LLT  121 			Myths of Fertility			Powell  Chh. 9-10

Ch. 9. The Great Goddess and her lost beloved
		Demeter and Persephone (Kore)
			Hymn to Demeter : be able to summarize the basic story.
				Hades abducts the maiden
					with Zeus's consent (and lure of narcissus)
					Hecate and Helius hear
				Demeter in disguise at Eleusis, as 'Doso'
					welcomed by Celeus, Metaneira, and daughters
						as nursemaid for Demophon
					comforted by Iambe and kykeon
					Demeter bathes Demophon in fire
						spell broken by Metaneira
				Cult at Eleusis founded in penance
				Zeus persuades Hades to release Persephone two seasons for one
					doomed to return by the pomegranate
					Note: Rosetti's Proserpina,   p. 232
		Interpretations:  	Agricultural allegory?
			Woman's predicament		Near Eastern parallels
		Ritual and Cult: Mysteries at Eleusis
			mystes  = initiate  and Telesterion
			Eumolpids and Kerykes
			'Greater Mysteries,' late September
				hiera  to Athens [convocation and baptism]
				fifth-day procession to Eleusis 

Eastern parallels: Inanna and Dumuzi
			vs. Ereshkegal (=Sumerian Persephone)
			cycle of death and rebirth
		Isis and Osiris
			vs. Seth/Typhon
			triumph of Horus
		Cybele and Attis
			Nana pregnant from the pomegranate
				gives birth to Attis
			Attis castrated  and resurrected

		Aphrodite and Adonis
			Pygmalion and Galatea
				son Paphos >> Cinyras >> Myrrha
					Adonis born from Myrrha
						dies on the boarhunt, resurrected in flower 

Ch. 10.    			Dionysus

 	Son of Semele, daughter of Cadmus,  given firey birth at Thebes
		infant Dionysus sheltered by Ino (=Leucothea)
		reared by nymphs of Nysa
			links with Cybele
	the entourage:  
		Maenads (=Bacchae) and Satyrs
			Sileni, and encounter with Midas
		Ariadne, bride of Dionysus
	opposition to the new cult: victims and martyrs
		Lycurgus in Thrace
		daughters of Minyas 
		daughters of Proetus 
		[Icarius at Athens]
	tales of power:
		captured by pirates

		triumphant return to Thebes
			vs. cousin Pentheus:		
						 Euripides'  Bacchae
			from the excerpt in Powell,  be able to give a brief plot summary
			identifying chief characters: 
				Pentheus 	 Cadmus	Agave
		Dionysus brings Semele from the dead (=Thyone)

	Interpretation: Bronze-age god, recast by oriental cult
		Cult of Dionysus
			vine and thyrsus
			ekstasis and enthousiasmos
			sparagmos and omophagia

			Tragedy and Dionysia	
				origins in dithyramb, mystery, or funeral rite?
				first actor introduced by Thespis
				dramatic festival at Athens,
					instituted under tyranny, flourished under democracy

Ch. 11			Journey among the Dead			MythNotes

	Hades, "the Unseen" = Roman Dis  (Dives) = Pluto (Grk. Ploutos); 
		aka Orcus (boundary, confinement) 
		Soul as attenuated image  
			psyche = anima ghosts resentful of loss yearning to return (?) 
		Hermes psychompompos Anthesteria (Greek Halloween in Spring) 
		Epicurus:  death of the soul 

Tales of katabasis (the journey below) and return

	 Odysseus	seeking Teiresias of Thebes
		blood sacrifice for the dead to speak
			(up come "new brides and unmarried boys, soldiers slain by the spear, 
				still in armor": each as death caught them)
			Elpenor (whom they had left unburied)
			Odysseus' own mother (Anticlea)
			Teiresias tells of things to come
			Agamemnon ('trust no woman')
			Achilles ('better a hireling to the poorest man alive'...) 
		the vision (old material?)
			Minos, judge among the dead
			the great sinners:
				Tityus			Tantalus		Sisyphus
			'phantom' of Heracles
		fields of Elysium, where Rhadamanthys rules (as told by Proteus)

Orpheus and Eurydice
	Orphism,  esp. death and rebirth of Dionysus

Plato's 'Myth of Er' (Republic 10)
	Souls before (re)birth choose their lost 
		and drink of Lethe

	Vergil's tale of Aeneas' Descent, in seach of father Anchises
		Aeneas guided by Sibyl of Cumae
		be able to draw a rough map of Vergil's underworld, placing the following:
			Charon and Acheron
			Phlegethon, Tisiphone, and prison of the damned (aka Tartarus)
				Ixion, plus Tantalus, Sisyphus et al.
			Elysium,  vision of Roman heroes to come, and exit by Gates of Ivory