Essential vocab. Ch. 3:


Pûbês, puberis (adj.) =grown up, at (young) maturity  (not to be confused with noun pubes, pubis)


Incolumis, -e  (adj.) = unhurt, whole


Tantisper = meanwhile, for so long


Muliebris, -e (adj)  =womanly, feminine


Gigno, gignere, genui, genitus = give birth, bring forth


Fundo, fundere, fudi, fusus = pour out, cause to run (route)


Audeo, audêre, ausus (semi-deponent) = dare (+ infinitive)


Amnis, -is  = river, stream

 ~ flumen, fluminis  (not to be confused with fulmen, -minis =thunderbolt)


Sepelio, -îre, îvi, sepultus  = bury


Collis, -is  = hill, ridge