Fragrant Sumac

Rhus aromatica

Anacardiaceace (Cashew Family)

▲ trifolilate leaves and elongated, scaled flower buds for next year

▲ fruit

▲▼ plants in fall color

Location on campus:  along east side of sidewalk south of Ellis Hall, east of Craig Hall; also in raised planting bed at southeast corner of landscaping area south of Plaster Student Union

Rhus aromatica: Fragrant Sumac

·         leaves deciduous, alternate, trifoliate, dark green in color; leaflets ovate 2-3" long and about 2/3 as wide, with shallowly lobed or coarsely toothed margins; top surface of leaves is shiny

·         fall color is often bright orange or red

·         flowers not significant, but elongated cone-like male flower buds apparent on winter twigs

·         stems are tan to brown and fragrant when bruised

·         size is about 6' tall and wide, sometimes smaller

·         grows in full sun to nearly full shade (more compact and fully branched in sun) and prefers acid, well-drained soils, but adaptable

·         slow to medium growth rate

·         native to Missouri