LLT 325 Study Guide -- Quiz 2

1) Review the historical outline. Be able to put the chief events of the Athenian Empire in chronological order (or date approximately to decade).

e.g. Founding of the League,Removal of the Treasury to Athens;

Periclean building program. (Parthenon and Propylaia)

Revolt of Naxos, Thasos, Samos, Potidaia;

Peace with Persia; with Sparta

Additional dates from discussion: (Peloponnesian War 431-404)

430-29 (second year of the war)

Plague strikes Athens,Death of Pericles (late 429);

428-27 Revolt of Mitylene;

Athenian decree for andrapodismos voted and repealed.

425-4 Athenians seize Pylos (near Sparta), capture elite Spartan troops; Brasidas makes surprise attack on Amphipolis; Thucydides exiled.

421 Peace of Nicias

416 Conquest of Melos

415-413 Sicilian Expedition.

Sparta resumes siege of Athens 413.


2) Be able to summarize the broad artistic and intellectual developments. How does this reflect changed world view? Illustrate with specific examples.

Early classical development: from static, 'orientalizing' pose ('archaic smile') to more realistic expression, suggestion of motion, etc.

Archaic kouros (e.g. Cleobis and Biton; cf. NE palace sculpture);

Temple of Aphaia at Aegina

Rhythmos (as illustrated in the Diskobolos of Myron)

High Classical: Protagoras' "Man the Measure": Anaxagoras' Nous

Parthenon; Iktinos and Pheidias Pediment, Metopes and Frieze (what themes?)

Post-Periclean: ornate decoration

Gorgias the rhetorician (On Not Being, Helen)

Temple of Athena Nike



3) Be able to give plot summaries and identify characters for each of the Tragedies we've read: Sophocles Ajax, Trachiniae, and Electra.


4) Be able to summarize briefly the context and 'necessary arguments' for the passages from Thucydides:

Congress at Sparta (Readings #3: Corinthians and Athenians assess national character)

Pericles' Funeral Oration (Athens the 'education of Hellas'; "Feast your eyes upon [Athens] 'til love of her fills your heart.")

Debate on Mitylene: Cleon and Diodotus

Melian Dialogue

Sicilian Debate: Nicias and Alcibiades (and aftemath: Religious scandal and fear of conspiracy: mutilation of Herms and profanation of Mysteries)

Alcibiades at Sparta