The New South

Crop Lien System

Planters and Merchants

Lawrence Goodwyn
     -Democratic Promise (1976)
          -Abridged as The Populist Moment (1978)

Upcountry Yeomen

Commercial Agriculture


William Faulkner, The Hamlet

New South Creed

J.D.B. DeBow
DeBow's Review

Southernization of Industry
     -Cotton Mills

J.P. Morgan
     -"Pittsburgh Plus" Pricing

Conservative Regimes

Greenback Party, 1876-1884

Virginia Readjuster Movement, 1879-1883

Union Labor Party, 1886-1888

People's or Populist Party, 1892-1898

Plantation to Sharecropping

  Sharecropping, 1880

     Crops, 1889-1890