UHC 110 Environmental-Issues Survey


Results for the Fall 2007 class PRE-TEST are shown in green

(means for part 1, totals for part 2)


Results for the Fall 2007 class POST-TEST are shown in maroon

(means for part 1, totals for part 2)



1.  Please take a moment to respond to the following economic and lifestyle questions.  [If you would not be willing at all, indicate this by putting 0.0]


·         How much extra would you be willing to pay for a gallon of gas (if normally $2.50), in order to encourage a reduction in gasoline usage (and the money was used for environmental protection)?                  $_0.93__    $0.70


·         How much extra would you be willing to pay for a $2 loaf of bread if the wheat was raised without fertilizers (some of which runs into our waterways)?                                                                                       $_1.31__    $1.21


·         How much extra would you be willing to pay for a $20,000 car that does not put out any emissions that add pollution to the air?                                                                                                                $7000        $8,300


·         How much extra would you be willing to pay for a $0.75 can of soup (or other canned goods) if the can was made from recycled tin?                                                                                                                    $_0.63__    $0.64


·         How much extra would you be willing to pay for a $20 box of computer paper that was made from trees planted by a paper company on its own land?                                                                                        $_5.31__    $5.77


·         How much extra would you be willing to pay for electricity each month (if normally $50) if the electricity was generated in a way that burned 80% less fossil fuels?                                                             $25.00__        $33.00


·         How much extra time would you be willing to spend each day getting to class (if normally 20 minutes) if the mode of transportation greatly reduced the fossil-fuel emissions?                                                      _9.7_ min.    10.8 min.


·         How much extra time would you be willing to spend each week in recycling efforts if the use of virgin natural resources was reduced 1% for every 5 minutes you spent?                                                               _68_ min.    51 min.


·         How much extra time would you be willing to spend each day preparing meals with food purchased in bulk, rather that eating pre-prepared foods (with multiple packaging layers that end up in landfills), ignoring the fact that one may be healthier for you?                                                                                                      _23.5_ min.        19.3 min.


·         How many degrees cooler/warmer in the winter/summer would you keep your house/apartment if we all did it, and could reduce the burning of fossil fuels by 1% per degree (no change in your utilities bill)? __5.8__ oF        6.4 oF




2.  When you are deciding on what candidate to vote for, the following issues should be compared between candidates, and their positions to your own beliefs.  Please indicate in the blank for each issue if it is a higher or lower priority to you than environmental issues (use H / L).  Feel free to write in your own issues too.


   H                                                                             L

_4__    __12__  Taxes                                        5                8

__5_    __11__  National debt                            4                9

__4__    __12__  Stock market                          2                11

__5__    __10__  Global economics                    3                10

__7_    __8__  Personal economics                    8                 5

_7__    __9__  Jobs/unemployment                    10                3

_15__    __1__  Education (K-16)                     13               0

__3__    __12__  Welfare reform                        3                10

__9_    __7__  Health care for all                        8                6

_12__    __4__  Medical research                      12                2

_13__    __3__  Religious freedom                     9                  5

_ 6__    __10_  Beliefs about abortion, etc.        5                  9

_8__    __  8 _  World peace                             6                  7

_9__    __7__  Crime                                         9                 4

_ 8__    __7__  Anti-terrorism                            7                6


__1___    _____ Same-sex marriage

_____    _____    Euthanasia                              0                1



 3.  On the back of this paper, please indicate what you think is the one most critical environmental issue/threat facing mankind.  Briefly indicate why you selected this one.  [the number of people listing a particular issue is shown in the parentheses]

global warming (7)  (4)
pollution (5) (1)
human population numbers (1)
limited fresh water (1)
habitat destruction (1)
ignorance of environmental issues (1)

Alternative fuels/resources  (1)

Depletion of natural resources  (4)