Origins of Progressivism


     -Government Intervention
              -Regulation and Trust Busting
     -Election Reform
     -Social Reform
     -Foreign Policy


      -Benjamin Parke DeWitt, The Progressive Movement  (1915)

      -Richard Hofstadter, Age of Reform  (1955)

New Left
      -Gabriel Kolko, The Triumph of Conservatism  (1963)
      -James Weinstein, The Corporate ideal in the Liberal State  (1968)

      -Robert Wiebe, Search for Order  (1967)
      -Samuel Hays, The Response to Industrialism  (1957)

The Nightmare
      -Peter Filene, "An Obituary for the Progressive Movement" (1970)

      -David Thelen, The New Citizenship  (1972)

      -Elizabeth Sanders, Roots of Reform  (1999)

Origins of Progressivism

New University
      -Morrill Land Grant Act (1862)

Reform Darwinism 
      -Lester Franck Ward, Dynamic Sociology  (1883)

Pragmatism  (1907)
      -William James
                -Richard T. Ely

Thorstein Veblen, Theory of the Leisure Class  (1899)

Henry George, Progress and Poverty (1879)
      -Single Tax

Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward (1888)
      -Bellamy Nationalists

Social Gospel Movement
      -Christian Socialism
      -Charles Sheldon, In His Steps (1895)
              -What Would Jesus Do

The Critical year -- 1901

United States Steel Corporation
        -J.P. Morgam

Socialist Party of America
        -Eugene V. Debs

The Middle Way
        -Theodore Roosevelt


Women and Reform

Elisabeth Israels Perry,
                 -"Men Are from the Gilded Age,
                         Women are from the Progressive Era"

Separate Spheres

Elizabeth Cady Stanton
       -Seneca Falls Convention (1848)
       -Fifteenth Amendment

Women's Christian Temperance Union
       -Frances Willard

Higher Education
       -Emily James Putnam
                -Barnard College

       -Charlotte Perkins Gilman
                 -Women and Economics (1898)
       -Margaret Sanger
                 -Birth Control
       -Emma Goldman
                 -Free Love

Eighteenth and Nineteenth Amendments
       -Woman's Suffrage



Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward (1888)

Atlantic Monthly (1935)
        -John Dewey
        -Charles A. Beard
        -Edward Weeks

Coach Parable












Voter Turnout, 1824-1992









































Motion Picture Code of 1934