Plume Grass, Ravenna Grass, Hardy Pampas Grass

Saccharum ravennae

(formerly Erianthus ravennae)

Poaceae (Grass Family)

Saccharum ravennae (formerly Erianthus ravennae): Plume Grass, Hardy Pampas Grass, Ravennae Grass

Location on campus:  near the fountain to the south of the Meyer Library on MSU campus.

·         leaves 1/2-1" wide, medium green with white midrib, 3' long or longer

·         foliage height about 3-4'

·         inflorescence a tall panicle of silvery white about 5-10' tall produced in late summer

·         inflorescences used in dried flower arrangements

·         needs full sun, prefers well-drained but moist soils

·         trim back to ground in winter to remove old foliage

·         divide or move in spring to mid-summer