QUIZ #9--Continental drift-rock plates

----1. State the name given to the protocontinent

----2. Who was given the title "Father of Continental Drift?"

----3. Do the age of the rocks in the ocean basin become progressively older or younger away from the ocean ridge?--choose only one answer

----4. According to the classification of plate boundaries, which type of plate boundary is defined by a pair of convection cells working together to form a compressional force?


----5. A divergent plate boundary between 2 continental plates

----6. A convergent plate boundary between an ocean basin plate and a continental plate

----7. A convergent plate boundary between 2 continental plates

----8. A convergent plate boundary between 2 ocean basin plates

----9. Do the rocks of the Hawaiian Island chain become older or younger westward (W-NW)? Choose only one answer

---10. Name the type of plate boundary in which lithospheric plates move laterally along the plate boundary

Answers to Quiz #9

1. pangaea
2. Wegener
3. older
4. convergent
5. African Rift
6. Cascade Mountain Chain
7. India and Asia
8. Aleutian Islands or Japan
9. older
10. transform or lateral

Quiz #10--Geologic structures

----1. State the specific name given to the plane which bisects anticlines and synclines shown in the plan (map) view

----2. Which geologic structure does the following explain?: a downarched structure with limbs dipping towards the center of the structure through 360 degrees


----3. A fold opened at 2 ends and the eroded surface displays a progressive older age in the direction away from the center of the structure

----4. A fold with strata having only one direction of dip

----5. The sides of the fold show a mirror image of each other

----6. That which is represented by a compass direction perpendicular to the direction of dip

----7. A geologic structure with no open ends and displays a progressivly younger age of the rocks in a direction away from its center on an eroded surface

----8. A geologic structure with limbs dipping outward from the center of the structure through 360 degrees

----9. State one type of force which causes folds

---10. What is the plunge direction of an anticline if the curved contacts of the formations seen from the plan are closed on the south end of the fold?

Answers to Quiz #10:

1. fold axis
2. basin
3. syncline
4. monocline
5. symmetrical
6. strike
7. dome
8. dome
9. compression
10. south

Quiz #11--Geologic structures

----1. Name the wedge of land upthrown between 2 normal faults

----2. Which of the following lies directly under the massive erosional surface in a disconformity? a.tilted or folded beds b. an igneous rock body c. non folded sedimentary beds

----3. Is the relative movement of the hanging wall up or down in respect to the footwall in a reverse fault?

----4. What is the name given to all vertical faults?

----5. What is the name given to a low angled (small angle of dip) reverse fault?

----6. Give the name of an important example of a joint structure comprised of igneous rock and located in Wyoming

----7. Other than a series of sedimentary formations what is another feature common in all types of unconformities

----8. Give the name of the type of fault associated with both vertical and horizontal movement

----9. On what geologic structure does the Rhine River in Germany lie?

---10. State the type of fault which is represented by the San Andreas Fault in California

Answers to Quiz #11:

1. horst
2. c
3. up
4. dip slip
5. thrust
6. Devil's Tower
7. massive erosion surface
8. oblique
9. graben
10. strike slip or horizontal (transverse) fault

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