Marius to Caesar

C. Marius, a novus homo from Arpinum. Client of the Metelli

            against Jugurtha, consul 107

            cos. 104-100  against Teutones and Cimbri

            Legionary Reforms: greater enlistment of proletarii

                        ended class-laden division into ranks ('spearmen' vanguard etc.)

                        maniple of 2 centuries  gives way to 'cohort' of 6

Saturninus trib. in 100 forced through court of equestrians for political charges            

 now including maiestas   (~'treason/dereliction')

the younger Livius Drusus—son of Gracchus' rival!

            tribune for 91,  measure to enfranchise the Italians

            Drusus' death stirs  so-called  'Social  War' (91-88)

L. Cornelius Sulla elected cos. for 88,

            appointed commander for war with Mithridates

            challenged by tribune Sulpicius,

            Sulla marches on Rome with 6 legions,

            Sulpicius and Marius declared outlaws.

L. Cornelius Cinna cos. for 87, joined by Marius and Sertorius, controls Rome

Marius and Cinna then declared coss. for 86. Sulla exiled.

 Sulla returns victorious (83) and backed by loyal legions

            joined by M. Licinius Crassus (whose father slain in 87)

             Metellus Pius (the son of Marius' patron and foe)

            and Pompey  (at 23)  Sulla's most bloodthirsty henchman (adulescentulus carnifex)

Sulla 'dictator for drafting laws and restoring the republic'  

            Senatorial reforms: new members,  300 former equites, to total 600.

            curtailment of the tribunes... ineligible for further office!

            lex Villia annalis restored: 30 yrs old for quaestor, 39 for praetor, 42 for cos.          

                provincial commands regularized under senate control

            7 permanent courts/quaestiones for  major crimes (manned by senators)

Pompey victorious against Lepidus by Senatus Consultum Ultimum in 77;

            against Sertorius, who had established himself in Spain 83-71;

            against pirates in east Mediterranean (in the vacuum of a crippled foe) 66;

            and then against Mithridates 65-63;

The year 63 momentous in many ways: death of Mithridates,

            Caesar  pontifex maximus (backed by Crassus?).

             Cicero's consulship vs. Catilinarian conspiracy (backed by Crassus?).

'First Triumvirate' 60:   unlikely alliance of, Sulla's savage henchman (Pompey)   

            conqueror of Spartacus and backer of odd causes (Crassus)

             and the political heir of Marius (Caesar).