LLT 121 and LLT 180 - General Education Homepage

Time frame for conversion to the Revised General Education Program

Effective Fall 2013, course goals and learning objectives for both LLT 121 (Classical Mythology) and LLT 180 (The Heroic Quest) are in compliance with the NEW General Education Program. However, both LLT 121 and LLT 180 retain their previous CGEIP (Committee on General Education and Interdisciplinary Programs) accreditation for those students still covered by the OLD General Education requirement.

OLD General Education Program (valid through Summer 2014)
LLT 121: three credits of "Culture & Society: Humanities Perspective"
LLT 180: three credits of "Self-Understanding: Humanities Perspective"

NEW General Education Program (full implementation scheduled Fall 2014)
LLT 121: three credits of "Knowledge of Human Cultures: Focus on Humanities"
LLT 180: three credits of "Public Affairs: Focus on Cultural Competence"

Course Description, Course Objectives, and General Education Guidelines
Effective Fall 2013, syllabi for all sections of LLT 121 (Classical Mythology) and LLT 180 (The Heroic Quest) will include, verbatim, the same Course Description, Course Objectives, and General Education Guidelines. Strict compliance is an essential part of the annual CGEIP re-accreditation process. Since LLT 180 is a variable content course, each LLT 180 syllabus also requires a separate set of Course Objectives for each separate section.

LLT 121: as HTML; as MS Word document
LLT 180: as HTML; as MS Word document

Assessment Process:
Effective Fall 2013, outcomes assessment will be conducted upon all sections of LLT 121 (Classical Mythology) and LLT 180 (The Heroic Quest), as described in the MS Word documents below.

LLT 121: as MS Word document
LLT 180: as MS Word document

Conversion of our LLT 121 and LLT 180 courses to the new General Education Program is very much a work in progress. Please direct any questions, comments, or ideas to the Classics Section Head,
Joe Hughes. You know where to find him.