LLT 325           Review terms for quiz 1:
Be able to comment briefly  on the following:
            Myceneans and Minoans
            Homeric Society: the pre-legal predicament of Telemachus
            The world according to Herodotus (rough free-hand map ?): 
approximate location of Miletus (Ionia), Sardis (Lydia), Susa, Athens, Corinth, Sparta.
            Pattern of political development in the major Greek states:  
poleis (plural of polis) coalesce (9th-8th cc.).  
Aristocracies dominant (e.g. Bacchiadai at Corinth);
 rise of tyrannies  and overthrow (7th-6th cc.--see Chronology).
Aristocratic councils at Corinth, Athens (Areopagus), and Sparta (Gerousia), 
alongside citizen assemblies.
Herodotus Book 1.
            Mythic causes of Greco-Persian conflict
            Caudaules and Gyges
            Croesus and Solon
            Cleobis and Biton
            Atys and Adrastus
            Oracle of Apollo at Delphi (responses to Croesus)
            Pisistratus at Athens **
            Lycurgus at Sparta
            Persian Capture of Sardis
            Rise of Cyrus
Customs of the Persians: 
            Herodotus' model of Persian national character, compared to Lydians and others.
Herodotus Books 2-3.
            Customs of Egypt (142-72): what defining characteristics?  
            Contrast Persian and Egyptian religion, ethical values. Social and political structure.
            Egyptian origins of Greek gods (be able to give a few examples, 
e.g. Athena = Neith; Dionysus=Osiris).  ? et al.)
Coup against Cambyses  (Smerdis the Magus)
Persian debate on forms of Government:  
            What were the respective views of Otanes, Megabyzus, Darius? 
             Compare the tale of Deioces (from Book 1; origin of Medean kingship)
Herodotus Books 5-6:  Ionian revolt and Greek national character.
            What does Herodotus believe about the origins of the principal Greek tribes?
Heroic ancestry of Sparta, Athens--and what of the Pelasgians?
            Histiaeus and Aristagoras
            Cleomenes (king of Sparta)
            Tyrants expelled at Athens  (connect with tale of Pisistratus in Bk. 1)
            Cleisthenes (of the Alcmeonidae)
            Cypselus and Periander at Corinth
            Aristagoras enlists Athenian aid
            Sack of Sardis
            Battle of Lade  (Panionium and Ionian unity?)
            Fall of Miletus (494, and Athenian reaction)
            Miltiades I & II  (Athenian tyrants in the Chersonese)
            Trials of Miltiades II at Athens
            Double kingship at Sparta
            Demaratus and Leotychides
            Marathon (490)
Herodotus Books 7-8:    
Xerxes' decision for War: 'imperial imperative' 'til empire equals the sky! 
            views of Mardonius and Artabanus (value of planning; god strikes the highest)     
            army on the march, the bridge; the fate of Pythius and son.
How does Herodotus portray the Spartan and Athenian characters, respectively?
            [Curse of Talthybius and the mission of Sperchias and Bulis]
            Athens Saviors of Greece (passim)
            Roles of the other Greek states: Argos, Thebes, Plataea, Corinth
            Council at the Isthmus (competing strategies for defense of Hellas)
            Demaratus' advice to Xerxes      
            the oracle tells of the Wooden Wall
            Strategy of Themistocles at Artemisium; and at Salamis) 
debate with Eurybiades and Adeimantus ('man without a country); the trick of Sicinnus
            Persians on the Acropolis of Athens
            Artemisia, Mardonius; Xerxes withdraws
            Athens' answer to the Persian rapprochement (plea of Alexander)
Book 9, Pausanias and the battle of Plataea.
Describe Herodotus' view of the World Order--Divine intervention and Human Design.
 Be able to cite a few incidents that illustrate.