[the ghost of Darius laments the ruin of Xerxes force]  

.....A  calamity [760] dreadful and unforgettable has been caused by him, 
a desolating calamity such as never before befell this city of Susa
 since our Lord Zeus first ordained that one ruler should bear sway
 over all Asia with its flocks and wield the sceptre of its government. 
[765] For Medus was first to be the leader of its host; and another, his son, 
completed his work since wisdom ruled his spirit. 
Third, after him, Cyrus, blessed  in good fortune, came to the throne
 and established peace for all his people. 
[770] The Lydians and Phrygians he won to his rule, and the whole of
 Ionia he subdued by force; for he won the favor of the gods through his right-mindedness. 
Fourth in succession, the son of Cyrus ruled the host.
Fifth in the list, Mardus came to power, a disgrace to his native land
 [775] and to the ancient throne; but he was slain in his palace by the guile of
                     noble Artaphrenes, with the help of friends whose duty this was. 
[Sixth came Maraphis, and seventh Artaphrenes.1 ] 
And I [Darius] in turn attained the lot I  desired,
 [780] and many a campaign I made with a valiant force; but disaster so dire as this I brought not upon the state.
 Yet Xerxes my son, youth that he is, has the mind of youth
 and does not remember my injunctions. Be sure of this, my age-mates:
 [785] all of us who have held this sovereign power cannot be shown to have wrought ruin as great as this.


       What then, O king Darius? What is the intention of your words?
 How, after this reverse, may we, the people of Persia, best prosper in time to come?


                     [790] If you do not take the field against the Hellenes' land, even if the forces of the Medes
 outnumber theirs. The land itself is their ally.


                     What do you mean? In what way , "their ally"?


                     It wastes with famine an enemy force which is too large.


                     [795] But we will dispatch a force of select and easily managed troops.


                     Not even the host which now remains in Hellas will be able to return to safety.


                     How is that? Will not the whole barbarian army cross from Europe over the Hellespont?


                     [800] Few indeed out of many, if it is right to put any faith in the oracles of Heaven, 
with regard to what has just been brought to pass; for they are fulfilled, not just some, while others fail. 
And if this is truth, it is through persuasion of vain hopes that he is leaving behind a body of picked   troops.
 [805] They are now lingering where the plain is watered by the stream of Asopus which nourishes Boeotia's fields. 
Here they will meet  their crowning disaster in requital for their presumptuous pride and impious thoughts. 
For, on reaching the land of Hellas, [810] restrained by no religious awe, they ravaged the images of the gods
 and set fire to their temples. Altars have been destroyed, statues of the gods have been thrown from their bases 
in utter ruin and confusion. Therefore, since they wrought such evil, evil they suffer in no less measure; and other evils 
are still in store: [815] the spring of their woes is not yet quenched, but it still wells forth. 
For so great will be the mass of clotted gore spilled by the Dorian lance upon Plataean soil that heaps of dead will reveal, 
even to the third generation, a voiceless record for the eyes of men [820] that mortal man should not vaunt himself excessively. 
For presumptuous pride, when it has matured, bears as its fruit a crop of calamity, from which it reaps an
                     abundant harvest of tears.

                     Bear in mind that such are the penalties for deeds like these, and hold Athens and Hellas in your memory.
 Let no one of you, [825] through  disdain of present fortune and lust for more, squander his abundant wealth.
 Zeus, in truth, is a chastiser of overweening pride and corrects with    heavy hand. 
Therefore, now that my son has been warned to be prudent by the voice of God, [830] instruct him with admonitions of reason 
to   cease from drawing the punishment of Heaven on himself by his vaunting rashness. 
And as for you, beloved and venerable mother of Xerxes,  withdraw to the palace and bring from there clothing
 which is suitable for him, and prepare to meet your son. 
For [835] through grief at his misfortunes, the embroidered apparel which he was wearing has been torn into tattered shreds. 
Soothe him with words of kindness; for it is to your voice alone, I know, that he will listen. As for me, I depart to the darkness
 beneath the earth. [840] Farewell, Elders, and despite your troubles, rejoice while each day is yours; for wealth does not profit 
the dead at all. 
The ghost of Darius descends