Common Winterberry Holly

Ilex verticillata

Aquifoliaceae (Holly Family)

▲ shrub with fruit in late summer

▲▼ leaves, fruit

Location near campus:  toward west-center of Xeriscape Garden; Xeriscape Garden is at northwest corner of National and Linwood, about 3/4 mile south of campus on National Avenue.

Ilex verticillata: Common Winterberry

·         leaves deciduous, alternate, simple, elliptic to obovate with pointed tip and serrated margins; dark green above, lighter green below

·         stems brown to purplish brown

·         grows 6-10' tall and wide into an oval-rounded shape; may sucker from stem bases to form dense thicket

·         dioecious; produces abundant red berries (or other color, depending on cultivar) in fall through winter which are very attractive on leafless plants

·         prefers full sun; likes very wet, swampy soils, acid pH and high organic matter content

·         native to Missouri