LLT 121 MythNotes                  PERSEUS to MINOS      Powell Chh. 14-17
            1. Ancestors:   Io,  Danaus and his daughters
            2. Danae and Acrisius
            3. Polydectes
            4. Hermes and the Graeae
            5. Medusa, the Gorgon
            6. Andromeda and Cassiepea
            7. Death of Acrisius and Founding of Mycenae
1. Birth of Heracles (Alcides) 
            a.          sons of Perseus: Alcaeus, Electryon, and Sthenelus
            b.         Amphitryon and Alcmena 
            c.          Hera's wrath against Heracles
            d.         Iphicles and Iolaus
            e.          Eurystheus, king of Mycenae
2.  Youthful exploits (in Boeotia)
                        a. taught by Linus and Eurytus
                        b. lion of Thespiae and daughters of Thespius
                        c.  vs. Minyans
                        d.  Murder of Megara and Apollo's Sentence
3. the Twelve Labors  (and Parerga)
            a.          the Nemean Lion
            b.         the Lernaean Hydra
            c.          the Cerynean Hind
            d.         the Erymanthian Boar (encounter with Centaurs and Chiron)
            e.          the Augean Stables (Olympic Games founded)
            f.          the Stymphalean Birds
            g.         the Cretan Bvll
            h.         the Mares of Diomedes  (Admetus and Alcestis)
            i.          the Girdle of Hippolyta  (Hesione rescued at Troy)
            j.          the Cattle of Geryon  (bowl of the Sun; cattle-rustling Cacus)
            k.         the Apples of the Hesperides (wrestles with Antaeus; rescues Prometheus)
            l.          Cerberus  (rescue of Theseus)
4.   Aftermath:                                                                           
            a. Heracles joins Argonauts, with Hylas
            b. Deianira and Nessus
            c.  Iole 
            d. Omphale
            e. Hyllus 
            f. Hebe
5. Return of the Heraclidae (tribal charters of Sparta and Argos).
Ch. 16  ....THESEUS and ATHENS
                        1.         Early Kings of Attica and their offspring
                                                 a.          Cecrops and Erichthonius
                                                 b.         Erectheus and Pandion
                                                 c.          Cephalus and Procris
                                                 d.         Procne and Philomela (vs. Tereus)
                        2.         Aegeus and Aethra
B.         THESEUS
                        3.         Theseus' early Labors  (en route to Athens)
                                                 a.          Periphetes
                                                 b.         Sinis     
                                                 c.          Man-eating Sow
                                                 d.         Sciron
                                                 e.          Cercyon
                                                 f.          Procrustes
                        4.         Theseus encounters Medea at Athens
                        5.         Bull of Marathon
                        6.         Theseus vs. the Amazons  (Antiope)
                        7.         Phaedra, and Hippolytus
                        8.         Exploits of Theseus and Pirithous
                                                 a.          Lapiths and Centaurs
                                                 b.         Helen
                                                 c.          Quest for Persephone
Ch. 17.  Minos and Crete           
                                     Europa and Zeus >> Minos and Rhadamanthys
                                                 daughters Ariadne and Phaedra 
                                                 Pasiphaë  and the Bull
                                     Minos and Scylla (daughter of Nisus)
                                                 death of Androgeos at Athens
                                                             human sacrifice in punishment
                                                                         Theseus and the Minotaur
                                                                                     Ariadne  [Death of Aegeus]
                                                 Daedalus and Icarus
                                                             escape from Crete