Study Guide to the Gilgamesh Epic


Gilgamesh - youthful, bullish king of UrukUtnapishtim - mortal given immortality by the gods
Enkidu -  nature boyMrs. Utnapishtim - baker of bread
Shamhat -"harlot" who civilizes EnkiduSiduri - bartender at the edge of the world

Urshanabi - the ferryman of Utnapishtim


Ishtar - goddess of beauty and love          Humbaba - monster guarding the Cedar Forest
Shamash - sun godBull of Heaven - Sphinxy symbol of drought
Anu - king of the Sumerian godsScorpion-Man - guardian of the gates at Mt. Mashu


Uruk - city in Mesopotamia ruled by Gilgamesh
Cedar Forest - probably Lebanon
Mount Mashu - symbolic division between the setting and rising of the sun
Dilmun - the faraway land in the garden of the sun, where Utnapishtim lives
Kur - Sumerian word meaning "foreign land" or "underworld"
Map of Gilgamesh's World  -


The civilizing of Enkidu by Shamhat
How Enkidu and Gilgamesh became friends
Journey to the Cedar Forest and the killing of Humbaba
Ishtar, Gilgamesh, and the Bull of Heaven
The illness and death of Enkidu
Gilgamesh's journey to Utnapishtim and encounter with Siduri
Utnapishtim's tale of the flood and its implications for Gilgamesh