Economics 504 and Health Care Management 504 

Possible Test Questions and Review

Final Exam

1. Consider the avoidance of accidents which occur in medical relationships.
a. Carefully define what is meant by the optimal level of precaution to avoid such accidents. Use graphs and be precise in your answer.
b. What are the assumptions needed for a negligence liability rule to result in optimal precaution? What is the result if these assumptions are violated? Briefly explain your answer.
c. What are the assumptions needed for a strict liability rule to result in optimal precaution? What is the result if these assumptions are violated? Briefly explain your answer.
d. What is the economic argument favoring contractual allocation of liability for medical accidents? Under what circumstances would intervention by tort law be justified? Briefly explain your answer.

2. Carefully define the following terms in a few sentences.
a. risk aversion
b. expected utility
c. supply of medical care
d. economies of scale
e. cost minimization
f. deductible
g. coinsurance
h. industry technolgical efficiency
i. target income model
j. pure or fair premium (of health insurance)
k. community rating
l. moral hazard
m. adverse selection
n. negligence
o. strict liability
p. physicians services
q. entry barriers
r. HMO
s. legal standard of care
t. malpractice severity
u. demand pull inflation

3. Give a brief answer to all of the following questions.
a. Suppose that a new hospital enters a market. How do existing hospitals react to the new entrants presence? List all assumptions that you must make to answer the question and briefly explain your answer.
b. Why does competition ensure that physician services will be produced at minimum cost? Briefly explain your answer.
c. Suppose that you are a newly licensed M.D. with a specialty in retinal surgery. How do you decide where you should locate if your goal is to maximize your own profits? What implications does this model have for the quality and quantity of specialists in both rural and urban areas? Briefly explain your answer.
d. Why do some individuals buy health insurance and others not? Use graphs to explain your answer. According to your theory, which variables have an impact on the probability that an individual will buy health insurance? Briefly explain your answer.

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