A rough outline of parallel myths treated in Burkert ch. 5.







Great Mother and her young guy

Inanna returns from the Dead with gang of gallu to demand Dumuzi go in her place, for his betrayal.

Cybele/Kubaba (cult at Pessinus*): bi-gendered Cybele castrates herself (becoming solely female, Agdistis);

Attis spawned from the male part; Agdistis is obsessed with him

Panyasis’ version of the Adonis story:

Aphrodite loves Adonis as a beautiful child; she lays him in a casket and lodges him with Persephone, among the dead.

Burkert’s theory links Hippolytus with archetypal hunter in service of the Mistress of Beasts (~Artemis)


[horse sacrifice to win bounty of the sea?]

rejection and replacement

Geshtinanna replaces Dumuzi for half the year; thus he returns half the year (to Inanna) 

shared by the living and the dead

Attis plans to marry a princess, but Agdistis crashes the party.

Attis castrates himself (and dies) to escape.

Eunuch priests called galloi serve ‘the Great Mother’

Persephone refuses to give him up, agrees to release him 2/3 of the year.


Conventional version:

Adonis favors Artemis, dies on the hunt.

Hippolytus loved by Phaedra, rejects her for Artemis.

Phaedra designs his death.


* Late report by Arnobius makes Agdistis the spawn of Zeus from rock, when he is rejected by Cybele;  Ag. is castrated by Dionysus.