Service Log [in progress]




Technology Rep (for COAL Technology Committee)  2002-5 and 2007-present

Classroom allocation committee ('Space Jam')                  1999-present

Presentation at Foreign Language Day                        Sept. 19, 2001*

Spanish Search, Chair                                                      2000-2001

MCL Personnel Committee, Policy Statement

          Draftsman                                                              1999-2000

German Search                                                                Fall 1999

Mentoring  (Art Spisak and Carol Anne Costabile-Heming)       1997-2000*

[on leave Fall '97 to Spring '99]

German Search, Chair                                                Fall 1996


FLAM, Ozark Jubilee 1993                                        October 8-9, 1993

Presentation on Roman Numerals and Teaching Latin Number Words


Committee for  Guidelines on Tenure and Promotion                   1994


Merit Committee    (draftsman for new guidelines              1991-93


College and Interdisciplinary Programs

(College of Arts and Letters = COAL)


Technology Committee                                              2002-5,  2007 -present

Antiquities Colloquium (Interdisciplinary) presentation:

 'Keeping Woman in Her Place: ... the Civic Purpose of Tragedy'                                                                                                           October 2000*

Presentation to COAL Advisory Council                          October 1996

Antiquities Colloquium

    presentation, 'Mythic Justice and Justifiable Killing'                   April  1994

COAL Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee                    1994





Faculty Concerns Committee                                     fall 2000-05


Advisory Committee to Academic Affairs for NEH fellowships  fall 1999

Presidential Scholars Selection Committee                                 1991-7

    (review applications and interview candidates)


University Scholarship Committee (shaping policy)           1994-7


Committee on University Governance (contributing to NCA self-study)                   Secretary/Scribe                                                              1994-95*


Community Involvement


Phelps Neighborhood Association.                                 1992-7, 2001

       Active particularly in matters related to University Expansion and City                 Ordinances affecting the neighborhoods adjacent to campus

       Annual Earth-Day Clean-up

       Addressing City Council; Occasional Op-Ed for Springfield NewsLeader

       Occasional repair and maintenance for seniors in the neighborhood


Planning Committee for Phelps Neighborhood  Urban Conservation

District                                                                                      1993-4

       An ad hoc committee working with City Planning and Zoning, under the direction of Mary Lilly Smith, City Planner; with representatives from the University Administration, local realtors and residents, to draft ordinance proposals  and plan for UCD. Much that was proposed in this committee has been realized in the University's long-term plan for expansion, and in ordinances affecting the quality of student housing in the neighborhood.


Professional Service

Presider, paper session of the American Philological Assoc.

    meeting in Montreal                                                               Jan. 2006

Presider, paper session of the Classical Assoc. of Middle West and South

    meeting in St. Louis                                                      April, 2004

Steering Committee for three-year Colloquium on Greek Law,

    for the program of the American Philological Association           1994-6


Referee for affiliated Journals,                                          1992-present

    Classical Journal (Classical Association of Middle-West and South);

    Transactions of the American Philological Association

    Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies

    American Journal of Philology


Reviewer for Tenure and Promotion (at another university)              2008


 Editorial consultant to Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition, Bryan Garner editor, revised and proofed the appendix of Legal Maxims (esp. Latin)    1999


Consultant for Russell Versteeg, New England  School of Law (Boston) on his comparative study, Ancient Law.