abs-tineo, -tinere, -tinui, -tentus: hold back

ad-olesco, -olēvi = grow up, mature

ad-imo, imere = take away, deprive

aperio, -īre, aperui, apertus = open up, reveal

arceo, arcui:  keep away, hold off

audeo, audêre, ausus (semi-deponent) = dare (+ infinitive)

con-cilio, -ciliare = reconcile, win over

con-curro, -currere, con-curri

con-do, condere, condidi, conditum =found, establish

cresco, crescere, crēvi, crētus

de-fero, -tuli, -latus: carry away, convey

de-stituo, de-stitui, destitutum = leave off, fail

dif-fido, -fidere, -fisus  (semi-deponent) + abl. = lack confidence in

e-do, edere, edidi, editus =give forth, deliver

e-gredior, -gredi, gressum

fundo, fundere, fudi, fusus = pour out, cause to run (route)

gigno, gignere, genui, genitus = give birth, bring forth

im-pleo, plēre, -plēvi, -pletum = fill

in-colo, -colere, colui:  abide, dwell

inter-imo, -imere, -ēmi, emptus = 'do away with', kill

per-contor (or cunctor) –contari, -contatus = ask, inquire

pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsus: drive (back), repulse

praebeo, praebui, praebitus= offer, provide

prae-fero, -tuli, -latum : put ahead, prefer

pro-cedo, -cedere, -cessi= proceed, advance

quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitum

red-do, reddere,, reddidi, redditus:  give back, restore.

reor, rêri, ratus =think, suppose (+ ind. Statement)

saevio, -ire, -saevi(vi), -itus:   be violent, rage

sepelio, -īre, īvi, sepultus  = bury

sino, sinere, sīvi, situs = let, set down, allow (~bury)

tollo, tollere, sustuli, sub-latus =take up, rear

tango, tangere, tetigi, tactus = touch

tollo, tollere, sustuli, sub-latus =take up, rear

tra-do, -dere, tra-didi, tra-ditus

 vindico, -are = defend (in this case; often =claim, avenge)