National Progressivism:
Amendments & Legislation

1902    Newlands Reclamation Act
                             Money from public land sales to be used for  irrigation and conservation
1903    Elkins Act
                            Outlawed railroad rebates
1906    Hepburn Act   
         Gave ICC power to set railroad rates
Pure Food and Drug Act 
         Set purity standards for food and drugs
Meat Inspection Act                         
         Provided for government inspection of meat packing operations
1909    Payne-Aldrich Tariff                       
         A failed attempt at tariff reform
1910    Mann-Elkins Act                              
         Put telephones and telegraphs under ICC jurisdiction & gave ICC more power
Mann Act                                            
         Criminalized transporting women across state lines "for immoral purposes"
1913    Sixteenth Amendment                   
         Provided for graduated income tax
Seventeenth Amendment              
         Required popular election of U.S. Senators
 Underwood Tariff                             
         Reduced tariffs and imposed income tax
Federal Reserve Act                          
         Established Federal Reserve Banking System
Webb-Kenyon Act                             
         Allowed states to prevent transportation of alcoholic beverages across their borders
1914    Harrison Narcotic Act                     
         Made certain drugs illegal without a prescription
   Federal Trade Commission Act     
         Established FTC to administer anti-trust legislation
  Clayton Antitrust Act                        
         Tried to close loopholes in Sherman Antitrust Act
1916    Federal Farm Loan Act                    
         Provided low interest loans to farmers
   Keating-Owens Child Labor Act  
         Banned goods made by child labor from interstate commerce
  Adamson Act                                       
         Established eight hour day for railroad workers
   Workman's Compensation Act   
         Provided job-related injury and death benefits for government employees
 1919    Eighteenth Amendment              
         Prohibition of alcoholic beverages (nationwide)
  Nineteenth Amendment         
         Allowed women to vote   (state and national)