Review Notes - Elasticity

- Definition of 4 different types
- Price Elasticity of Demand (n)
- Price Elasticity of Supply (ns)
- Income Elasticity of Demand (ny)
- Cross Elasticity of Demand (nx,y)

- Interpretation of size and sign of the elasticity coefficient for each type of elasticity.
- sign
-n < or = 0 always;
reflects the law of Demand (as P increases => Qd decreases)
-ns > or = 0 always;
reflects the law of Supply (as P increases => Qs increases)
if ny > 0 => as income increases, Qd increases => the good is normal.
if ny < 0 => as income increases, Qd decreases => the good is inferior.
if nx,y > 0 => as Px increases Q increases => x and y are substitutes.
if nx,y < 0 => as Px increases Q decreases => x and y are complements.
if nx,y = 0 => as Px increases Q is constant => x and y are unrelated.
- size
if n > 1 => D is price elastic (% change in Qd > % change in P).
if n < 1 => D is price inelastic (% change in Qd < % change in P).
if n = 1 => D is unitarily elastic (% change in Qd = % change in P).
relationship between price elasticity of demand and total revenue?
- when demand is elastic?
- when demand is inelastic?
- when demand is unitary?
- what causes a Demand curve to be more or less elastic?
if ns > 1 => S is price elastic (% change in Qs > % change in P).
if ns < 1 => S is price inelastic (% change in Qs < % change in P).
if ns = 1 => S is unitarily elastic (% change in Qs = % change in P).
if |ny| > 1 => D is income elastic (|% change in Qd| > |% change in Y|).
if |ny| < 1 => D is income inelastic (|% change in Qd| < |% change in Y|).
if ny > 1 => the good is a luxury.
if 0 < ny < 1 => the good is a necessity.
if nx,y > 0 => as nx,y increases x and y become closer substitutes.
if nx,y < 0 => as nx,y decreases (increases in absolute value) x and y become closer complements.

- Elasticity and taxes.
- when do consumers bear more of the burden of the tax?
- when do suppliers bear more of the burden of the tax?

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