Thor (Donar)   Thundergod


Loki  the trickster, companion of Thor



son of Odin & Jord

wife Sif

--> Modi & Magni


iconic stuff:

Mjollnir (hammer) belt and gloves

goat-cart (rechargeable)



vs. Thrym


vs. the builder of Asgard walls


vs. Hymir  (fishing for Midgard Serpent)


thwarted at Utgard



giant’s spawn


gender ambiguous


wife Sigyn (> mortal sons)

by giantess, he sired Fenris, Hel, and Midgard Serpent



Otter’s Ransom

gave birth to Sleipnir


jealous of Baldr (?) tricks Hodr with mistletoe


 bound with son’s entrails on sharp stones, beneath dripping venom

Ragnarok(r):  signs of kinslaying and incest,  Cataclysm

Loki breaks free, leads the Frost giants

Heimdall sounds Gjallar horn


Fenris vs. Odin, Fenris devours the Sun ...Tyr vs. Garm...

Thor slays Midgard Serpent, then dies

(Fire)Giants from Muspell

     led by Surtr, who slays Freyr and  burns the world


Sons of the gods survive: a second Sun rises. Vidarr slays Fenris

Magni and Modi inherit the hammer of Thor;

Baldr resurrected, reconciled with Hodr