Petrology is the study of rocks--All 3 families of rocks have common occurrences including:

I. Igneous rock family

A. Definition of igneous rock

B. Origin of magma

1. At a convergent plate boundary (subduction zone)--defines plates of the lithosphere which converge

2. At a divergent plate boundary (ridge or rift)--defines plates of the lithosphere which diverge

3. From an isolated magma plume (hot spot) in mantle not associated with 1 or 2 above

click here to see the origin of magmas

C. Assimilation

D. Intrusive and extrusive magmas and igneous rocks

E. Texture, mineral composition, and igneous rock names

1. Texture

·         refers primarily to the grain size of mineral fragments in the rock

·         depends primarily on cooling rate of magma

o    the faster a magma cools the finer or smaller the grain size of the rock

o    the slower a magma cools the coarser or larger the grain size of the rock

·         Kinds of textures

o    phaneritic (coarse grained) texture---essentially all mineral fragments are visible to the naked eye and essentially of the same size (example is granite)--phaneritic rocks are intrusive

o    aphanitic (fine grained) texture---essentially all mineral fragments are invisible to the naked eye (example is basalt)--aphanitic rocks are extrusive

o    glassy texture---mineral fragments are so small that the rock looks like a glass (example is obsidian)--glassy rocks are extrusive

o    vesicular (glassy vesicular) texture---many holes (vesicles) are formed from escaping gases resulting in a sponge like appearance of the rock (examples are pumice and scoria)--vesicular rocks are extrusive

o    porphyritic texture---more than one size mineral fragment group present in the rock caused by more than one cooling rate for the magma---the minerals comprising the larger(est) mineral fragment size are called phenocrysts and remaining size(s), the matrix- --(granite porphyry is intrusive, while rhyolite porphyry and andesite porphyry are formed from an intrusive-extrusive combination—more than one rate of cooling)

o    pegmatitic texture---presence of super large mineral fragments and the rock is often mistaken for granite porphyry (example is pegmatite)--pegmatitic rocks are intrusive

o    pyroclastic texture---containing many ejected rock fragments (example is tuff)--pyroclastic rocks are extrusive

·         click here for review and see pictures of textures or see page 72 in text

2. Mineral composition

·         igneous rocks are comprised of a combination of minerals belonging to the silicate mineral class or group

·         Bowen's mineral series

o    describes an orderly sequence of mineral formation and separation from a cooling magma and explains the specific mineral combination or association in a rock

o    discontinuous series refers to the formation of different minerals as a magma cools

o    continuous series refers to the formation of plagioclase minerals with slightly different compositions at different magma temperatures

o    hydrothermal solutions--after almost all rock forming minerals have formed (separated) from a cooling magma, hot watery (hydrothermal) solutions remain with dissolved concentrations of precious metals which later precipitate valuable ore deposits

o    click here to see Bowen's mineral series or page 78 in text

·         Magma composition

o    can change as cooling progresses and minerals separate--- also (as mentioned before) magma assimilation can cause a change in composition

o    peridotite (ultramafic) gabbro/basalt (mafic), diorite/andesite ( intermediate) , and granite/rhyolite ( felsic) are the 4 main categories of magma compositions

3. Igneous rock names

·         essential minerals

o    minerals used to classify rocks by name and include quartz, orthoclase feldspar (K-feldspar), plagioclase feldspar, pyroxene (augite) and olivine

·         accessory minerals

o    minerals not used to classify rocks by name although on occasions may be more abundant than essential minerals and include micas and amphibole (hornblende)

·         felsic composition rocks are light to pink-red in color and contain high concentrations of feldspar and quartz; intermediate composition between felsic and mafic rocks are dark gray in color , mafic rocks are black in color and comprised of high concentrations of magnesium (Mg) and iron (Fe+3) minerals; ultramafic composition rocks are dark and green and contain high concentrations of iron (Fe+2) and magnesium minerals such as olivine

·         igneous rock chart

o    phaneritic textured rocks:---granite (essential minerals are orthoclase, white or sodic plagioclase and quartz);---diorite (essential mineral is sodic plagioclase);---gabbro (essential minerals are calcic plagioclase and pyroxene);---dunite (essential mineral is olivine)

o    aphanitic textured rocks:---rhyolite (essential minerals are same as granite);---andesite (essential mineral same as diorite);---basalt (essential minerals are same as gabbro and it looks like a black chalkboard)

o    porphyritic textured rocks:---granite porphyry (intrusive with essential minerals same as granite) and rhyolite porphyry ( part intrusive and part extrusive with same essential minerals as a rhyolite);---andesite porphyry (essential minerals same as andesite);---basalt porphyry (rarer rock with essential minerals same as basalt)

o    glassy textured rocks:---obsidian (any essential mineral composition combination--looks like glass)

o    vesicular textured rocks:---pumice (any essential mineral combination as that for granite to diorite--looks like a sponge and some samples may float in water);---scoria (mineral composition similar to gabbro or basalt)

o    pegmatitic textured rocks:---pegmatite (any essential mineral composition as that for granite and/or diorite)

o    pyroclastic textured rocks:---tuff (any essential mineral combination as that for granite and/or diorite)

o    note that the igneous chart below which outlines the previous rock compositions is related to Bowen's mineral series---those minerals formed together at higher temperatures in Bowen's series include the rocks in the right column(s) of the rock table---minerals forming at intermediate temperatures comprise rocks in the center of table--and those at lowest temperatures comprise rocks in the left column

o    click here to review igneous rocks in the igneous rock chart or page 71 in text

F. Igneous rock bodies

G. Important uses of igneous rocks

1. Used as building materials and tombstones

2. Pumice is used as an abrasive material in lava soap

II. Volcanism (Volcanic activity)

·         Volcanology is the study of volcanism

·         click here for a comprehensive reference of volcanic terms and photo examples of volcanic features

A. Some common terms

1. Volcanism

·         refers to the processes by which magma and/or gases or volatiles are transferred to the Earth's surface

2. Volcano

·         is an elevated area or mountain formed from the accumulation of lava and/or pyroclastic material

3. Active, dormant, and extinct volcanoes or volcanic areas

·         active

o    eruption can occur in the near geologic future

o    an example is Mt. St. Helens and other Cascade Mountains

·         dormant

o    presently inactive but believed capable of future eruptions

·         extinct

o    expected not to erupt again

B. Origin and global distribution of volcanism

1. Origin of volcanic materials

·         basically the same as for igneous activity (areas of subduction, ridges and magma plumes)

·         see page 101 again

2. Global distribution

·         "ring of fire" or the circum-Pacific region is the greatest concentration of volcanic activity on Earth

·         some individual volcanoes listed on page 100 will be cited later as specific kinds of eruptions--- there is an interesting historical eruption mentioned by Plato who suggested that Santorin, a group of islands in the Mediterranean Ocean was once a continent which exploded and thought to be the "lost continent of Atlantis"

·         click here to see the world distribution of volcanoes

C. Volcanic rocks, volatile (gases and vapors) emissions and manner of eruption

1. Volcanic rocks

·         are extrusive rocks and include basalt, andesite, rhyolite, pumice, scoria, tuff, and obsidian

·         refer again to igneous rock chart above or page 71 in text

2. Volatile emissions

·         steam or water vapor (H2O) is most abundant, carbon dioxide (CO2) is next and sulfur dioxide (SO2) nitrogen (N2), and sulfur trioxide (SO3) are others typically associated with volcanic eruptions

·         carbon dioxide additions to the atmosphere can add to the "Greenhouse Effect" while SO2, N2, and SO3 can contribute to the formation of acid rain

·         although the burning or decomposition of fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide and the other gases emitted into our atmosphere we are able to control only the synthetic emissions

3. Manner of eruption

·         QUESTION: why are some volcanic eruptions explosive or violent while others are passive?

·         ANSWER: the manner of eruption depends largely on the viscosity of the magma associated with the eruption --gases cannot escape as readily from a more viscous (syrup or oil like) magma causing a gas pressure buildup which eventually explodes

·         magma viscosity may depend on 2 factors

o    magma composition--the higher the silica (SiO2) content, the more viscous the magma

o    magma temperature--the cooler the temperature, the more viscous the magma

·         QUESTION:based on composition alone a more explosive eruption would be associated with which magma composition; rhyolitic, andesitic, or basaltic? (HINT: which extrusive rock has the most quartz in it?). For the same reason which associated magma composition would result in a passive eruption?

·         QUESTION: two magmas start out in the mantle with the same composition, one magma moves through the ocean basin crust (basalt) and erupts on the ocean basin surface, while the other moves through the continental crust and erupts on the continental surface. If there is assimilation of rock in each magma, based on composition at the time of eruption which magma would be more explosive?

D. Major categories of volcanic deposits (Classification of volcanoes)

·         volcanic deposits are comprised of lava flows and/or pyroclastics

1. Shield type

·         is a thick deposit of successive lava flows usually basaltic in composition with little or no pyroclastics and associated with ocean basin eruptions—source of magma to form islands and rocks is a hot spot of magma located in the stationary upper asthenosphere

·         the Hawaiian island shield is comprised of basalt which averages about 28,000 feet thick with the individual islands sticking above sea level like pimples on the shield deposit— each island is progressively older with distance from the hot spot source of magma

·         click here to see the shield volcano or page 101 in text

2. Cinder cone type

·         small deposit (volcanic cone) of pyroclastic or ejected materials with steep slopes and usually less than 1000 feet tall

·         usually represents the last stage (cooler) of basaltic eruption

·         an example is the eruption at Paricutin, Mexico (1943) which accumulated pyroclastics about 120 feet tall in one day

·         click here to see the cinder cone volcano or page 103 in text

·         click here to see the cinder cone(s) in Arizona

3. Composite or strato-volcano

·         is a very tall somewhat layered deposit of alternating lava flow and pyroclastic deposits comprised of andesite or rhyolite composition rocks

·         occur on continents and are usually explosive in manner

·         examples include: Mountains in the Cascade mountain range in the western U.S. and includes Mt. St. Helens--see page 105 in text; Mt. Vesuvius, Italy; Mt.Fujiyama, Japan; Mt.Kilamanjaro, Africa—often a volcanic or lava dome or solidified felsic or intermediate compostion magma can be piled up around a vent in Composite volcanoes---see page 111 in text

·         click here to see the composite volcano or page 104 in text

E. Eruptions with special volatile emissions

1. Strombolian type

·         is a cloud of volatiles emitted during the eruption and may hover for long periods of time over a volcanic cone--the molten material in the volcanic vent reflects light off the cloud-- the prime example of this is the incandescent cloud which hovers over Mt. Stromboli and acted as a navigation guide for early mariners--Mt. Stromboli was known as the "lighthouse of the Mediterranean"

2. Nuee Ardentes (fiery or glowing cloud—pyroclastic flow) type---see page 106 in text

·         is an emission of a very hot cloud of volatiles and ash materials during eruptions--- the prime example of this is an eruption of Mt. Pelee near St. Pierre on the island of Martinique in the Caribbean. A 700 degree (C) cloud killed about 30,000 people in a few minutes ---see the photo on page 152 in your text book

3. Lake Nios type

·         carbon dioxide (CO2) trapped in subsurface rocks from previous volcanic activity can be later emitted at the Earth's surface with possibly disastrous results---the best example of this is Lake Nios, Cameroon (Africa) where a total of 1746 villagers were killed in 1986 from an emission of CO2 from a caldera (collapsed volcanic cone--see later notes) on which they were living

F. Special features, benefits and mass wasting associated with volcanism

1. Special features

·         Continental lava flows

o    click here to see continental lava flows

·         Ocean basin lava flows

o    mostly associated with the shield type of deposit

o    pahoehoe is a ropy surface lava

o    aa is a blocky surface lava

o    lava tubes or tunnels develop when lava inside the lava flow continues to move while the outer lava stiffens and stays in place

·         Volcanic neck and radiating dikes

o    one of the best examples of a volcanic neck and radiating dikes is Shiprock in New Mexico ---click here to see Shiprock or see photo on page 113 in the text

·         Caldera

o    is a volcanic cratered structure resulting from the collapse of a volcanic cone

o    click here to see the stages in caldera formation or see page 109 in text

o    best terrestrial examples are Crater Lake, Oregon and Yellowstone and the best extraterrestrial example is Olympus Mons on Mars which is 5 times the diameter of Crater Lake and covers over 45 times the area

o    click link on comprehensive reference on volcanic terms and examples at the beginning of volcanism above or at the end of this section to see pictures of different calderas

2. Benefits related to volcanism and igneous activity

·         fertile soils result from weathering of many volcanic rocks

·         magma in contact with or in the vicinity of groundwater produces steam which in turn can be converted to a clean source of energy (geothermal energy)

·         water related to igneous activity and trapped below surface of extraterrestrial bodies could be mined--this could influence colonization of other celestial bodies in the future

3. Mass wasting related with volcanism

·         severe damage can result from mudflows on the sides of volcanoes--these mudflows are called lahars--lahars result when highly unstable layers of volcanic ash and debris become saturated with water from heavy precipitation and flow down slope

·         click here to see a house buried in a lahar

G. Prediction of volcanic eruptions

Omens or precursor events related to eruptions

·         the periodicity and magnitude of Earth tremors caused by movement of rock materials below the surface can be used as precursors to a volcanic event --the closer the tremors in time and the greater the magnitude, the sooner the volcanic eruption

·         bulging of the Earth's surface can be used as an eruption predictor: as magma rises prior to eruption the Earth's surface bulges

o    tiltmeters are used to measure the magnitude of the surface bulge--the magnitude may be an indicator of the eruption

o    laser beams reflected off mirrors can also determine the magnitude of bulge

click here for more on volcano monitoring techniques

H. Volcanism in our solar system

1. On our moon

·         although there is no official citing of volcanism on the moon the rocks collected show evidence of large scale igneous and volcanic activities. Large abundances of gabbroic and basaltic type of rocks are present on the moon

·         the lunar maria contain massive lava flows

2. Mars

·         the presence of a large caldera, Olympus Mons (as mentioned before), 17 miles high and covering the size of Arizona is a feature indicating volcanic activity on Mars

3. Io, a moon of Jupiter

·         the only place other than on Earth where volcanism was seen taking place---a scientist observed a volcanic plume on the horizon of Io as the pioneer spacecraft passed by this moon


click here for a comprehensive reference of volcanic terms and examples



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