Hedge MAple

Acer campestre

Aceraceae (Maple Family)

▲ foliage and fruit

▲▼ two different types of bark (lower is more common)

Location on Missouri State University campus:  south of Parking Lots 22 and 24 (south of Grand) along south edge of parking lots

Acer campestre: Hedge Maple

·         leaves opposite, simple, deciduous, palmately 3-5-lobed; dark green above and pubescent beneath; leaves 2-4" long and wide; sometimes yellow fall color

·         stems slender, light brown, glabrous with lenticels; may develop corky fissures with age

·         barks is gray-black with ridge and furrow texture

·         prefers full sun to light shade; well-drained, high organic matter soils; tolerates dry soils and compact soils and pH extremes

·         naturally grows 25-35' tall with dense, rounded canopy, but can be trimmed as a hedge (hence the name)

·         generally slow growth rate

·         similar to Acer myabei (Myabei Maple)