verb stem

personal endings

contracted form






‘ + ω  -->       I

‘ + εις --> εῖς  (you)

+ ει ----> εῖ  (s/he) 

-ε -----> ει   (command)

καλῶ, οἰκῶ, πονῶ, φιλῶ

καλεῖς, οἰκεῖς, πονεῖς, φιλεῖς

καλεῖ, οἰκεῖ, πονεῖ, φιλεῖ

  κάλει,   πόνει,   φίλει


These are ‘vowel-stem’ verbs—specifically ‘e-stems’—which means that the personal endings

 join with a vowel and (typically) contract with it.

The most notable differences are:

(1) the endings bear the accent, except in the imperative/command.

(2) the imperative ends up with an ending that looks deceptively like the 3rd singular

 (s/he) forms, distinguished only by the accent


Now for practice, (1) Memorize the list (using first-person, -ω).

(2) Then do the exercise (as much from memory as possible)


You are working _______

he is living _________

I am calling ________

(you) Work!  _________

s/he loves _________

you are living _________

Love! (imperative)  _________

she is working _________

he calls_________

Call  _________


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