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ISAIAH -- Bibliography

Victor H. Matthews – VictorMatthews@missouristate.edu

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Abma, R. Bonds of Love: Methodic Studies of Prophetic Texts with Marriage Imagery (Isaiah
     50:1-3 and 54:1-10; Hosea 1—3, Jeremiah 2—3)
. Assen, 1999.

Ackerman, S., “Sacred Sex, Sacrifice and Death: Understanding a Prophetic Poem,” BRev 6
     (1990), 38-44.

Ackroyd, P.R., "Isaiah 36--39: Structure and Function," in R. Gordon, ed. "The Place is Too
     Small for Us".
Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1995: 478-94.

_____, "The Biblical Interpretation of the Reigns of Ahaz and Hezekieh," in In the Shelter of
, eds. W.B. Barrick and J.R. Spencer. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1984:247-59. BS1171.2

_____, "Isaiah I-XII: Presentation of a Prophet," in Congress Volume, VTSup 29. Leiden:
    Brill, 1978: 16-48.

_____, "An Interpretation of the Babylonian Exile: A Study of 2 Kings 20, Isaiah 38-39,"
    Scottish Journal of Theology
27 (1974), 329-52.

_____, “The Temple Vessels—A Continuity Theme,” SVT 23; Leiden: Brill, 1972: 166-81.

_____. Israel Under Babylon and Persia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1970.

_____. Exile and Restoration: A Study of Hebrew Thought of the Sixth Century B.C.
    Philadelphia: Westminster, 1968.

Adams, J.W. The Performative Nature and Function of Isaiah 40-55. New York: T & T Clark,

Adamthwaite, M.R., "Isaiah 7:16: Key to the Immanuel Prophecy," RTR 59 (2000), 65-83.

Ahlstrom, G.W., "Isaiah VI. 13," Journal of Semitic Studies 19 (1974), 169-172.

_____, "Some Remarks on Prophets and Cult," in J. Rylaarsdam, ed. Transitions in Biblical
(Chicago, 1968), 113-29.

Aitken, K.T., “Hearing and Seeing: Metamorphoses of a Motif in Isaiah 1—39,” in P.R. Davies
     and D.J.A. Clines, eds. Among the Prophets: Language, Image and Structure in the Prophetic
. JSOTSup 144; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1993: 12-41.

Alexander, J.A. The Prophecies of Isaiah. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1953.

Allen, L.C., “Isaiah 53:2 Again,” VT 21 (1971), 490.

Althann, R., Isaiah 42:10 and KRT 77-78 (KTU 1.14:II:24-25),” JNSL 13 (1987), 3-9.

_____, “Yōm, ‘Time’ and Some Texts in Isaiah,” JNSL 11 (1983), 3-8.

Amdersen, T.D., “Renaming and Wedding Imagery in Isaiah 62,” Bib 67 (1986), 78-80.

Anderson, B.W., "`God with Us' -- In Judgment and in Mercy: The Editorial Structure of
    Isaiah 5-10 (11)," in Canon, Theology, and the Old Testament Interpretation, eds. G.M.
    Tucker, et al. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1988a: 230-45.  BS1171.2 C36

_____, “The Apocalyptic Rendering of the Isaiah Tradition,” in J. Neusner, et al., eds. The
    Social World of Formative Christianity and Judaism
. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1988b: 17-38.

_____, "Exodus and Covenant in Second Isaiah and Prophetic Tradition," In Magnalia Dei:
    the Mighty Acts of God
(Doubleday, 1980), 339-60. BS1192 .M34

_____, "`The Lord has Created Something New'--A Stylistic Study of Jer 31:15-22,"
    Catholic Biblical Quarterly 20 (1978), 463-78.

_____, "Exodus Typology in Second Isaiah," in Israel's Prophetic Heritage, eds. B.W.
    Anderson and W. Harrelson. NY: Harper & Row, 1962:177-95.

Anderson, G.W., "Isaiah XXIV-XXVII Reconsidered," SVT  9 (1963), 118-26.

Anderson, R.T., “Was Isaiah a Scribe?” JBL 79 (1960), 57-58.

Anderson, T.D., "Renaming and Wedding Imagery in Isaiah 62," Biblica 67(1986), 75-80.

Asen, B.A., "The Garlands of Ephraim: Isaiah 28.1-6 and the marzeah," JSOT 71 (1996),

Ashby, G., “Suffering, Sacrifice and Servanthood in Israel,” OTE 15 (2002), 11-22.

Auld, A.G., "Poetry, Prophecy, Hermeneutic: Recent Studies in Isaiah," SJT 32 (1980),

Aune, D.E. Prophecy in Early Christianity and the Ancient Mediterranean World. Grand
    Rapids: Eerdmans, 1983.

Auret, A., “Another Look at wmśwś in Isaiah 8:6,” OTE 3 (1990), 107-14.

Bahar, S., “Two Forms of the Root NWP in Isaiah x 32,” VT 43 (1993), 403-405.

Baltzer, K. Deutero-Isaiah: a Commentary on Isaiah 40-55. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2001.
     BS1515.3 .B35

_____, “The Polemic Against the Gods and its Relevance for Second Isaiah’s Conception of
    the New Jerusalem,” in T.C. Eskenazi and K. Richards, eds. Second Temple Studies, vol.
    2: Temple and Community in the Persian     Period
. JSOTSup 175; Sheffield: Sheffield
    Academic Press, 1994: 52-59.

_____, “Liberation from Debt Slavery After the Exile in Second Isaiah and Nehemiah,” in
    P.D. Miller, Jr., et al, eds. Ancient Israelite Religion. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1987: 477-84.

_____, “Considerations Regarding the Office and Calling of the Prophet,” HTR 61 (1968),

Barker, M., “Hezekiah’s Boil,” JSOT 95 (2001), 31-42.

Barré, M.L., “A Rhetorical-Critical Study of Isaiah 2:12-17,” CBQ 65 (2003), 522-34.

_____, "Textual and Rhetorical-Critical Observations on the Last Servant Song (Isaiah
    52:13--53:12)," CBQ 62 (2000), 1-27.

_____, “Of Lions and Birds: A Note on Isaiah 31.4-5,” in P.R. Davies and D.J.A. Clines, eds.
     Among the Prophets. JSOTSup 144; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1993: 55-59.

_____, “Fasting in Isa 58:1-12,” BTB 15 (1985), 94-97.

Barstad, H.M., “Isa 40, 1-11: Another Reading,” in A. Lemaire, ed. Congress Volume Basel
. VTSup 92; Leiden: Brill, 2002: 225-40.

_____, “The Future of the ‘Servant Songs’: Some Reflections on the Relationship of Biblical
     Scholarship to its Own Tradition,” in S.E. Balentine and J. Barton, eds. Language, Theology,
     and the Bible
. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994: 261-70.

_____, "No Prophets? Recent Developments in Biblical Prophetic Research and
    Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy," JSOT 57 (1993), 39-60.

_____, “On the So-called Babylonian Literary Influence in Second Isaiah,” SJOT 2 (1987),

Bartelmus, R., "Beobachtungen zur literarischen Struktur des sog. Weinberglieds (Jes 5, 1-7):
    Moglichkeiten und Grenzen der formgeschichtlichen Methodes bei der Interpretation von
    Texten aus dem corpus propheticum," ZAW 110 (1998), 50-66.

Barton, J., "Ethics in the Book of Isaiah," in C.C. Boyles and C.A. Evans, eds. Writing and
    Reading the Scroll of Isaiah
. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997: 67-78.

_____. Oracles of God. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.

_____, "`The Law and the Prophets": Who are the Prophets?," OTS 23 (1984), 1-18.

_____, “Ethics in Isaiah of Jerusalem,” JTS 32 (1981), 1-18.

Batto, B.F., “The Covenant of Peace: A Neglected Near Eastern Motif,” CBQ 49 (1987),

Beale, G.K., "Isaiah 6:9-13: a Retributive Taunt Against Idolatry," VT 41 (1991), 257-78.

Becking, B. and M.C.A Korpel, eds. The Crisis of Israelite Religion: Transformation of
    Religious Tradition in Exilic and Post-Exilic Times
. Brill: Leiden, 1999. BM176 .C75

Ben Zvi, E., “Isaiah 1,4-9: Isaiah and the Events of 701 in Judah,” SJOT 1 (1991), 95-111.

_____, "Who Wrote the Speech of Rabshakeh and When?" JBL 109 (1990), 79-92.

Berger, P., "Charisma and Religious Innovation: The Social Location of Israelite Prophecy,"
    ASR 28 (1963), 940-950.

Bergey, R., “The Song of Moses (Deuteronomy 32.1-43) and Isaianic Prophecies: A Case of
     Early Intertextuality?” JSOT 28 (2003), 33-54.

_____, "The Rhetorical Role of Reiteration in the Suffering Servant Poem (Isa 52:13--
    53:12)," JETS  40 (1997), 177-88.

Berlin, A. The Dynamics of Biblical Parallelism. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press,

_____, “Isaiah 40:4: Etymological and Poetic Considerations,” HAR 3 (1979), 1-6.

Berlinerblau, J., “Free Will and Determinism in First Isaiah: Secular Hermeneutics, the Poetics
     of Contingency, and Émile Durkheim’s Homo Duplex,” JAAR 71 (2003), 767-91.

Berquist, J.L., "Reading Difference in Isaiah 56-66: The Interplay of Literary and
    Sociological Strategies," Methods and Theory in the Study of Religion 7 (1995), 23-42.

Beuken, W.A.M., “The Manifestation of Yahweh and the Commission of Isaiah: Isaiah 6 Read
     Against the Background of Isaiah 1,” CTJ 39 (2004a), 72-87.

_____, “The Emergence of the Shoot of Jesse (Isaiah 11:1-16): An Eschatological or a Now
     Event?” CTJ 39 (2004b), 88-108.

_____, “The Unity of the Book of Isaiah: Another Attempt at Bridging the Gorge
     Between Its Two Main Parts,” in J.C. Exum and H.G.M. Williamson, eds. Reading from
    Right to Left
. JSOTSup 373; London/NY: Sheffield Academic Press, 2003: 50-62.

_____, “’Lebanon with its Majesty shall fall. A Shoot shall come forth from the
    Stump of Jesse’ (Isa 10:34—11:1): Interfacing the Story of Assyria and the Image of
    Israel’s Future in Isaiah 10—11,” in F. Postma, et al, eds. The New Things: Eschatology in
    Old Testament Prophecy
. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing, 2002: 17-33.

_____, “The Prophet Leads the Readers into Praise: Isaiah 25:1-10 in Connection with Isaiah
    24:14-23,” in H.J. Bosman and H. van Gorl, et al, eds. Studies in Isaiah 24-27. Berlin/NY:
    de Gruyter, 2000: 121-56.

_____, "Isaiah 30: A Prophetic Oracle Transmitted in Two Successive Paradigms," in C.C.
    Boyles and C.A. Evans, eds. Writing and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 
    1997: 369-98.

_____, “Isaiah Chapters LXV-LXVI: Trito-Isaiah and the Closure of the Book of Isaiah,” in
    J. Emerton, ed. Congress Volume Leuven 1989. VTSup 43; Leiden: Brill, 1991, 204-21.

_____, “The Main Theme of Trito-Isaiah,” JSOT 47 (1990), 67-87.

_____, “Servant and Herald of Good Tidings: Isaiah 61 as an Interpretation of Isaiah 40-55,”
     in J. Vermeylen, ed. The Book of Isaiah. BETL 81; Leuven: Leuven University Press,
    1989: 411-42.

_____, "Isaiah liv: The Multiple Identity of the Person Addressed," OTS 19 (1974a), 29-70.

_____, "Isa. 55,3-5: The Reinterpretation of David," Bijdragen 35 (1974), 49-64.

_____, "Mišpat: the First Servant Song and Its Context," VT 22 (1972), 1-30.

Biddle, M.E., “The Figure of Lady Jerusalem: Identification, Deification and Personification
    of Cities in the ANE,” in W.W. Hallo, et al, eds. The Biblical Canon in Comparative
. Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1991: 173-94.

Bird, P., “’To Play the Harlot’: An Inquiry into an Old Testament Metaphor,” in P.L. Day,
    ed. Gender and Difference  in Ancient Israel. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1989: 75-94.

Blank, S., “Studies in Deutero-Isaiah,” HUCA 15 (1940), 1-46.

Blenkinsopp, J. Isaiah 56-66. New York: Doubleday, 2003.

_____. Isaiah 40-55. New York: Doubleday, 2002.

_____. Isaiah 1-39. New York: Doubleday, 2000a.

_____, “Judah’s Covenant With Death (Isaiah XXVIII 12-22),” VT 50 (2000b), 472-83.

_____, "The Servant and the Servants in Isaiah and the Formation of the Book," in C.C. Boyles
    and C.A. Evans, eds. Writing and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997:

_____. A History of Prophecy in Israel, 2nd ed. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 1996.

_____, “A Jewish Sect of the Persian Period,” CBQ 52 (1990), 5-20.

_____, “Second Isaiah—Prophet of Universalism,” JSOT 41 (1988), 83-103.

_____, "Fragments of ancient exegesis in an Isaian poem (Isa 2:6-22)," ZAW 93/1 (1981),

_____, “The Prophetic Reproach,” JBL 90 (1971), 267-78.

Block, D.I., “The Prophet of the Spirit: The Use of rwh in the Book of Ezekiel,” JETS 32 (1989),

Blumenthal, F., “The Prophetic Vision of God’s Abode,” JBQ 32 (2004), 162-66.

Boadt, L., “Re-Examining a Preexilic Redaction of Isaiah 1-39,” in L. Boadt and M.S. Smith,
    eds. Imagery and Imagination in Biblical Literature. CBQMS 32; Washington, DC:
    Catholic Biblical Association, 2001: 169-90.

_____, "The Poetry of Prophetic Persuasion: Preserving the Prophet's Persona," CBQ 59
    (1997), 1-21.

_____, “International Alliteration in Second Isaiah,” CBQ 45 (1983), 353-63.

_____, “Isaiah 41:8-13: Notes on Poetic Structure and Style,” CBQ 35 (1973), 20-34.

Booij, T., “Negation in Isaiah 43,22-24,” ZAW 94 (1982), 390-400.

Boling, R.G., “Kings and Prophets: Cyrus and Servant—Reading Isaiah 40-55,” in R.
    Chazan, et al, eds. Ki Baruch Hu. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1999: 171-88.

Bosman, H.J., "Syntactic Cohesion in Isaiah 24-27," in H.J. Bosman and H. van Gorl, et al,
    eds. Studies in Isaiah 24-27. Berlin/NY: de Gruyter, 2000a: 19-50. BS1515.2 .S783

_____, “Syntactic Cohesion in Isaiah 24-27,” in Studies in Isaiah 24-27 (2000b), 19-50.

_____ and H. van Grol, "Annotated Translation of Isaiah 24-27," in Studies in Isaiah 24-27
    (2000), 3-12.

Bourdillon, M., "Oracles and Politics in Ancient Israel," Man 12 (1977), 124-140.

Bouzard, W.C., Jr., “Doves in the Windows: Isaiah 60:8 in Light of Ancient Mesopotamian
     Lament Tradition,” in B. Batto and K.L. Roberts, eds. David and Zion. Winona Lake, IN:
     Eisenbrauns, 2004: 307-17.

Boyce, R.N., “Isaiah 55:6-13,” Int 44 (1990), 56-60.

Brekelmans, C.H.W., “Deuteronomistic Influence in Isaiah 1—12,” in J. Vermeylen, ed. The
     Book of Isaiah
. Leuven: Peters, 1989: 167-76.

Brettler, M.Z., "Incompatible Metaphors for YHWH in Isaiah 40-66," JSOT 78 (1998),

_____. God is King: Understanding an Israelite Metaphor. JSOTSup 76; Sheffield: JSOT
    Press, 1989.

Breslauer, S.D., “Power, Compassion and the Servant of the Lord in Second Isaiah,”
    Encounter 48 (1987), 163-78.

Brodie, L., "The Children and the Prince: The Structure, Nature and Date of Isaiah 6-12,"
    Biblical Theology Bulletin 9 (1979), 27-31.

Brongers, H.A., “Fasting in Israel in Biblical and Post-Biblical Times,” in H. Brongers, et al,
    eds. Instruction and Interpretation. OTS 20; Leiden: Brill, 1977.

Brown, F., "The Meaning of KABOB (Glory) in Second Isaiah," AMEQR 92 (1981), 29-33.

Brown, M.L., “Kippēr and Atonement in the Book of Isaiah,” in in R. Chazan, et al, eds. Ki  
    Baruch Hu
. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1999: 189-202.

Brown, W.P., “The So-Called Refrain in Isaiah 5:25-30 and 9:1—10:4,” CBQ 52 (1990),

Broyles, Craig C., "The Citations of Yahweh in Isaiah 44:26-28," in C.C. Boyles and C.A. Evans,
    eds. Writing and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997: 399-422.

Brueggemann, W., "Planned People/Planned Book," in C.C. Boyles and C.A. Evans, eds.
    Writing and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah
. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997: 19-38.

_____, "Unity and Dynamics in the Isaiah Tradition," JSOT 29 (1984), 89-107.

_____, "Weariness, Exile and Chaos," CBQ 34 (1972), 19-38.

Carlson, R.A., "The Anti-Assyrian Character of the Oracle in Is. IX 1-6," VT 24 (1974),

Carr, D., “Isaiah 40:1-11 in the Context of the Macrostructure of Second Isaiah,” in W.
    Bodine, ed. Discourse Analysis of Biblical Literature. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995:

_____, "Reaching for Unity in Isaiah," JSOT 57 (1993), 61-80.

Carroll, R.P., "Blindness and the Vision Thing: Blindness and Insight in the Book of Isaiah,"
    in C.C. Boyles and C.A. Evans, eds. Writing and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah. Leiden: E.J.
    Brill, 1997: 79-93.

_____, " Revisionings: Echoes and Traces of Isaiah in the Poetry of William Blake," in J.
    Davies, et al, eds. Words Remembered. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995:

_____, "Prophecy and Dissonance: A Theoretical Approach to the Prophetic Tradition," ZAW
    92 (1980a), 108-119.

_____, “Translation and Attribution in Isaiah 8.19f.,” BT 31 (1980), 126-34.

_____, “Twilight of Prophecy or Dawn of Apocalyptic?” JSOT 14 (1979), 3-35.

_____, "Second Isaiah and the Failure of Prophecy," Studia Theologica 32 (1978), 119-31.

_____, "Ancient Israelite Prophecy and Dissonant Theory," Numen 24 (1977), 135-51.

Cassuto, M.D., “On the Formal and Stylistic Relationship between Deutero-Isaiah and Other
    Biblical Writers,” in Biblical and Oriental Studies, vol. 1. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1973:

Ceresko, A.R., "The Rhetorical Strategy of the Fourth Servant Song," CBQ 56 (1994), 42-55.

Chaney, M.L., “Whose Sour Grapes? The Addressees of Isaiah 5:1-7 in the Light of Political
    Economy,” Semeia 87 (1999), 105-22.

Charles, N.J., “A Prophetic (Fore)Word: ‘A Curse Is Devouring Earth’ (Isaiah 24.6),” in N.
    Habel, ed. Earth Story, Psalms, Prophets. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001:

Childs, B.S. Isaiah. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 2001.

_____. Isaiah and the Assyrian Crisis. London: SCM, 1967. DS121.6 .C45

_____, "The Enemy from the North and the Chaos Tradition," JBL 78 (1959), 187-98.

Chisholm, R.B., “Wordplay in the Eighth-Century Prophets,” BibSac 144 (1987), 44-52.

_____, “Structure, Style, and the Prophetic Message: An Analysis of Isaiah 5:8-30,”
    BibSac 143 (1986), 46-60.

Christensen, D.L., "The March of Conquest in Isaiah X 27c-34," VT 26 (1976), 395-99.

Claassen, W.T., “Linguistic Arguments and the Dating of Isaiah 1:4-9,” JNSL 3 (1974), 1-18.

Clements, R.E., "'Arise, Shine; for your Light has Come' A Basic Theme of the Isaianic
    Tradition," in C.C. Boyles and C.A. Evans, eds. Writing and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah.
    Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997: 441-454.

_____, “A Light to the Nations: A Central Theme of the Book of Isaiah,” in J.W.
    Watts and P.R. House, eds.  Forming Prophetic Literature. JSOTSup 235; Sheffield:
    Sheffield Academic Press, 1996: 57-69.

_____, “The Unity of the Book of Isaiah and its Cosmogenic Language,” CBQ 55 (1993), 1-17.

_____, “The Prophecies of Isaiah to Hezekiah concerning Sennacherib: 2 Kings 19,21-34/Isa.
    37.22-35,” in R. Liwak and S. Wagner, eds. Prophetie und geschichtliche Wirklichkeit im
    alten Israel
. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1991: 65-78.

_____, "The Immanuel Prophecy of Isa 7:10-17 and Its Messianic Interpretation," In Erhard Blum
    et al, eds. Die Hebraische Bibel und ihre zweifache Nachgeschichte: Festschrift für R.
    Rendtorff (Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1990), 225-40.

_____, “Isaiah 14,22-27: A Central Passage Reconsidered,” in J. Vermeylen, ed. The Book of
. Leuven: University of Leuven Press, 1989: 253-62.

_____, "Patterns in the Prophetic Canon: Healing the Blind and the Lame," in G. Tucker, et
    al, eds. Canon, Theology and Old Testament Interpretation. Philadelphia: Fortress,

_____, “Isaiah 45:20-25,” Int 40 (1986), 392-97.

_____, "Beyond Tradition History: Deutero-Isaianic Development of First Isaiah's Themes,"
    JSOT 31 (1985), 95-113.

_____, "The Unity of the Book of Isaiah," Interpretation 36 (1982), 117-29.

_____, "The Prophecies of Isaiah and the Fall of Jerusalem in 587 B.C.," VT 30 (1980a),

_____. Isaiah and the Deliverance of Jerusalem: A Study of the Interpretation of Prophecy in
     the Old Testament
. Sheffield: JSOT, 1980b. BS1515.2 C65x

_____. Isaiah 1--39. New Century Bible Commentary; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980c.

_____, “The Use of Hoy in the Prophets,” CBQ 28 (1966), 458-64.

Clifford, R.J., "The Unity of the Book of Isaiah and Its Cosmogonic Language," CBQ 55
    (1993), 1-17.

_____, “Narrative and Lament in Isaiah 63:7—64:11,” in M.P. Horgan and P.J. Kobelski,
    eds. To Touch the Text. New York: Crossroad, 1989:

____. Fair Spoken and Persuading. An Interpretation of Second Isaiah. New York: Paulist,

_____, “Isaiah 55: Invitation to a Feast,” in C.L. Meyers and M. O’Connor, eds. The Word of
     the Lord Shall Go Forth
. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1983: 27-35.

_____, "The Function of Idol Passages in Second Isaiah," CBQ 42 (1980), 450-64.

Clines, D.J.A., “The Parallelism of Greater Precision: Notes from Isaiah 40 for a Theory of
    Hebrew Poetry,” JSOT 40 (1987), 77-100.

_____. I, He, We, and They: A Literary Approach to Isaiah 53. JSOTSup 1; Sheffield:
     University of Sheffield, 1976.

Cogan, M. Imperialism and Religion: Assyria, Judah and Israel in the Eighth and Seventh
     Centuries B.C.E.
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Coggins, R.J., "Do We Still Need Deutero-Isaiah?," JSOT 81 (1998), 77-92.

_____, "The Problem of Is. 24-27," Expository Times 90(1979), 328-333.

Cohen, C., "Neo-Assyrian Elements in the First Speech of the Biblical RAB-SAQE," Israel
    Oriental Studies
9 (1979), 32-48.

_____, “The Widowed City,” JANESCU 5 (1973), 75-81.

Cohn, R.L. The Shape of Sacred Space: Four Biblical Studies. Chico: Scholars Press, 1981.
    BS630 .C57

Colburn, L.R., "God's Promises for Harvesters [Isa 54:2-4]," AASS 2 (1999), 51-57.

Cole, D.P., “Archaeology and the Messiah Oracles of Isaiah 9 and 11,” in M.D. Coogan, ed.
    Scripture and Other Artifacts. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 1994: 53-69.

Conrad, E.W., “Messengers in Isaiah and the Twelve: Implications for Reading Prophetic
    Books,” JSOT 91 (2000), 83-97.

_____, "Reading Isaiah and the Twelve as Prophetic Books," in C.C. Boyles and C.A. Evans,
    eds. Writing and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997: 3-18.

_____. Reading Isaiah. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1991. BS1515.2 .C663

_____, "The Royal Narratives and the Structure of the Book of Isaiah," JSOT 41 (1988),

_____, “The Community as King in Second Isaiah,” in J.T. Butler, et al., eds. Understanding
     the Word
. JSOTSup 37; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1985a: 99-111.

_____. Fear Not Warrior: A Study of  ̉al tirả Pericopes in the Hebrew Scriptures. Chico, CA:
    Scholars, 1985b.

_____, "The `Fear Not' Oracles in Second Isaiah," VT 34 (1984), 129-152.

_____, “Second Isaiah and the Priestly Oracle of Salvation,” ZAW 93 (1981), 234-46.

_____. Patriarchal Traditions in Second Isaiah. Ph.D. Dissertation, Princeton University,

Conroy, C., “Reflections on Some Recent Studies of Second Isaiah,” in V. Collado Bertomeu,
     ed. Palabra, Prodigio, Poesía: In Memoriam P. Luis Alson Schökel. AnBib 151; Rome:
     P.B.I., 2003: 145-60.

Crenshaw, J.L., “A Liturgy of Wasted Opportunity (Am 6,6-12; Isa 9,7--10,4; 5,25-29),”
     Semitics 1 (1970), 27-37.

Cronauer, P.T., “Reading First Isaiah in Context,” TBT 43 (2005), 341-47.

Crook, M.B., “A Suggested Occasion for Isaiah 9,2-7 and 11,1-9,” JBL 68 (1949), 213-24.

Cross, F.M., “The Council of Yahweh in Second Isaiah,” JNES 12 (1953), 274-78.

Culver, R.D., “Isa 1:18: Declaration, Exclamation or Interrogation?” JETS 12 (1969), 133-

Darr, K.P., “’Alas She has Become a Harlot,’ but Who’s to Blame? Unfaithful-Female
    Imagery in Isaiah’s Vision,” in L.M. Luker, ed. Passion, Vitality, and Foment: The
    Dynamics of Second Temple Judaism
. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity, 2001: 55-76.

_____. Isaiah's Vision and the Family of God. Louisville: Westminster, 1994a. BS1515.2

_____, "Two Unifying Females Images in the Book of Isaiah," in L. Hopfe, ed. Uncovering
    Ancient Stones
(Eisenbrauns, 1994b), 17-30.

_____. “Far More Precious than Jewels”: Perspectives on Biblical Women. Louisville:
    Westminster/John Knox, 1991.

_____, "Like Warrior, Like Woman: Destruction and Deliverance in Isaiah 42:10-17," CBQ
    49 (1987), 560-71.

Davidson, R., “The Interpretation of Isaiah II 6ff.,” VT 16 (1966), 1-7.

_____, "Universalism in Second Isaiah," SJT 16 (1963), 166-185.

Day, J., "The Dependence of Isaiah 26:13--27:11 on Hosea 13:4--14:10 and its Relevance to
    Some Theories of the Redaction of the 'Isaiah Apocalypse,'" in C.C. Boyles and C.A. Evans,
    eds. Writing and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997: 357-68.

_____, “Shear-jashub (Isaiah VII 3) and ‘The Remnant of Wrath’ (Psalm LXXVI 11),” VT
    31 (1981), 76-78.

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