Lecture 21: Defenses against microorganisms and irregular cells


1) Introduction:

•         An animal must defend itself against dangerous viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens in the air, in food, and in water.

•         It must also deal with abnormal body cells, which, in some cases, may develop into cancer.

•         Three cooperative lines of defense have evolved to counter these threats.

•         The first line of nonspecific defense is external, consisting of epithelial cells that cover and line our bodies and the secretions they produce.

•         The second line of nonspecific defense is internal, involving phagocytic cells and antimicrobial proteins that indiscriminately attack invaders that penetrate the body’s outer barriers.

•         The third line of defense, the immune system, responds in a specific way to particular toxins, microorganisms, aberrant body cells, and other substances marked by foreign molecules.

•         Specific defensive proteins called antibodies are produced by lymphocytes.

2) Non-specific defense

•         Microbes that penetrate the first line of defense face the second line of defense, which depends mainly on phagocytosis, the ingestion of invading organisms by certain types of white cells.

•         The phagocytic cells called neutrophils constitute about 60%-70% of all white blood cells (leukocytes).

•         Cells damaged by invading microbes release chemical signals that attract neutrophils from the blood.

•         The neutrophils enter the infected tissue, engulfing and destroying microbes there.

•         The fixed macrophages in the spleen, lymph nodes, and other lymphatic tissues are particularly well located to contact infectious agents.

•         Interstitial fluid, perhaps containing pathogens, is taken up by lymphatic capillaries, and flows as lymph, eventually returning to the blood circulatory system.

•         Along the way, lymph must pass through numerous lymph nodes, where any pathogens present encounter macrophages and lymphocytes.

3) Immune system (acquired defense)

•         The vertebrate body is populated by two main types of lymphocytes: B lymphocytes (B cells) and T lymphocytes (T cells).

•         Both types of lymphocytes circulate throughout the blood and lymph and are concentrated in the spleen, lymph nodes, and other lymphatic tissue.

•         Because lymphocytes recognize and respond to particular microbes and foreign molecules, they are said to display specificity.

•         A foreign molecule that elicits a specific response by lymphocytes is called an antigen.

•         Antigens include molecules belonging to viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, parasitic worms, and nonpathogens like pollen and transplanted tissue.

•         B cells and T cells specialize in different types of antigens, and they carry out different, but complementary, defensive actions.

•         B and T cells recognize specific antigens through their plasma membrane-bound antigen receptors.

•         Antigen receptors on a B cell are transmembrane versions of antibodies and are often referred to as membrane antibodies (or membrane immunoglobins).

•         The antigen receptors on a T cell, called T cell receptors, are structurally related to membrane antibodies, but are never produced in a secreted form.

•         A single T or B lymphocyte bears about 100,000 receptors for antigen, all with exactly the same specificity.

•         The particular structure of a lymphocyte’s receptors is determined by genetic events that occur during its early development.

•         As an unspecialized cell differentiates into a B or T lymphocyte, segments of antibody genes or receptor genes are linked together by a type of genetic recombination, generating a single functional gene for each polypeptide of an antibody or receptor protein.

•         This process, which occurs before any contact with foreign antigens, creates an enormous variety of B and T cells in the body, each bearing antigen receptors of particular specificity.

•         This allows the immune system to respond to millions of antigens, and thus millions of potential pathogens.

•         The selective proliferation and differentiation of lymphocytes that occur the first time the body is exposed to an antigen is the primary immune response.

•         About 10 to 17 days are required from the initial exposure for the maximum effector cell response.

•         During this period, selected B cells and T cells generate antibody-producing effector B cells, called plasma cells, and effector T cells, respectively.

•         While this response is developing, a stricken individual may become ill, but symptoms of the illness diminish and disappear as antibodies and effector T cells clear the antigen from the body.

•         A second exposure to the same antigen at some later time elicits the secondary immune response.

•         This response is faster (only 2 to 7 days), of greater magnitude, and more prolonged.

•         In addition, the antibodies produced in the secondary response tend to have greater affinity for the antigen than those secreted in the primary response.

•         Lymphocytes, like all blood cells, originate from pluripotent stem cells in the bone marrow or liver of a developing fetus.

•         Lymphocytes do not react to most self antigens, but T cells do have a crucial interaction with one important group of native molecules.

•         These are a collections of cell surface glycoproteins encoded by a family of genes called the major histocompatibility complex (MHC).

•         Two main classes of MHC molecules mark body cells as self.

•         The immune system can mount two types of responses to antigens: a humoral response and a cell-mediated response.

•         Humoral immunity involves B cell activation and results from the production of antibodies that circulate in the blood plasma and lymph.

•         Circulating antibodies defend mainly against free bacteria, toxins, and viruses in the body fluids.

•         In cell-mediated immunity, T lymphocytes attack viruses and bacteria within infected cells and defend against fungi, protozoa, and parasitic worms.

•         They also attack “nonself” cancer and transplant cells


•         To review, the immune responses of B and T lymphocytes exhibit four attributes that characterize the immune system as a whole: specificity, diversity, memory, and the ability to distinguish self from nonself.

•         A critical component of the immune response is the MHC.

•         Proteins encoded by this gene complex display a combination of self (MHC molecule) and nonself (antigen fragment) that is recognized by specific T cells


•         The humoral immune response is initiated when B cells bearing antigen receptors are selected by binding with specific antigens.

3) Immunity and Disease

•         Immunity conferred by recovering from an infectious disease such as chicken pox is called active immunity because it depends on the response of the infected person’s own immune system.

•         Active immunity can be acquired naturally or artificially, by immunization, also known as vaccination.

•         Vaccines include inactivated toxins, killed microbes, parts of microbes, and viable but weakened microbes.

•         These no longer cause disease, but they can act as antigens, stimulating an immune response, and more important, immunological memory.

•         A vaccinated person who encounters the actual pathogen will have the same quick secondary response based on memory cells as a person who has had the disease.

•         Routine immunization of infants and children has dramatically reduced the incidence of infectious diseases such as measles and whooping cough, and has led to the eradication of smallpox, a viral disease.

•         Unfortunately, not all infectious agents are easily managed by vaccination.

•         For example, although researchers are working intensively to develop a vaccine for HIV, they face many problems, such as antigenic variability.

•         The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is responsible for stimulating the rejection of tissue grafts and organ transplants.

•         Because MHC creates a unique protein fingerprint for each individual, foreign MHC molecules are antigenic, inducing immune responses against the donated tissue or organ.

•         To minimize rejection, attempts are made to match MCH of tissue donor and recipient as closely as possible.

•         In the absence of identical twins, siblings usually provide the closest tissue-type match.

•         Allergies are hypersensitive (exaggerated) responses to certain environmental antigens, called allergens.

•         One hypothesis to explain the origin of allergies is that they are evolutionary remnants of the immune system’s response to parasitic worms.

•         The humoral mechanism that combats worms is similar to the allergic response that causes such disorders as hay fever and allergic asthma.

•         Sometimes the immune system loses tolerance for self and turns against certain molecules of the body, causing one of many autoimmune diseases.

•         In systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus), the immune system generates antibodies against all sorts of self molecules, including histamines.

•         Lupus is characterized by skin rashes, fever, arthritis, and kidney dysfunction.

•         Rheumatoid arthritis leads to damage and painful inflammation of the cartilage and bone of joints.

•         In insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas are the targets of autoimmune cell-mediated responses.

•         Healthy immune system function appears to depend on both the endocrine system and the nervous system.

•         For example, hormones secreted by the adrenal glands during stress affect the number of white blood cells and may suppress the immune system in other ways.

•         Similarly, some neurotransmitters secreted when we are relaxed and happy may enhance immunity.

•         Physiological evidence also points to an immune system-nervous system link based on the presence of neurotransmitter receptors on the surfaces of lymphocytes and a network of nerve fibers that penetrates deep into the thymus.

In 1983, a retrovirus, now called human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), had been identified as the causative agent of AIDS.

•         There are two major strains of the virus, HIV-1 and HIV-2.

•         HIV-1 is the more widely distributed and more virulent.

•         Both strains infect cells that bear CD4 molecules, especially helper T cells and class II MCH-bearing antigen-presenting cells, but also macrophages, some lymphocytes and some brain cells.

•         CD4 functions as the major receptor for the virus.

•         The immune system engages in a prolonged battle against HIV.

(1) The immune response diminishes the initial viral load, but HIV continues to replicate in lymphatic tissue.

(2) Viral load gradually rises as HIV is released from lymphatic tissue and helper T cell levels decrease.

(3) This results in extensive loss of humoral and cell-mediated immunity.