Vernal Witchhazel

Hamamelis vernalis

Hamamelidaceae (Witchhazel Family)

▲ shrub by northeast entrance to Karls Hall on MSU campus

▲▼ foliage showing crenate margins

▲ flower buds n late fall

▲▼ flowers in January and February

▲▼ flowers in January and February

Hamamelis vernalis: Vernal Witchhazel

Location on campus:  at south end of rectangle bed outside main (northeast) entrance to Karls Hall; in lawn area to the north of Woods Hall; a few other locations on campus

·         leaves deciduous, alternate, simple, obovate with coarsely rounded teeth above the middle; leaves 2-5" long and ½ to 2/3 as wide; leaves glabrous or glaucous, not pubescent; (4-6 vein pairs) green to blue green or dark green color with good yellow fall color

·         stems are tan-gray and very pubescent when young

·         flowers yellow, orange or red, ½ to 3/4" across with 4 crinkly petals in the axils of the leaves, usually in clusters of three in mid-winter; often fragrant

·         grows 6-10' tall and wide, rounded, often a multistemmed shrub with sprouts from the base

·         grows well in full sun to half or more shade; prefers moist soils, but somewhat adaptable

·         slow to medium growth rate

·         native to Missouri