1.  TiO2 and MnO2 belong to the same isomorphic group in the oxide class and therefore isomorphic
    MgCO3 and ZnCO3 belong to the same isomorphic group in the carbonate class " "     "
    CaSO4 and PbSO4  "         "    "    "              "            "      "   " sulfate          "     "    "       ".
    NaNO3 is isomorphic with MgCO3 and ZnCO3 but do not belong to the same isomorphic group
    since they are not in the same mineral class-the same is true for CaWO4 and PbMoO4               

   2.  No. if ions cannot adequately substitute ionically between isomorphic minerals, solid solution cannot
        exist. You should apply the factors which govern ionic substitution

   3. a. reconstructive    b. enantiotropic and displacive      c.  monotropic

   4. a. manganoan hornblende    b. ferrian tourmaline      c.  aluminian augite

   5. 27%, 13%, and since the 800 degree form would have more Fe, it would be darker in color

   6. a. molybdate     b. phosphate    c.  sulfide     d. arsenate    e. nitrate

   7. end members = albite (Ab) and anorthite (An).  Minerals with different amounts of An and Ab 
       form because at different temperatures of formation there is different amounts of Ca+2 and
       Na+1 ionically substituting for each other in the structure simultaneously with Al+3 and Si+4
       to keep electroneutrality in the mineral                        

   8.  mineral class = based on anion, anionic complex or lack of an ion
        mineral subclass = based on special chemical bonding or structural linkages of the mineral's
                                        building block
        mineral groups = based on the same atomic structure but different chemical composition,
                                     same chemical composition but different atomic structure, or based on the
                                      same general formula
        mineral series =  based on minerals with end members, some of the elements of which substitute
                                     ionically in proportion to temperature forming a series of minerals            
        mineral variety = based on unusual amounts of chemical constituents or based on crystal size
                                      or appearance

        Match left column with right column

1. d  
2.  l  
3.  b  
4.  i  
5.  f, j  
6.  c  
7.  e  
8.  a  
9.  k  