Galatians Resources

Luther's Galatians Commentary

The Paul Page: Dedicated to the New Perspective


Baur, "Hebraists, Hellenists, and Catholics," in Meeks, Writings of St. Paul, 282-284

Callan, Terrance. "Pauline Midrash: The Exegetical Background of Gal 3:19b." Journal of Biblical Literature, Dec80, Vol. 99 Issue 4, p549, 19p. (ATLA)

Dunn, James D. G. "Echoes of intra-Jewish polemic in Paul's letter to the Galatians." Journal of Biblical Literature, 112 Fall 1993, p 459-477. (ATLA)

Elliott, Susan M. "Choose Your Mother, Choose Your Master: Galatians 4:21 - 5:1 in the Shadow of the Anatolian Mother of the Gods." Journal of Biblical Literature, 118 Wint 1999, p 661-683. (ATLA)

Greene, John T. "Paul's Hermeneutic Versus Its Competitors." Journal of Religious Thought, 42 Spr-Sum 1985, p 7-21. (ATLA)

Hahn, Scott W. "Covenant, oath, and the Aqedah: diatheke in Galatians 3-15-18." Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 67 no 1 Ja 2005, p 79-100. (ATLA)

Harrill, J Albert. "Coming of age and putting on Christ: the toga virilis ceremony, its paraenesis, and Paul's interpretation of baptism in Galatians." Novum testamentum, 44 no 3 2002, p 252-277. (ATLA)

Lull, David J. "The law was our pedagogue": a study in Galatians 3:19-25." Journal of Biblical Literature, 105 no 3 S 1986, p 481-498. (ATLA)

Martin, Troy W. "The covenant of circumcision (Genesis 17-9-14) and the situational antithesis in Galatians 3-28." Journal of Biblical Literature, 122 no 1 Spr 2003, p 111-125. (ATLA)

Matlock, R. Barry. "Detheologizing the pistis Christou debate: Cautionary remarks from a lexical semantic perspective." Novum testamentum, 42 no 1 2000, p 1-23. (ATLA)

Schwartz, Daniel R. "Two Pauline allusions to the redemptive mechanism of the crucifixion." Journal of Biblical Literature, 102 Je 1983, p 259-268. (ATLA)

Schweizer, Eduard. "Slaves of the elements and worshipers of angels: Gal 4-3, 9 and Col 2-8, 18, 20." Journal of Biblical Literature, 107 S 1988, p 455-468. (ATLA)

Young, Norman H. "Who's Cursedand Why (Galatians 3-10-14)." Journal of Biblical Literature, 117 Spr 1998, p 79-92. (ATLA)



"Lutheran-Catholic Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification."

This is a historic document produced by Lutherans and Roman Catholics, officially burying the hatchet on the subject of justification by faith, proclaiming that they are substantially in agreement on the issue.

Evangelicals and Catholics Together: A New Initiative

Christianity Today was the first to publish "The Gift of Salvation," an "unofficial" document with an aim similar to the  "Lutheran-Catholic Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification" (see above).  An Evangelical theologian, Timothy George, provides an introduction.

Jewish-Christian Relations

"These pages are dedicated to a special relationship. They are not about Christianity or Judaism per se, but about the development of a new understanding between the two communities after a long history of animosity."