Lecture 32 (Population ecology)


1.  A population is a group of individuals of a single species that simultaneously occupy the same general area.

•         The characteristics of populations are shaped by the interactions between individuals and their environment.


2.  Two important characteristics of any population are density and the spacing of individuals

•         Populations have size and geographical boundaries.

•         The density of a population is measured as the number of individuals per unit area.

•         The dispersion of a population is the pattern of spacing among individuals within the geographic boundaries.

•         Measuring density of populations is a difficult task.

•         We can count individuals; we can estimate population numbers.

•         One sampling technique that researchers use is known as the mark-recapture method.

•         Individuals are trapped in an area and captured, marked with a tag, recorded, and then released.

•         After a period of time has elapsed, traps are set again, and individuals are captured and identified.

•         This information allows estimates of population changes to be made.

•         Patterns of dispersion.

•         Within a population’s geographic range, local densities may vary considerably.

•         Different dispersion patterns result within the range.

•         Overall, dispersion depends on resource distribution.

•         Clumped dispersion is when individuals aggregate in patches.

•         By contrast, uniform dispersion is when individuals are evenly spaced.

•         In random dispersion, the position of each individual is independent of the others.


3.  Demography is the study of factors that affect the growth and decline
of populations


•         Additions occur through birth, and subtractions occur through death.

•         Demography studies the vital statistics that affect population size.

•         Life tables and survivorship curves.

•         A life table is an age-specific summary of the survival pattern of a population.

•         A graphic way of representing the data from a life table is with a survivorship curve.

•         This is a plot of the number of individuals in a cohort still alive at each age.

•         A Type I curve shows a low death rate early in life (humans).

•         The Type II curve shows constant mortality (squirrels).

•         Type III curve shows a high death rate early in life (oysters).


4. The traits that affect an organism’s schedule of reproduction and survival make up its life history.

•         Life-histories represent an evolutionary resolution of several conflicting demands.

•         Sometimes we see trade-offs between survival and reproduction when resources are limited.


5.  Population growth models:

a) The exponential model of population growth describes an idealized population in an unlimited environment

•         Using mathematical notation we can express this relationship as follows:

•         If N represents population size, and t represents time, then DN is the change is population size and Dt represents the change in time, then:

•         DN/Dt = B-D

•         Where B is the number of births and D is the number of deaths

•         We can simplify the equation and use r to represent the difference in per capita birth and death rates.

•         DN/Dt = rN  OR  dN/dt = rN

•         If B = D then there is zero population growth (ZPG).

•         Under ideal conditions, a population grows rapidly.

•         Exponential population growth is said to be happening

•         Under these conditions, we may assume the maximum growth rate for the population (rmax) to give us the following  exponential growth

•         dN/dt = rmaxN


b) The logistic model of population growth incorporates the concept of carrying capacity

•         Typically, unlimited resources are rare.

•         Population growth is therefore regulated by carrying capacity (K), which is the maximum stable population size a particular environment can support.

•         dN/dt = rmaxN((K-N)/K)

•         The logistic population growth model and life histories.

•         This model predicts different growth rates for different populations, relative to carrying capacity.

•         Resource availability depends on the situation.

•         The life history traits that natural selection favors may vary with population density and environmental conditions.

•         In K-selection, organisms live and reproduce around K, and are sensitive to population density.

•         In r-selection, organisms exhibit high rates of reproduction  and occur in variable environments in which population densities fluctuate well below K.


6.  Negative feedback sometimes prevents unlimited population growth

•         Density-dependent factors increase their affect on a population as population
density increases.

•         This is a type of negative feedback.

•         Density-independent factors are unrelated to population density, and there is no
feedback to slow population growth.


7. Population dynamics reflect a complex interaction of biotic and abiotic influences


8. Some populations have regular boom-and-bust cycles


9.  The human population has been growing almost exponentially for three centuries but cannot do so indefinitely

•         The Demographic Transition.

•         A regional human population can exist in one of 2 configurations.

•         Zero population growth = high birth rates – high death rates.

•         Zero population growth = low birth rates – low death rates.

•         Age structure.

•         Age structure is the relative number of individuals of each age.

•         Age structure diagrams can reveal a population’s growth trends, and can point to future social conditions.


10.  Estimating Earth’s carrying capacity for humans is a complex problem

•         Wide range of estimates for carrying capacity.

•         What is the carrying capacity of Earth for humans?

•         This question is difficult to answer.

•         Estimates are usually based on food, but human agriculture limits assumptions on available amounts.

•         Ecological footprint.

•         Humans have multiple constraints besides food.

•         The concept an of ecological footprint uses the idea of multiple constraints.

•         For each nation, we can calculate the aggregate land and water area in various ecosystem categories.

•         Six types of ecologically productive areas are distinguished in calculating the ecological footprint:

•         Land suitable for crops.

•         Pasture.

•         Forest.

•         Ocean.

•         Built-up land.

•         Fossil energy land.