R. David Edmunds, Tecumseh and the Quest for Indian Leadership

Who were the Shawnee and what was their life like before the birth of Tecumseh?




In what ways did the Shawnee find their culture under siege in the late 1700s.




What did the Shawnee do during the American Revolution? Why?




Why did Tecumseh become a leader of the Shawnee?  What circumstances and what personal characteristics helped him emerge as a leader?




Explain the Treaty of Greenville (1795). Why was it important? How did Tecumseh feel about the treaty?




What happened to Indian-white relations in the 10 years after the Treaty of Greenville?




Who was the "Red Messiah," and what did he preach? Who found his message appealing, and why?




While the Prophet’s religion provided a unifying effect for Indians, Tecumseh added a political issue that also was designed to unify Indians in 1807.  Explain Tecumseh’s idea and why many Indians found it appealing.




Explain the relationship between Tecumseh and William Henry Harrison. What did each want? How did they try to achieve their goals?




Explain the Treaty of Ft. Wayne (1809). What impact did it have on Indians?




In 1811, Tecumseh traveled to the South. What was he trying to accomplish? Was he successful? Why?




What happened to the Prophet and Prophetstown while Tecumseh was in the South? How did this affect the Indian movement?




Explain Tecumseh actions during the War of 1812. In what ways was he successful? In what ways was he not successful?