                                                Worth Robert Miller


Department of History
Missouri State University
Springfield, Missouri 65897
      Office Phone:  (417) 836-4141
      Home Phone:  (417) 864-4565


1984                    University of Oklahoma, Ph.D., History
1977                    Trinity University, M.A., History
1971                    University of Texas at Austin, B.A., Government


2012-Present        Professor Emeritus, Missouri State University
1995-2012            Professor, Missouri State University 
(Formerly Southwest Missouri State University)
1990-1995            Associate Professor, Southwest Missouri State University
1987-1990            Assistant Professor, Southwest Missouri State University
1986-1987            Visiting Assistant Professor, Texas A & M University, College Station
1985-1986            Visiting Assistant Professor, Texas A & M University, Commerce  (Formerly East Texas State University)
1984-1985            Lecturer, University of Oklahoma


2011                    Populist Cartoons:  An Illustrated History of the People’s Party Movement in the 1890s.
                                        (Kirksville, MO: Truman State University Press, 2011)

2001, 1989          A List of References for the History of the Farmers' Alliance and Populist Party. 2nd rev. ed.
                                 Revision of Henry
                                        Clay Dethloff's 1973 volume of the same title (Davis, CA: Agricultural History Center, 1989)

1987                    Oklahoma Populism: A History of the People's Party in the Oklahoma Territory.
                                        (Norman and London: University of Oklahoma Press, 1987)


2006, 1996          "Farmers and Third-Party Politics in Late Nineteenth-Century America." In The Gilded Age:  Essays on the
                                        Origins of
Modern America. pp. 235-60. Edited by Charles W. Calhoun. Wilmington, Delaware:
                                        Scholarly Resources, Inc.,  1996, rev. ed. 2006.

1994                    "The Republican Tradition." In American Populism, pp. 209-14. Edited by William F. Holmes.
                                        Problems in American Civilization Series. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath & Co., 1994.


2001                    Populism Website: Overview Essay, Historiography, Bibliography, Cartoon Presentation, and Primary Documents.


2009                    "The Populist Vision: A Roundtable Discussion," Kansas History 32, no. 1 (Spring 2009): 18-45.
                                        Editor, Introduction, and Commentary by Gregg Cantrell, Rebecca Edwards, Robert C. McMath, Jr.,
                                        Charles Postel, William C. Pratt, and Worth Robert Miller.

2008                    "Building a Populist Coalition in Texas, 1892-1896," Journal of Southern History 74 no. 2 (May 2008): 255-96.
                                        Co-authored w/ Stacy G. Ulbig.  Reprint:

2003                    “Educating the Masses: Cartoons from the Populist Press of the 1890s.” American Nineteenth Century History
                                        4, no. 2 (Summer 2003): 104-119.  Reprint:

2002                    "The Lost World of Gilded Age Politics." Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 1, no. 1 (January 2002):
                                        49-67.  Reprint:

1995                    "Harrison County Methods: Election Fraud in Late Nineteenth-Century Texas." Locus:  Regional and Local
                                        History of the Americas
7, no. 2 (Spring 1995): 111-28. 

1993                    "Ethnic Conflict and Machine Politics in San Antonio, 1892-1899." Journal of Urban History 19, no. 4
                                        (August 1993): 63-84. Co-authored with Dale Baum.

1993                    "A Centennial Historiography of American Populism." Kansas History 16, no. 1 (Spring 1993): 54-69.

1987                    "Gilded Age Development and the Populist Revolt in Oklahoma Territory," Texas Journal of Political Studies
                                        9, no. 2 (Spring-Summer 1987): 32-45.

1986                    "Building a Progressive Coalition in Texas: The Populist-Reform Democrat Rapprochement, 1900-1907."
                                        Journal of Southern History 52, no. 2 (May 1986): 163-82. 

1985                    "Frontier Politics: The Bases of Partisan Choice in Oklahoma Territory, 1890-1904." Chronicles of Oklahoma
                                        62, no. 4 (Winter 1984-85): 429-46.


2007                    Populist Party and biographies of Samuel Crocker and Leo Vincent, Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.

2003                    Biographies of William Vincent Allen, James Harvey "Cyclone" Davis, Lorenzo Lewelling, William Alfred Peffer,
                                        Henry and Leo Vincent, and entry on Omaha Platform of 1892, Historical Dictionary of the Gilded Age.

1995                    Biographies of James H. (Cyclone) Davis, Barnett Gibbs, Thomas P. Gore, Isaac Newton (Newt) Gresham,
                                        Charles H. Jenkins, Marion Martin, Thomas L. Nugent, Owen Pinkney Pyle, and Andrew Jackson Spradley,
                                        Handbook of Texas.

1992                    Biography of Governor Lorenzo D. Lewelling of Kansas, American National Biography.


2008-2009           Missouri State University, College of Humanities and Public Affairs Incentive Award 

2005, 2000          Who's Who Among America's Teachers, Honoring Our Nation’s Most Respected Teachers

2003                    Missouri State University, University Research Award

2008-2009           Missouri State University, Sabbatical for Research

1997                     Missouri State University,  College of Humanities and Public Affairs Recognition Award in Service

1991-1992            Missouri State University Foundation, Faculty Achievement Award for Excellence in Research

1982-1983            University of Oklahoma,  A. K. Christian Graduate Fellowship


 2017-present                        Honors Colloquium: Gilded Age and Progressive Era America

2016-present                         Honors Colloquium: The American South

2014-2015                             Freshman Honors Seminar

2010                                      The First British Empire   (Missouri London Program)

2005                                      American Slavery   (One semester hour Intersession Course)

2004                                      Graduate Seminar: Gilded Age and Progressive Era America, 1877-1920

2003-2011                             Senior Seminar: Gilded Age and Progressive Era America, 1877-1920

2003-2004                             Robber Barons and Populists   (One semester hour Intersession Course)

2002                                      Antebellum America, 1815-1860   (Two semester hours Intersession Course)

1990-2010                             Proseminar: The American South

1990-2003                             Proseminar: Gilded Age and Progressive Era America

1990-present                        The American South

1995-present                        Gilded Age and Progressive Era America

1989-present                        Nineteenth-Century America 

1988-2005                            Historiography and Historical Methods  (Graduate)                         

1986                                     Reading Seminar: Twentieth-Century America

1982-2012                            Survey of Early American History

1981-2012                            Survey of Modern American History



2008                     Robert Jeffrey David Wells, "The Communist and The Altruist: Alcander Longeley’s Newspapers and Communities"
                                         Co-Winner:  2010 Center for Communal Studies Graduate Paper Prize
PhD, Texas Christian University, 2014

2008                     Matthew T. Vogeler, "David Rice Atcheson: Southern Spokesman, 1844-1855"
                                         ABD, Auburn University PhD Program

2005                     Lynn Michele Lansdown, "The Defeat of the 1914 Missouri Woman Suffrage Initiative"
                                         Winner:  2006 Lewis E. Atherton Prize for Outstanding Thesis or Dissertation on Missouri History
                                         ABD, University of Georgia PhD Program


2012                     Thirty-Fourth Mid-America Conference on History,
                                        Convention Coordinator and Chair, Program Committee
                                        Featured Speakers: Douglas Brinkley, Rami Khouri, and George C. Rable

2008                     Thirtieth Mid-America Conference on History,
                                        Convention Coordinator; Chair, Program Committee; and Registrar
                                        Featured Speakers: John Bodnar, Richard Breitman, and Charles P. Roland

2004                     Twenty-Sixth Mid-America Conference on History,
                                        Associate Convention Coordinator and Member, Program Committee

1999                     Twenty-First Mid-America Conference on History,
                                        Member, Program Committee

1995                     Seventeenth Mid-America Conference on History,
                                        Convention Coordinator and Chair, Program Committee
                                        Featured Speakers: Lloyd Gardner, Bill C. Malone, and Mark E. Neely

1991                     Thirteenth Mid-America Conference on History,
                                        Convention Coordinator and Chair, Program Committee
                                        Featured Speakers: Stephen E. Ambrose, James M. McPherson, and H. Wayne Morgan


2011                      Chair and Commentator, Session on "The Effects of Oil: Crime and Reform" 33rd Mid-America Conference on History

2010                     Chair, session on "Post-World War II Southern Labor," 32nd  Mid-America Conference on History

2009                     Chair and Commentator,  session on "Individualism and Community in the West,"
                                        31st Mid-America Conference on History

2006                     Chair, “The Failure of Progressive Era Reform,” 28th Mid-America Conference on History

2005                     Chair and Commentator, “The Future of Populist Studies,” 27th Mid-America Conference on History

2004                     Commentator, session on “The Urban Revolt: Labor, Race, and Populism in 1890s Dallas”
                                        108th Texas State Historical Association Annual Meeting

2002                     Commentator, session on “Populism and Progressivism on the Southern Plains”
                                        24th Mid-America Conference on History

2001                     Chair and Commentator, session on "Prostitution and Intimacy in the Heartland,"
                                        23rd Mid-America Conference on History

1997                     Chair and Commentator, session on "Populist Art.," 19th Mid-America Conference on History

1996                     Chair and Commentator, session on "The Demise of Populism,"  18th Mid-America Conference on History

1995                     Chair and Commentator, session on "The Federal Government and Science in the Gilded Age
                                        and Progressive Era," New England Historical Association Fall Conference

1993                     Chair and Commentator, session on "Rural America in the Twentieth Century," 15th Mid-America Conference on History

1992                     Chair and Commentator, session on "New Perspectives on Populism," 35th Annual Missouri Valley History Conference

1991                     Commentator, session on "Social History: Two Studies," 69th Southwestern Social Science Association Conference

1989                     Chair, session on "Early Responses to Oklahoma as the Promised Land," 11th Mid-America Conference on History

1989                     Chair and Commentator, session on "Twentieth Century Political History: Arkansas & Oklahoma,"
                                        67th Southwestern Social Science Association Conference

1987                     Chair and Commentator, session on "Journalists and Journalism During Crisis,"
                                        65th Southwestern Social Science Association Conference


2012                      "Struggle for the Promised Land: Oklahoma's Territorial Years"
                                       Address delivered to
Different Shades or Red: Woody Guthrie and the Oklahoma Experience at 100 Symposium,
                                       Sponsored by GRAMMY Museum, Smithsonian Institution, University of Tulsa, Brooklyn College,
                                       University of Southern California, and Pennsylvania State University

2010                      "Discovering the Populist Vision of Gilded Age American Development through Cartoons from the People’s Party Press
                                       of the 1890s," Newcastle University, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK

2007                     "Who Were the Texas Populists,"
                                       Paper delivered at 87th Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting,
                                       Co-Authored with Stacy G. Ulbig

2005                     “The Populist Revolt in Cartoons,”
                                        Paper Delivered at 85th Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting

2003                     “Visions of Apocalypse: Populist Images of Late Nineteenth Century American Development”
                                        Address to Theta Mu Chapter, Phi Alpha Theta, Missouri State University

2002                     “The Populist Cartoons of Watson Heston,” Address at Powers Museum, Carthage, Missouri

1997                     “Educating the Masses: Cartoons from the Populist Press of the 1890s,”
                                        Address to Theta Mu Chapter, Phi Alpha Theta, Missouri State University

1992                     "The Origins of Populism," Address to 117th Kansas State Historical Society Annual Meeting

1992                     "Origins of the Bryan-Watson Ticket: The Populist National Convention of the 1896 and the Demise
                                        of the People's Party," Paper Delivered at 96th Texas State Historical Association Annual Meeting

1988                     "Harrison County Methods: Election Fraud in Late Nineteenth-Century Texas,"
                                        Paper Delivered at 92nd Texas State Historical Association Annual Meeting

1985                     "Struggle for the Promised Land: Gilded Age Development and the People's Party in Oklahoma Territory,"
                                        Paper Delivered at 27th Western Social Science Association Conference


2016                       Worth Robert Miller Graduate History Scholarship
                                        University of Oklahoma

2015                       Worth Robert Miller Honors College Scholarship
                                        Missouri State University



2010                     Missouri State University, Missouri London Program

2009-2010            Journal of Southern History, Member, Board of Editors

2008-2009            Southern Historical Association, Membership Committee

2006-2010            Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
                                     Chair (2008-2010) and Member (2006-2008), Fishel-Calhoun Prize Committee

2005,                    Missouri State University, Department of History Faculty Senate Representative

2004-2005            Missouri State University,
     2001-2003                Faculty Sponsor, Theta Mu Chapter, Phi Alpha Theta National Honor Society
     1998-2000                and Coordinator, Missouri State University High School History Bowl
2002                     Missouri State University, Interim Director of Graduate Studies, Department of History,

1989                     Missouri State University, Faculty Adviser, Golden Key National Honor Society