Livy 1. 3.11-5: essential vocab. cont.


scelus, sceleris = crime, evil deed

inter-imo, -imere, -ēmi, emptus = 'do away with', kill

speciês, -ēi = appearance, pretense

ad-imo, imere = take away, deprive

e-do, edere, edidi, editus =give forth, deliver

vindico, -are = defend (in this case; often =claim, avenge)

tenuis, -e = thin, weak (-->tenuous)

de-stituo, de-stitui, destitutum = leave off, fail

praebeo, praebui, praebitus= offer, provide

pecus, pecoris =cattle, herd

.........(collective; not to be confused with pecus, pecudis, head of cattle)

ad-olesco, -olēvi = grow up, mature

robur, roboris = stength (of the oak)

onustus, -a, -um =burdened <-- onus, oneris

(5) solemne, -is, as a noun (from the adj,) = religious rite, sacred festival

tollo, tollere, sustuli, sub-latus =take up, rear

aperio, -īre, aperui, apertus = open up, reveal

tango, tangere, tetigi, tactus = touch