrocytes, are by far the most numerous blood cells.

•         Each cubic millimeter of blood contains 5 to 6 million red cells, 5,000 to 10,000 white blood cells, and 250,000 to 400,000 platelets.

•         There are about 25 trillion red cells in the body’s 5 L of blood. 

•         The main function of red blood cells, oxygen transport, depends on rapid diffusion of oxygen across the red cell’s plasma membranes.

•         Human erythrocytes are small biconcave disks, presenting a great surface area.

•         Mammalian erythrocytes lack nuclei, an unusual characteristic that leaves more space in the tiny cells for hemoglobin, the iron-containing protein that transports oxygen.

•         Red blood cells also lack mitochondria and generate their ATP exclusively by anaerobic metabolism. 

•         An erythrocyte contains about 250 million molecules of hemoglobin.

•         Each hemoglobin molecule binds up to four molecules of O2.

•         Recent research has also found that hemoglobin also binds the gaseous molecule nitric oxide (NO).

•         As red blood cells pass through the capillary beds of lungs, gills, or other respiratory organs, oxygen diffuses into the erythrocytes and hemoglobin binds O2 and NO.

•         In the systemic capillaries, hemoglobin unloads oxygen and it then diffuses into body cells.

•         The NO relaxes the capillary walls, allowing them to expand, helping delivery of O2 to the cells. 

•         There are five major types of white blood cells, or leukocytes: monocytes, neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, and lymphocytes.

•         Their collective function is to fight infection.

•         For example, monocytes and neutrophils are phagocytes, which engulf and digest bacteria and debris from our own cells.

•         Lymphocytes develop into specialized B cells and T cells, which produce the immune response against foreign substances.

•         White blood cells spend most of their time outside the circulatory system, patrolling through interstitial fluid and the lymphatic system, fighting pathogens.

•         The third cellular element of blood, platelets, are fragments of cells about 2 to 3 microns in diameter.

•         They have no nuclei and originate as pinched-off cytoplasmic fragments of large cells in the bone marrow.

•         Platelets function in blood clotting.

•         Erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets all develop from a single population of cells, pluripotent stem cells, in the red marrow of bones, particularly the ribs, vertebrae, breastbone, and pelvis.

•         “Pluripotent” means that these cells have the potential to differentiate into any type of blood cells or cells that produce platelets.

•         This population renews itself while replenishing the blood with cellular elements.

•         A negative-feedback mechanism, sensitive to the amount of oxygen reaching the tissues via the blood, controls erythrocyte production.

•         If the tissues do not produce enough oxygen, the kidney converts a plasma protein to a hormone called erythropoietin, which stimulates production of erythrocytes.

•         If blood is delivering more oxygen than the tissues can use, the level of erythropoietin is reduced, and erythrocyte production slows.


3) Gas exchange

•         Gas exchange is the uptake of molecular oxygen (O2) from the environment and the discharge of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the environment.

•         While often called respiration, this process is distinct from, but linked to, the production of ATP in cellular respiration.

•         The part of an animal where gases are exchanged with the environment is the respiratory surface.

•         Movements of CO2 and O2 across the respiratory surface occurs entirely by diffusion.

•         The rate of diffusion is proportional to the surface area across which diffusion occurs, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance through which molecules must move.

•         Therefore, respiratory surfaces tend to be thin and have large areas, maximizing the rate of gas exchange.

•         In addition, the respiratory surface of terrestrial and aquatic animals are moist to maintain the cell membranes and thus gases must first dissolve in water.


3a) Gas exchange in fish

•         The flow pattern is countercurrent exchange.

•         As blood moves anteriorly in a gill capillary, it becomes more and more loaded with oxygen, but it simultaneously encounters water with even higher oxygen concentrations because it is just beginning its passage over the gills.

•         All along the gill capillary, there is a diffusion gradient favoring the transfer of oxygen from water to blood.


3b) Gas exchange on land (introduction)

•         In contrast to fish, most reptiles and all birds and mammals rely entirely on lungs for gas exchange.

•         Turtles may supplement lung breathing with gas exchange across moist epithelial surfaces in their mouth and anus.

•         Lungs and air-breathing have evolved in a few fish species as adaptations to living on oxygen-poor water or to spending time exposed to air.

•         The process of breathing, the alternate inhalation and exhalation of air, ventilates lungs.

•         A frog ventilates its lungs by positive pressure breathing.

•         During a breathing cycle, muscles lower the floor of the oral cavity, enlarging it and drawing in air through the nostrils.

•         With the nostrils and mouth closed, the floor of the oral cavity rises and air is forced down the trachea.

•         Elastic recoil of the lungs, together with compression of the muscular body wall, forces air back out of the lungs during exhalation.

•         In contrast, mammals ventilate their lungs by negative pressure breathing.

•         This works like a suction pump, pulling air instead of pushing it into the lungs.

•         Muscle action changes the volume of the rib cage and the chest cavity, and the lungsfollow suit.


•         Since the lungs do not completely empty and refill with each breath cycle, newly inhaled air is mixed with oxygen-depleted residual air.

•         Therefore, the maximum oxygen concentration in the alveoli is considerably less than in the atmosphere.

•         This limits the effectiveness of gas exchange.

•         Ventilation is much more complex in birds than in mammals.

•         Besides lungs, birds have eight or nine air sacs that do not function directly in gas exchange, but act as bellows that keep air flowing through the lungs.

•         The system in birds completely exchanges the air in the lungs with every breath.

•         Therefore, the maximum lung oxygen concentrations are higher in birds than in mammals.

•         Partly because of this efficiency advantage, birds perform much better than mammals at high altitude.

•         For example, while human mountaineers experience tremendous difficulty obtaining oxygen when climbing the Earth’s highest peaks, several species of birds easily fly over the same mountains during migration.


3c) Control of gas exchange

•         Mammal breathing control centers are located in two brain regions, the medulla oblongata and the pons.

•         Aided by the control center in the pons, the medulla’s center sets basic breathing rhythm, triggering contraction of the diaphragm and rib muscles.

•         A negative-feedback mechanism via stretch receptors prevents our lungs from overexpanding by inhibiting the breathing center in the medulla.

•         The medulla’s control center monitors the CO2 level of the blood and regulated breathing activity appropriately.

•         Its main cues about CO2 concentration come from slight changes in the pH of the blood and cerebrospinal fluid bathing the brain.

•         Carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid, which lowers the pH.

•         When the control center registers a slight drop in pH, it increases the depth and rate of breathing, and the excess CO2 is eliminated in exhaled air.

•         Oxygen concentrations in the blood usually have little effect of the breathing control centers.

•         However, when the O2 level is severely depressed - at high altitudes, for example, O2 sensors in the aorta and carotid arteries in the neck send alarm signals to the breathing control centers, which respond by increasing breathing rate.

•         Normally, a rise in CO2 concentration is a good indicator of a fall in O2 concentrations, because these are linked by the same process  - cellular respiration.

•         However, deep, rapid breathing purges the blood of so much CO2 that the breathing center temporarily ceases to send impulses to the rib muscles and diaphragm.

•         The breathing center responds to a variety of nervous and chemical signals and adjusts the rate and depth of breathing to meet the changing demands of the body.

•         However, breathing control is only effective if it is coordinated with control of the circulatory system, so that there is a good match between lung ventilation and the amount of blood flowing through alveolar capillaries.

•         For example, during exercise, cardiac output is matched to the increased breathing rate, which enhances O2 uptake and CO2 removal as blood flows through the lungs.

•         For a gas, whether present in air or dissolved in water, diffusion depends on differences in a quantity called partial pressure, the contribution of a particular gas to the overall total.

•         At sea level, the atmosphere exerts a total pressure of 760 mm Hg.

•         Since the atmosphere is 21% oxygen (by volume), the partial pressure of oxygen (abbreviated PO2) is 0.21 x 760, or about 160 mm Hg.

•         The partial pressure of CO2 is only 0.23 mm Hg.

•         Blood arriving at the lungs via the pulmonary arteries has a lower PO2 and a higher PCO2 than the air in the alveoli.

•         As blood enters the alveolar capillaries, CO2 diffuses from blood to the air within the alveoli, and oxygen in the alveolar air dissolves in the fluid that coats the epithelium and diffuses across the surface into the blood.

•         By the time blood leaves the lungs in the pulmonary veins, its PO2 have been raised and its PCO2 has been lowered.

•         In the tissue capillaries, gradients of partial pressure favor the diffusion of oxygen out of the blood and carbon dioxide into the blood.

•         Cellular respiration removes oxygen from and adds carbon dioxide to the interstitial fluid by diffusion, and from the mitochondria in nearby cells.

•         After the blood unloads oxygen and loads carbon dioxide, it is returned to the heart and pumped to the lungs again, where it exchanges gases with air in the alveoli.

•         The low solubility of oxygen in water is a fundamental problem for animals that rely on the circulatory systems for oxygen delivery.

•         Most animals transport most of the O2 bound to special proteins called respiratory pigments instead of dissolved in solution.

•         Respiratory pigments, often contained within specialized cells, circulate with the blood.

•         The presence of respiratory pigments increases the amount of oxygen in the blood to about 200 mL of O2 per liter of blood.

•         Like all respiratory pigments, hemoglobin must bind oxygen reversibly, loading oxygen at the lungs or gills and unloading it in other parts of the body.

•         Loading and unloading depends on cooperation among the subunits of the hemoglobin molecule.

•         The binding of O2 to one subunit induces the remaining subunits to change their shape slightly such that their affinity for oxygen increases.

•         When one subunit releases O2, the other three quickly follow suit as a conformational change lowers their affinity for oxygen.

•         Cooperative oxygen binding and release is evident in the dissociation curve for hemoglobin.

•         Where the dissociation curve has a steep slope, even a slight change in PO2 causes hemoglobin to load or unload a substantial amount of O2.

•         As with all proteins, hemoglobin’s conformation is sensitive to a variety of factors.

•         For example, a drop in pH lowers the affinity of hemo-globin for O2, an effect called the Bohr shift.

•         Because CO2 reacts with water to form carbonic acid, an active tissue will lower the pH of its surroundings and induce hemoglobin to release more oxygen.

•         In addition to oxygen transport, hemoglobin also helps transport carbon dioxide and assists in buffering blood pH.

•         Carbon dioxide from respiring cells diffuses into the blood plasma and then into red blood cells, where some is converted to bicarbonate, assisted by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase.
