We had a nice group campsite with plenty of room Rocks were great for exploring when you were not setting up camp Meals here were easy to prepare In the end, we all had fun and got free entertainment around the campfire.
One valley in the park had a whole forest of teddy bear cholla.  Maske sure you don't sit on them.  Check your backside. Soon after arriving at the camp, a nice Mojave rattlesnake was found. We handled this guy carefully, as this species has neurotoxins in its venom It sure was pretty in this pink shade.
Other critters were caught too Whenever something was caught, everyone wants to see and photograph it. Here's Kristie, the lizard model We made sure to show everything to Karen, in case they were art materials.
Everyone wasn't nice to each other all the time though.  We caught Candice goosing Ben Brian also got in trouble with Anna