LLT 180-1 SP 10                                                                                Name:

Vlad Dracula: Discussion Questions


Book II: Prince

Chapter 16: August 1461 Castle Dracula

1.       Vlad and the Draguli army prepare to set out against the Turks.  While outside the castle the soldiers and their families partake of a farewell feast, inside the castle walls Vlad stands with Prasha.  Prasha is suffering from the “black bile” again, what is the cause for this bout of  melancholia? 


2.       In this chapter we learn the fate of Chalil, the merchant spy, to whom Vlad swore that “he would not fear death” at Vlad’s hands.  What was Chalil’s fate?


3.      Though messages have been sent to both Hungary and Moldavia to join this “Crusade”, neither country has come to join Vlad.  So, Vlad sends more messengers.  Why does Vlad believe that Hungary will answer his call to war?


4.      Why does Vlad believe that Stephen will eventually join him in war?


Chapter 17: February 1462 Giurgui

1.       Does Volinos’s double-dealing treachery pay off?  What were the results of Vlad’s meeting to parlay with the Hamza Pasha and the Turks at Giurgui?



Chapter 18: May 1462 The Danube River

1.       Vlad’s army has swept through Turkish strongholds up and down the Danube River (the border of between Romania and the Turkish Empire).  The Pope (Pope Pius II) has sent money to all the Christian lands bordering the Turkish Empire to aid Vlad in his Crusade.  As of yet, no country has joined Vlad Dracula, though Hungary and others have accepted the Pope’s money.

a.       How many men compose Mohammed’s armies in their “Jihad”?


b.      Vlad’s crusading army is composed of how many men? 



2.      The following are Vlad’s commanders, what details do you recall with regard to each commander? 

a.       Wilk (artillery)


b.      Cirstian (calvary)


c.       Gales (infantry)



3.      Mohammed prepares to land his army.  How did this first battle between the Turks and the Wallachians play out?


Chapter 19:  June 1462

1.       Which army is forced to retreat in Chapter 19?  Why?



2.      What is the ‘battle cry’ of Vlad and the Wallachian army?


3.      What is the Turkish ‘battle cry’?


Chapter 20:

1.      What ‘new weapons’ does Vlad intend to unleash against the Turks?


Chapter 21:

1.       What other tricks does Vlad use against Mohammed’s Turkish armies?



2.      What secret weapon did Mohammed use upon the Wallachians at the end of chapter 21?


Chapter 22:

1.       What effect did Mohammed expect that his secret weapon (question #2 above) to have on the Wallachian army?



2.      What effect did it actually have?




3.      Vlad’s tactics are having a great deal of effect on Mohammed.  What kind of thoughts, questions run through the mind of Mohammed in chapter 22?

4.      With Mohammed’s fears clouding his judgment, Radu sees an opportunity to take charge.  Radu comes up with three (3) ideas at the end of this chapter, what are these ideas?






Chapter 23

1.       Ali Hamed was sent to into the Wallachian army by the Turks.  What was his mission?


2.      Who was Giorgi?


3.      What advice does Ali Hamed offer Vlad?


4.      Why would Ali Hamed, a man trusted and favored by the Sultan Mohammed, be willing to help Vlad and the Wallachians?


5.      Vlad intends to attack the Turkish army in their encampment.  Which of Vlad’s commanders seems to balk at this idea and why?


Chapter 24: June 17, 1462

1.       Vlad divides his army and sends them to surround the Turkish camp at night.  Despite all odds, Dracula was able to launch this pre-emptive attack successfully at first, with a little inside help from whom?


2.      After initial success, what happens to force Vlad and the Wallachian army to launch a full scale  retreat?



Chapter 25:

1.       The Turkish armies gather into battle formation and set out in pursuit of Vlad and the Wallachian army.  Who is leading this pursuit, and to where does he leading them?


2.      What effect did this ‘Forest’ have on Mohammed?



Chapter 26:

1.       Through a vision/dream, Mohammed seems to have taken heart in his chances for success over Vlad Dracula, the Kaziglu.  Then a messenger comes to report the newest problem facing the Turkish army, which was what?


2.      What does Mohammed finally decided to do about the Dracula war?


Chapter 27: November 1462

1.       “The war is over.”  Begins chapter 27. Vlad and the remains of his army retreat to Castle Dracula.  What do we learn with regard to Cousin Stephen of Moldavia?


2.      What do we learn of Mattias of Hungary?


3.      Who do both the Moldavians and the Hungarians now acknowledge as voevode of Wallachia?


4.      What does the new voevode offer the Wallachians, even the Draguli (except, of course, for Vlad and his commanders)?


5.      What does Vlad think of and do about this offer?


6.      What becomes of Vlad Dracula’s family at the end of chapter 27?


a.       Prasha:


b.      Vlad’s son:


c.       Vlad, himself: