Lesson Plan

Measuring the Economy - Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

I. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- definition
- what is Gross National Product (GNP)?
- how do GDP and GNP differ?
- uses of GDP
- economic indicator
- measure of economic well-being
- inter-country comparisons

II. Measuring GDP
- the expenditure approach
- Consumption (C)
- definition
- what is included?
- Investment (I)
- definition
- what is included?
- Government purchases (G)
- what is included?
- Net Exports (NX)
- Exports (X)
- Imports (M)
- NX = X - M
- GDP = C + I + G + NX
- the income approach
- the relationship of income to output
- national income (NI) = sum of all resource payments
- definition of wages, interest, rent and profits
- reconciling the expenditure and income approaches
- GDP = C + I + G + NX
- Net Domestic Product (NDP) = GDP - depreciation
- NI = NDP - indirect business taxes + net income earned abroad
- value added
- definition
- the mechanics of computing NI or GDP through sales of goods and services
- additional definitions
- National Income
- less corporate profits, social security taxes, and net interest
- plus transfer payments, personal interest, and dividends
- equals Personal Income (PI)
- Disposable Personal Income (DPI) = PI - personal taxes
- Problems with GDP
- Inaccuracy
- Non-market transactions