Bellum Catilinae 6-26


Key verbs (that may have gotten rusty):


ad-ipiscor, -ipisci, ad-eptus – obtain, gain, achieve

augeo, augēre, auxi, auctum –  grow, enlarge (transitive)

con-fido, -fidere, con-fisus – trust (in) + dat.

cresco, crescere, crēvi, crētum – grow, increase (intransitive)

            ~ alo/alesco, -ere, alui

experior, experīri, expertus – try, prove, test

in-suesco, -suescere, in-suēvi – be accustomed to, be used to (+ dat. or ad)

            ~ soleo, solēre, solui

inter-eo, -īre, -i(v)i – die, perish

mercor, mercāri, mercātus – buy, purchase

miror, mirari, mirātus – wonder at, admire

orior, orīri,  ortus – arise, appear, originate

parco, parcere, peperci, parsurus – save, spare, show mercy (usually + dat.)

praebeo, praebēre,  praebui, praebitum – provide, grant

 pro-pello, pellere, pro-puli, -pulsum – drive forward, drive out

            cf. per-pello – strike, compel

utor, uti, usus – use, make use of (+ abl.)



Gerunds and Gerundives. Study the following (and add to the list as we go along):


magis dandīs quam accipiendīs beneficiīs – more by giving than receiving favors.

conservandae libertatis atque augendae reī publicae (causā)

            – (for the sake of) preserving liberty and enlarging the republic

opprimendae reī publicae consilium – a plan for overthrowing the government

cavendum = (taking) caution

multa pollicendo – by promising many things