American Politics, 1840-1860

Whig Party (1838-1852) 
          -Henry Clay
          -American System

Democratic Party

Market Revolution

Anti-Masons (1827)
          -William Morgan
          -Order of Freemasons

Martin Van Buren
          -Albany Regency

Panic of 1837

William Henry Harrison
          -Battle of Tippecanoe
          -John Tyler

James K. Polk
          -Republic of Texas (1836-1845)
          -Mexican-American War (1846-1848)

Slave Power Conspiracy

Liberty Party (1840-1844)

Free Soil Party (1848)

Compromise of 1850

Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

Republican Party (1854-Present)
          -Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men, Free Speech, Fremont

American Party (1854-1856)
          -Know-Nothing Party

Harriet Beecher Stowe
Uncle Tom's Cabin

Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)

Election of 1860


Voter Turnout

    Voter Turnout





Election of 1840
    Election of 1840

Political Parties

Missouri Compromise, 1820
Missouri Compromise, 1820


Territorial Expansion, 1819-1854
Territorial Expansion, 1819-1854

Compromise of 1850
Compromise of 1850

Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854


Republican Party, 1854-1856
Republican Party, 1854-1856



Presidential Election of 1860