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Ruth and Esther - Gender-Related Bibliography

Please send suggestions or additions to this bibliography to Dr. Victor H. Matthews (

Last Updated: 7-5-14

Ruth (abbreviation list)
Alpert, R., "Finding Our Past: a Lesbian Interpretation of the Book of Ruth," in Reading Ruth: Contemporary Women
       Reclaim a Sacred Story
, eds. J.A. Kates and G.T. Reimer. New York: Ballantine, 1994: 91-96.

Aschkenasy, N., "Reading Ruth through a Bakhtinian Lens: The Carnivalesque in a Biblical Tale," JBL 126 (2007), 437-53.
Bauckham, R., "The Book of Ruth and the Possibility of a Feminist Canonical Hermeneutic," BibInt 5 (1997), 29-45.
_____.  Is the Bible Male? The Book of Ruth and Biblical Narrative. Cambridge: Grove Press, 1996.
Beattie, D.R.G. Jewish Exegesis of the Book of Ruth. JSOTSup 2; Sheffield
: JSOT Press, 1977.
_____, "The Book of Ruth as Evidence for Israelite Legal Practice," VT 24/3 (1974), 251-67.

_____, "Kethibh and Qere in Ruth 4:5," VT 21 (1971), 490-94.
Benjamin, D.C., "The Persistant Widow--Parables in Ruth and Luke." TBT 28 (1990):213-19.

Berger, Y., "Ruth and Inner-Biblical Allusion: The Case of 1 Samuel 25," JBL 128 (2009), 253-72.
Berman, Joshua, “Ancient Hermeneutics and the Legal Structure of the Book of Ruth,” ZAW 119/1 (2007), 22-38.
Berquist, J.L., "Role Differentiation in the Book of Ruth," JSOT 57 (1993), 23-37.
Bertman, S., "Symmetrical Design in the Book of Ruth," JBL 84 (1965), 165-68.
Black, J., "Ruth in the dark: folktale, law and creative ambiguity in the Old Testament," Literature and
5 (1991), 20-36.
Bledstein, A.J., "Female Companionships: If the Book of Ruth were Written by a Woman," in Feminist
     Companion to Ruth
, 1993:116-133.

J.W., "Bitterness and Friendship: A Feminist Exegesis of the Book of Ruth," CurTM 32 ((2005), 47-54.
Boer, R., "Culture, Ethics and Identity in Reading Ruth," in A. Brenner, ed. Ruth and Esther: A Feminist
     Companion to the Bible
(2nd Series). Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999: 163-70.
Bos, J.W.H., "Out of the Shadows: Genesis 38; Judges 4:17-22; Ruth 3," Semeia 42 (1988), 37-67.
Bovell, C., "Symmetry, Ruth and Canon," JSOT 28 (2003), 175-91.
Braulik, G., "The Book of Ruth as Intra-Biblical Critique of the Deuteronomic Law," AcT 19 (1999b), 1-20.
Brenner, A., "Ruth: The Art of Memorizing Past Enemies, Ambigously," in D.V. Edelman and E. ben Zvi, eds.
     Remembering Biblical Figures in the Late Persian and Early Hellenistic Periods: Social Memory and
. Oxford: Oxford, 2013: 306-310,

"Was, wenn ich Rut bin? Zur Rolle heutiger Leser und Leserinnen des Rutbuches," BK 54
     (1999a), 117-20.
_____, "Ruth as a Foreign Worker and the Politics of Exogamy," in A. Brenner, ed. Ruth and Esther: A Feminist
     Companion to the Bible
(2nd Series). Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999b: 159-62.
_____, ed. A Feminist Companion to Ruth. Sheffield
: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993a.
_____, "Naomi and Ruth: Further Reflections," in Feminist Companion to Ruth, 1993b:140-145.
_____, "Naomi and Ruth," VT 33/4 (1983), 385-97.
Brenner, G., "Readers responding: an interview with biblical Ruth," Soundings 73 (1990), 233-255.
Britt, B., "Death, Social Conflict, and the Barley Harvest in the Hebrew Bible," Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 5 (2004), 1-28.
Burrows, M., "The Ancient Oriental Background of Hebrew Levirate Marriage," BASOR 77 (1940a), 2-15.
_____, "Levirate Marrige in Israel," JBL 59 (1940b), 23-33.
Bush, F.W., "Ruth 4:17: A Semantic Wordplay," in Go to the Land I Will Show You (1996a), 3-14.
_____. Ruth, Esther.
Dallas: Word, 1996b.

Campbell, E.F.
, "Ruth Revisited," in S.L. Cook and S.C. Winter, eds. On the Way to Nineveh. ASOR Books 4;
    Atlanta: Scholars, 1999: 54-76.

_____ “Naomi, Boaz, and Ruth, hesed and Change,” Austin Seminary Bulletin 105 (1990), 64-74.

_____. Ruth. A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. New York: Doubleday, 1975.
Callaham, S.N., "But Ruth Clung to Her: Textual Constraints on Ambiguity in Ruth 1:14," TynBul 63 (2012), 179-197.
Carasik, M., "Ruth 2, 7: Why the Overseer Was Embarrassed?," ZAW 107 (1995), 492-94.
Carmichael, C.M., "`Treading' in the Book of Ruth," ZAW 92 (1980), 248-266.
Carnasik, M., "Ruth 2,7: Why the Overseer Was Embarrassed?" ZAW 107 (1995), 493-94.
Caspi, M.M. The Book of Ruth: An Annotated Bibliography. Garland, 1994.
_____ and R.S. Havrelock.Women on the Biblical Road: Ruth, Naomi, and the Female Journey. Lanham, MD:
    University Press of America, 1996.
Chu, J.L., "Returning Home: The Inspiration of the Role Dedifferentiation in the Book of Ruth for Taiwanese Women,"
    Semeia 78 (1997), 47-54.
Claassens, L.J.M., "Resisting Dehumanization: Ruth, Tamar, and the Quest for Human Dignity," CBQ 74 (2012), 659-74.
Collins, C.J., "Ambiguity and Theology in Ruth: Ruth 1:21 and 2:20," Presbyterion 19 (1993), 97-102.
Coxon, P.W., "Was Naomi a Scold?," JSOT 45 (1989), 25-37.
Curtis, J.B., "Second Thoughts on the Purpose of the Book of Ruth," PEGLMWBS 16 (1996), 141-49.
Davies, E.W., "Ruth IV 5 and the Duties of the Go'el," VT 33 (1983), 231-34.
_____, "Inheritance Rights and the Hebrew Levirate Marriage," VT 31 (1981), 138-44, 257-68.
Derby, J., "A Problem in the Book of Ruth," JBQ 22 (1994), 178-85.

Dube, M.W., “Divining Ruth for International Relations,” in A.K.M. Adam, ed. Postmodern Interpretations of the Bible
     St. Louis: Chalice, 2001: 67-79.

Efthimiadis, H., "Woman to Womyn: Countering Patriarchal Stereotypes in the Book of Ruth," JSem 7 (1995), 57-78.
Engar, A., "Old Testament Women as Trickers [Rebeccah, Rachel, Ruth, Jael, Rahab, Esther]," in V.L. Trollers and J.
    Maier, eds. Mappings of the Biblical Terrain. Lewisburg: Bucknell U. Press,1990:143-57.
Engelken, K. Frauen im Alten Israel: Eine begriffsgeschichtliche und sozialrechtliche Studie zur Stellung der Frau im
    Alten Testament
. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1990.
Feeley-Harnik, G., "Naomi and Ruth: Building Up the House of David," in S. Niditch, ed. Text and Tradition. Atlanta:
    Scholars Press, 1990:163-184.
Feuerstein, R., "Ruth Decides whilst her God Guides: A Literary Approach to the Sapiential Narratives of the Old
    Testament, with Particular Reference to Religious and Adult Education," EstBib 62 (2004), 49-58.
Fewell, D.N.
and D.M. Gunn, "Is Coxon a Scold? On Responding to the Book of Ruth," JSOT 45 (1989a), 39-43.
_____, "Boaz, Pillar of Society: Measures of Worth in the Book of Ruth," JSOT 45 (1989b), 45-59.
_____ , "'A Son is Born to Naomi!': Literary Allusions and Interpretation in the Book of Ruth," JSOT
   40 (1988), 99-108.

Fisch, H., "Ruth and the Structure of Covenant History," VT 32 (1982), 425-437.
Fischer, I., "Apropos 'Idylle' ... Das Buch Rut als exegetische Literatur," BK 54 (1999), 107-12.
Freedman, A.D., "Naomi's Experience of God and Its Treatment in the Book of Ruth," PEGLMBS 23 (2003), 29-38.
Frick, F.S., "Widows in the Hebrew Bible: a Transactional Approach," FCED (1994), 139-51.
Gage, W.A., "Ruth Upon the Threshing Floor and the Sin of Gibeah: a Biblical-Theological Study," WTJ 51 (1989), 369-75.
Gillmayr-Bucher, S., "Ruth: Images of an Unfilfillable Longing," Biblical Reception 1 (2012),247-266.
Gitay, Z., "Ruth and the Women of Bethlehem," in Feminist Companion to Ruth, 1993:178-190.

Glover, N., "Your People, My People: An Exploration of Ethnicity in Ruth,"
JSOT 33 (2009), 293-313.
Gordis, R., "Love, Marriage, and Business in the Book of Ruth: A Chapter in Hebrew Customary Law." A Light Unto My
, ed. H. Bream (1974), 241-64.
Gosse, B., "Subversion de la l
égislation du Pentateuque et symboliques respectives des lignées de David et de Saul dans
     les livres de Samuel et de Ruth," ZAW 110 (1998), 34-49.

_____, "Le Livre de Ruth et ses liens avec II Samuel 21,1-14," ZAW 108 (1996), 430-433.
Goulder, M.D., "Ruth: a Homily on Deuteronomy 22-25?," Whybray Festschrift, 1993:307-19.
Gow, M.D. The Book of Ruth: Its Structure, Theme and Purpose. Leicester: Apollos, 1992.
_____, "Ruth Quoque--a Coquette? (Ruth 4:5)," TB 41 (1990), 302-311.

Gray, J. Joshua, Judges, Ruth (New Century Bible; London, 1967; 2nd ed., 1986).

Green, B., "The Plot of the Biblical Story of Ruth," JSOT 23 (1982), 55-68.
Hallaire, J., "Un jeu de structures dans le livre de Ruth," NRT 113 (1991), 708-27.
Halton, C. ,"An Indecent Proposal: The Theological Core of the Book of Ruth," SJOT 26 (2012), 30-43.
Hamlin, E.J., "Terms for Gender and Status in the Book of Ruth," PEGLMBS 15 (1995), 133-144.
Harm, H.J., "The Function of Double Entendre in Ruth Three," JOTT 7 (1995), 19-27.
Herr, D.D., "Men are from Judah, Women are from Bethlehem: How a Modern Bestseller Illuminates the Book of Ruth,"
    BRev 14 (1998), 34-41, 54-55.
Hubbard, R.L. The Book of Ruth. NICOT; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1988a.
_____, "Ruth IV 17: a New Solution," VT 38 (1988b), 293-301.
Hyman, R.T., "Questions and the Book of Ruth," Hebrew Studies 24 (1983), 17-25.
Jackson, G.S., "Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah," TBT 32 (1994), 68-73.
Jacobson, D., "Redefining Family in the Book of Ruth," Word & Way 33 (2013), 5-11.
Jensen, J.R., "Ruth according to Ephrem the Syrian," in Feminist Companion to Ruth, 1993:170-177.
Jobling, D., "Ruth Finds a Home: Canon, Politics, Method," in The New Literary Criticism, 1993:125-139.|
Jost, R., "Das Buch Rut -- ein Meisterwerk der Weltliteratur um den Uberlebenskampf auslandischer Frauen," BK 54
    (1999), 102-106.
Kates, J.A. and G.T. Reimer, eds. Reading Ruth: Contemporary Women Reclaim a Sacred Story. New York:
    Ballantine, 1994.
Ketchum, J., "The Go'el Custom in Ruth: A Comparative Study," ResQ 52 (2010), 237-45.
Keita, S. and J.W. Dyk, "The Scene at the Threshing Floor: Suggestive Readings and Intercultural Considerations on
    Ruth 3," BT 57 (2006), 17-32.
King, G.A., "Ruth 2:1-13," Int 52 (1998), 182-84.
Knauf, E.A., "Ruth la Moabite," VT 44 (1994), 547-48.
Koroth, P., "Hesed-Spirituality of the Family of Ruth," BibBh 17 (1991), 146-60.
Korpel, M.C.A. The Structure of the Book of Ruth. Koninklijke Van Gorcum, 2001.
Kowalski, B., "The Rewriting of the Old Testament in the Book of Ruth and the Rewriting of Ruth in Jewish and
     Christian Literature," PIBA 33-34 (2010-2011), 1-35.
Kruger, P.A., "Nonverbal Communication and Narrative Literature: Genesis 39 and the Ruth Novella," BN 141 (2009), 5-17.

"The Hem of the Garment in Marriage. The Meaning of the Symbolic Gesture in Ruth 3:9 and Ezek 16:8," JNSL
 12 (1984), 79-86.
LaCocque, A. Ruth: A Continental Commentary. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2004.
_____, "Date et milieu du livre de Ruth," Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 59/3-4 (1979), 583-593.
Landy, F., "Ruth and the Romance of Realism, or Deconstructing History," JAAR 62/2 (1994), 285-318.
Lawrie, D., "Narrative Logic and Legitimized Interposition in the Book of Ruth," NGTT 40 (1999), 83-99.
Leeb, C.S., "The Widow in the Hebrew Bible: Homeless and Post-menopausal," PEGLMBS 21 (2001), 61-67.
Levenson, A.T., "The Mantle of the Matriarchs' Ruth 4:11-15," JBQ 38 (2010), 237-43.
Levine, BA.., "In Praise of the Israelite Mispaha: Legend Themes in the Book of Ruth," H. Huffmon, et al., eds. The Quest
      for the Kingdom of God
(Winona Lake, IN:Eisenbrauns, 1983), 95-106.

Levinson, B.M.
Legal Revision and Religious Renewal in Ancient Israel. Cambridge: Cambridge, 2008.
Linafelt, T. and T.K. Beal. Ruth and Esther. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1999.
Loader, J.A., "Yahweh's Wings and the Gods of Ruth," in I. Kottsieper, et al, eds. "Wer ist wie du HERR, unter den
Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1994a:389-401.
_____, "Ruth 2:7 -- an Old Crux," JSem 4 (1992), 151-59.
Luter, A.B. and R.O. Rigsby, "An Adjusted Symmetical Structuring of Ruth," JETS 39 (1996), 15-28.
Manor, D.W., "A Brief History of Levirate Marriage as it Relates to the Bible," Restoration Quarterly 27/3 (1984),
Maré, L., J. Coetzee, and W. Minnar, "The Concept of yr't yhwh as Wisdom Motif in the Book of Ruth," JSem 20 (20011),

Masenya, M., "Struggling with Poverty/Emptiness: Rereading the Naomi-Ruth Story in African-South Africa," JTSA 120
    (2004), 46-59.
Matthews, V.H., "
The Determination of Social Identity in the Story of Ruth” BTB 36/2 (2006), 49-54
_____.  Judges/Ruth. London: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Merrill, E.H., "The Book of Ruth: narration and shared themes," Bibliotheca Sacra 142 (1985), 130-141.
Meyers, C.L., "'Women of the Neighborhood' (Ruth 4.17)--Informal Female Networks in Ancient Israel," in A. Brenner, ed.
    Feminist Companion to Ruth and Esther, 2nd series. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999:
_____, "Returning Home: Ruth 1.8 and the Gendering of the Book of Ruth," in Feminist Companion to Ruth, 1993:
Michael, M., "Orpah and Her Interpreters: Evaluating the Justifications for the Traditional-Stereotyped Readings," OTE 24
     (2011), 390-413.
Milgrom, J., "Religious Conversion and the Revolt Model for the Formation of Israel," JBL 101 (1982), 169-76.
Miller-McLemore, B.J., "Returning to the "mother's house": a Feminist Look at Orpah [Ruth 1:8]," Christian Century 108
    (1991), 428-30.
Moor, J.C. de, "The Poetry of the Book of Ruth (Part II)," Or 55 (1986), 16-46.
Moore, M.S., "Ruth the Moabite and the Blessing of Foreigners," CBQ 60/2 (1998), 203-217.
_____, "Two Textual Anomalies in Ruth," CBQ 59 (1997), 234-243.
Nayap-Pot, D., "Life in the Midst of Death: Naomi, Ruth and the Plight of Indigenous Women," in Vernacular
. Sheffield, 1999: 52-65.
Nielsen, K.
Ruth. OTL; London: SCM, 1997.
_____, "Le choix contre le droit dans le livre de Ruth: De l'aire de battage au tribunal," VT 35 (1985), 201-12.

Ostriker, A., “The Book of Ruth and the Love of the Land,” BibInt 10 (2002), 343-59.
Nowell, I., "Naomi: Holy Mother-in-Law," TBT 50 (2012), 159-163.

Ozick, C., "Ruth," in Feminist Companion to Ruth, 1993:191-214.
Phillips, A., "The Book of Ruth - Deception and Shame," JJS 37 (1986), 1-17.
Raskow, I.N., "Ruth: The Discourse of Power and the Power of Discourse," in Feminist Companion to Ruth, 1993c:26-41.
Ray, P., "The Story of Ruth: a Chronological and Genealogical Perspective," JATS 20 (2009), 3-18.
Reemts, C., "Das Buch Rut," Erbe und Auftrag 75 (1999), 375-82.
Reinhold, B., "Ruth 3: a New Creation?" JAAS 9 (2006), 111-17.
Reiss, M., "Ruth and Naomi: Foremothers of David," JBQ 35 (2007), 192-97.
Richter, H.F., "Zum Levirat im Buch Ruth," ZAW 95 (1983), 123-26.
Sakenfeld, K.D., "Why Perez? Reflections on David's Genealogy in Biblical Tradition," in B.F. Batto and K.L. Roberts, eds.
     David and Zion: Biblical Studies in Honor of J.J.M. Roberts. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2004: 405-416.
"Naomi's cry: reflections on Ruth 1:20-21,” In: God so near. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2003: 129-143.
_____, "At the Threshing Floor: Sex, Reader Response, and a Hermeneutic of Survival," OTE 15 (2002), 164-78.
_____, "The Story of Ruth: Economic Survival," in P.H. Williams and T. Hiebert, eds. Realia Dei.
    Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1999a: 215-27.
_____. Ruth. Interpretation; Louisville, KY: John Knox, 1999b.
Sasson, J.M.. Ruth: a New Translation with a Philological Commentary and Formalist-folklorist Interpretation.
    Sheffield: JSOT, 1989.
_____, "The Issue of Ge'ullah in Ruth," JSOT 5 (1978), 52-64.
Saxegaard, K.M., “’More than Seven Sons’: Ruth as Example of the Good Son,” SJOT 15 (2001), 257-75.
Schipper, J., "The Syntaz and Rhetoric of Ruth 1:9a," VT 62 (2012), 642-45.
Schramm, G.M., "Ruth, Tamar and Levirate Marriage," in J. Bellamy, ed. Studies in Near Eastern Culture and History.
    Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies, 1990: 191-200.
Shepherd, D., "Violence in the Fields? Translating, Reading, and Revising in Ruth 2," CBQ 63 (2001), 444-63.
da Silva, A., Ruth, plaidoyer en faveur de la femme," SR (1998), 251-61.
Siquans, A., "Foreigners and Poverty in the Book of Ruth: A Legal Way for a Poor Foreign Woman to Be Integrated into
     Israel," JBL 128 (2009), 443-52.
Smith, M.S., "'Your People Shall be My People': Family and Covenant in Ruth 1:16-17," CBQ 69/2 (2007), 242-258.
Soll, W., "Habits of the Ancient Heart: Reading Ruth in an Individualistic Society," Sewanee Theological Review 37
    (1993), 13-25.
Spangenberg, S., "Constructing a Historical Context for the Ruth Novelette: Dovetailing the Views of J.A. Loader and
     R. Albertz," OTE 18 92005), 345-55.
Stassen, S., "Traumatized Women and Men in Discourse with Orpah as Role Model," OTE 20 (2007), 215-35.
Steinberg, N., "Romancing the Widow: The Economic Distinction between the almānâ, the iššâ-almānâ and the ēšet-
" in J.H. Ellens, et al, eds. God's Word for Our World, vol. 1. JSOTSup 388; London: T & T Clark, 2004: 327-46.

Thompson, M.E.W., "New Life Amid the Alien Corn: the book of Ruth," EvQ 65 (1993), 197-210.
Thompson, T. and D. Thompson, "Some Legal problems in the Book of Ruth," VT 18 (1968), 79-99.
Tiessen, N., "A Theology of Ruth: The Dialectic of Countertestimony and Core Testimony," Direction 39 (2010), 255-64.
Tollers, V.L., "Narrative Control in the Book of Ruth," in Mappings of the Biblical Terrain: The Bible as Text. Lewisburg:
     Bucknell University Press, 1990: 252-59.
Trible, P., "Ruth: A Text in Therapy," USQR 51 (1997), 33-42.
_____, "A Human Comedy: The Book of Ruth," in K.R.R. Gros Louis and J. Ackerman, eds. Literary Interpretations of
     Biblical Narratives
. Nashville: Abingdon, 1982: 161-90.
_____, "Two women in a man's world: a reading of the Book of Ruth," Soundings 59 (1976), 251-279.
Tsoffar, R., "The Trajectory of Hunger: Appropriation and Prophecy in the Book of Ruth," in R.S. Sabbath, ed., Sacred
     Tropes: Tanakh, New Testament, and Qur'an as Literature and Culture
(Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2009), 257-74.
Ushedo, B., "Forensic Narration in the Book of Ruth," Scripture Bulletin 28 (1998), 28-40.
van Dijk-Hemmes, F., "Ruth: a Product of Women's Culture?," in Feminist Companion to Ruth (1993d), 134-139.
Van Dyk, A.C. and P.J. Van Dyk, "HIV/AIDS in Africa: Suffering Women and the Theology of the Book of Ruth," OTE 15
     (2002), 209-24.
Van Wolde, E., "Intertextuality: Ruth in Dialogue with Tamar," FCRB (1997), 426-451.
Vogger, D., "UHWH gab Rut Empfangnis und sie gebar einen Sohn (Rut 4,13): Zur Interpretation der Rut-
    Erzahlung," BN 100 (1999), 85-100.
Wolfenson, L.B., "Implications of the Place of the Book of Ruth in the Editions, Manuscripts, and Canon of the Old
    Testament," HUCA 1 (1924), 151-78.
Wright, G.R.H., “The Mother-Maid at Bethlehem [cultic fertility themes in Judg 17—19 and Ruth],” ZAW 98
     (1986), 56-72.
Yee, G.A., "'She Stood in Tears Amid the Alien Corn': Ruth, the Perpetual Foreigner and Model Minority," in R.C. Bailey, et al, eds., They were all Together in One Place? Toward Minority Biblical Criticism (Atlanta: SBL, 2009), 19-40.
Younger, K.L., "Two Comparative Notes on the Book of Ruth," JANES 26 (1998), 121-32.

Esther (abbreviation list)
Anderson, B.W. "The Place of the Book of Esther in the Christian Bible," Journal of Religion 30 (1950),
Beal, T.K., "Tracing Esther's Beginnings," FCEJS, 1995:87-110.
Berg, S.B. The Book of Esther: Motifs, Themes, and Structures. Missoula: Scholars Press, 1979.
Berlin, A., "The Book of Esther and Ancient Storytelling," JBL 120 (2001), 3-14.
Brenner, A. A Feminist Companion to Esther, Judith and Susanna. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press,
 _____, "Looking at Esther Through the Looking Glass," FCEJS, 1995b: 71-80.
Bronner, L.L., "Reclaiming Esther: From Sex Object to Sage," JBQ 26 (1998), 3-10.
_____. From Eve to Esther: Rabbinic Reconstructions of Biblical Women. Louisville: Westminster/John
     Knox, 1994.
Burns, J.E., "The Special Purim and the Reception of the Book of Esther in the Hellenistic and Early Roman Eras," JSJ 37
    (2006), 1-34.
Bush, F.W., "The Book of Esther: Opus non gratum in the Christian Canon," BBR 8 (1998), 39-54.

Butting, K., "The Book of Esther: a Reinterpretation of the Story of Joseph. Inner-biblical Critique as a Guide for
    Feminist Hermeneutics," ACEBT 13 (1994), 81-87.
Camp, C.V., "The Three Faces of Esther: Traditional Woman, Royal Diplomat, Authenticator of Tradition," Academy 38
    (1982), 20-25.
Clines, D.J.A. The Esther Scroll: the Story of the Story. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1984.
Cohen, J.M., "Vashti--An Unsung Heroine," JBQ 24 (1996), 103-106.
Collins, N.L., "Did Esther Fast on the 15th Nisan? An Extended Comment on Esther 3:12," RB 100 (1993), 533-61.
Davies, P.R., "Haman the Victim," in P.R. Davies, ed. First Person: Essays in Biblical Autobiography. London/NY:
     Sheffield, 2002: 137-54.
Derby, J., "The Paradox in the Book of Esther," JBQ 23 (1995), 115-119.
De Troyer, K., "An Oriental Beauty Parlour: An Analysis of Esther 2.8-18 in the Hebrew, the Septuagint and the Second
    Greek Text," Feminist Companion to Esther, Judith, and Susanna, 1995:47-70.
Dickson, C.R. and P.J. Botha, "The Role and Portrayal of the King in Esther," OTE 13 (2000), 156-73.
Duguid, I., "But Did They Live Happily Ever After? The Eschatology of the Book of Esther," WTJ 68 (2006), 85-98.
Duran, N., "Having Men for Dinner: Deadly Banquets and Biblical Women," BTB 35 (2005), 117-24.
Ego, B., "The Book of Esther: A Hellenistic Book," JAJ 1 (2010), 279-302.
Firth, D.G., "When Samuel Met Esther: Narrative Focalisation, Intertextuality, and Theology," STR 1 (2010), 15-28.
_____, "The Book of Esther: a Neglected Paradigm for Dealing with the State," OTE 10 (1997), 18-26.
Fox, M.V. The Redaction of the Books of Esther. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1991a.
_____. Character and Ideology in the Book of Esther. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1991b.
Fried, L.S., "Toward the UR-Text of Esther," JSOT 88 (2000), 49-57.
Fountain, A.K., "Canonical Messages in the Book of Esther," JBPR 2 (2010), 3-17.
Gitay, Z., "Esther and the Queen's Throne," FCEJS, 1995a:136-148.
Grossman, J., "'Dynamic Analogies' in the Book of Esther," VT 59 (2009), 394-414.
Haag, E., "Das Esterbuch und die Tradition von Jahwes Krieg gegen Amalek (Ex 17, 16)," TTZ 112 (2003), 19-41.
Heltzer, Michael, "The Book of Esther -- where does fiction start and history end?," Bible Review 8 (1992), 25-30.
Herman, D., "When Was the Book of Esther Included in the Biblical Canon?" Beit Mikra 48 (2003), 321-34 (Hebrew).
Himbaza, I., "Entre culture et theologie, une lecture d'Esther 1," ETR 75 (2000), 71-79.
Hintze, A., "The Greek and Hebrew Versions of the Book of Esther and its Iranian Background," in S. Shaked, ed.
    Irano-Judaism III. Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Inst., 1994: 34-39.
Houk, C.N., "Syllable--Word Patterns in Esther," ZAW 115 (2003), 578-85.
Humphreys, W.L., "The Story of Esther in Its Several Forms: Recent Studies," RSR 24/4 (1998b), 335-342.
_____, "The Story of Esther and Mordecai: An Early Jewish Novella," in G.W. Coats, ed. Saga, Legend, Tale, Novella,
    Fable: Narrative Forms in Old Testament Literature
. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1985, 97-113
_____, "A Life-Style for Diaspora: A Study of the Tales of Esther and Daniel," JBL 93 (1973), 211-23.
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