
(Cercidophyllum japonicum)

Cercidophyllaceae (Katsuratree Family)

▲ medium-sized tree

▲ young tree

▲▼ leaves, showing reddish new growth (above)

▲ leaf  undersides are lighter green

Location on campus:  south of Hill Hall, along sidewalk


Cercidophyllum japonicum: Katsuratree

            ·         leaves opposite, simple, deciduous, 2-4" long and equally white, cordate ro rounded with slightly crenate-serrate margins; emerge purplish, turn blue-green above and glaucous underneath for summer and orange to yellow for fall-- can be very attractive

  ·         stems slender , swollen at nodes, brown

·         bark is brown and slightly shaggy-- attractive with age

·         grows 40-60' tall with pyramidal habit in youth, variable form with age

·         are weeping forms that are very attractive

·         is dioecious, but flowers and fruit not showy

·         prefers full sun to part shade and moist, well-drained, high organic matter soil; doesn't tolerate dry conditions

·         medium to fast growth rate

·         landscape uses of katsuratree:   small to medium-sized tree for fall color