Unit #3
Answers to Homework Questions

These brief answers are meant to give students an idea of whether or not they are on the right track.  Generally, student answers should be longer and more complete.

1.  Explain why the aggregate demand curve is downward sloping.

2.  List two different types of changes that could cause a decrease in AS.

3.  Why is the shape of the aggregate supply curve an important issue with regard to macroeconomic policy? What would Keynesians argue is the likely shape of the AS curve? What would classicals argue is the likely shape of the AS curve?

 4.  If the MPC is 0.75, what is the MPS? What is the multiplier?

5.   Assume AE = C + I. Also assume that autonomous consumption = $40 the MPC = 0.95 and I = $1000.

6.   Assume AE =  C + I + G and that autonomous consumption = $50, the MPC = 0.8,   G = $500, and I  =  $250.

7.   Here's an example with different numbers, your answer should look similar.  If the reserve requirement was 5%, the potential money multiplier would be 20.  Assume you deposit $100 into a bank and that the required reserve ratio is 20%. Use T-accounts to explain how the banks can use this money to create more money?
  • You deposit $100 into a checking account at first national bank.
  • The $80 in excess reserves can be lent out; the lending of excess reserves is how money is created.
  • The money supply is $100.
1st National Bank
Assets Liabilities
RR: $20 $100 (your checking account)
ER: $80
Total: $100 Total: $100

  • 1st National Bank lends $80 to Bill by creating a checking account for him & putting $80 into this account.
  • Money Supply is now $180.
1st National Bank
Assets Liabilities
RR: $36 $100 (your checking)
IOU from Bill: $80 $80 (Bill's checking)
ER: $64
Total: $180 Total: $180

  • Bill uses $80 to buy bike from Sue.
  • Sue deposits $80 in her checking account at 2nd National Bank.
  • Money Supply is still $180 but 2nd national can lend out their excess reserves and thereby increase the money supply.
1st National Bank
Assets Liabilities
RR: $20 $100 (your checking)
IOU from Bill: $80
Total: $100 Total: $100

2nd National Bank
Assets Liabilities
RR: $16 $80 (Sue's checking)
ER: $64
Total: $80 Total: $80

  • 2nd National Bank lends $64 to Juan by creating a checking account for him & putting $64 into this account.
  • Money Supply is now $244
  • The $51.20 in excess reserves is available to lend out and increase the money supply even more.
  • The money multiplier is 1/rrr = 1/.2 = 5.
  • If this process continues, the $100 you deposited could and all the increases to the money supply could add up to $500.
1st National Bank
Assets Liabilities
RR: $20 $100 (your checking)
IOU from Bill: $80
Total: $100 Total: $100

2nd National Bank
Assets Liabilities
RR: $28.80 $80 (Sue's checking)
IOU from Juan: $64 $64 (Juan's checking)
ER: $51.20
Total: $144 Total: $144