Review Notes - Market Structure: Perfect Competition

- Characteristics of P.C. market
- many buyers and sellers
- all small relative to the market
- homogeneous product
- no entry/exit barriers

- What is firm D in a P.C. market? Market Demand?

- profit maximization by P.C. firms (the same principles apply to all firms).
- definition of MR = change in TR ÷ change in q. What does this mean?
- if MR > MC => continue to produce (increase q).
- if MR < MC => do not produce this unit (decreases q).
- if MR = MC => profit is maxmized. why?

- profit maxmization graphically (see the following figure). You must answer the following questions (again, the same principles apply to all firms).
- What is the profit maximizing quantity level?
- what is the highest price the firm can charge for this quantity?
- Be prepared to find on the graph: profit maximizing q and p, profit, TR, TC, TVC, TFC, AFC, AVC, ATC.
- Should this firm produce in the short-run? Where is the short-run shutdown point?
- Should this firm produce in the long-run? Where is the long-run shutdown point?
- What is the Firm's short-run supply curve? What is the industry's short-run supply curve?

- the long-run in P.C. markets.
- the crucial characteristic = free entry and exit.
- profit serves as a signal for entry/exit. If profit > 0 => entry in the long-run. If profit < 0 => exit in the long-run. If profit = 0 => no entry and no exit => long-run equilibrium.
- When in long-run equilibrium => (1) P=MR=MC=AC, (2) q is such that AC is at its minimum point, etc. Make sure you know all of the results when in long-run equilibrium.
- What is the long-run industry supply?
- Increasing Cost Industry?
- Decreasing Cost Industry?
- Constant Cost Industry?

- Are Perfectly Competitive Markets Efficient?
- Technological Efficiency?
- Firm Technological Efficiency? Does the firm produce a given quantity at minimum cost? (Are they on their cost curves?).
- Industry Technological Efficiency? Does the industry produce a given quantity at minimum cost? (Is each firm producing at the minimum point of their AC curve?)
- Allocative Efficiency. Is P = MC (MSB = MSC)? (HINT: make sure you keep profit max. and allocative efficiency straight, they aren't the same thing.)

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