Internet Scavenger Hunt

UHC 110
Sept 17, 2007

1. What is covered by Article VII of The Code of Student Rights & Responsibilities? sanction for university violations

2. Who do the Missouri State U volleyball Lady Bears play in their next home game? Oral Roberts University

3. What is the web address for the form to appeal a parking ticket?

4. Who is the Department Head for the Missouri State University Dept of Agriculture? Dr. Anson Elliot

5. In case you want help with your theme paper, what is the location of the Missouri State University Writing Center? Siceluff Hall 210

6.  What is the drop deadline (with an automatic N grade assigned) for this class?    October 24, 2007     ___   

7.  Where are the BareStage auditions on this Wednesday & Thursday nights?  ___Craig Hall -- Coger Theatre __________

8. In what Department is the Clinical Lab Sciences (Medical Technology) degree? Biomedical Sciences

9.  According to the Minutes of the April 2001 meeting, who was the PEC Chairperson at that time?   _Dr. Tom Dicke_

10. What hours is the on-campus escort service provided? "hours of darkness", 7 days/week

11. In what College is the Dept of Media, Journalism, and Film? College of Arts and Letters

12. Who is the president of the Honors Council?    Brittany Jones

13. Where did Dr. Tomasi get his PhD? University of Utah

14. When is the Ozarks Science & Engineering Fair this year? _April 8 - 10, 2008_

15. What does it mean if someone has a grade of XF on his/her transcript? Failed due to academic dishonesty

16. What is the weekly rate to rent a sleeping bag on campus? $24 (weekend + 4 weekdays)

17. When would the final exam be scheduled (this semester) for a class that meets M & W at 1:00 pm? 12/10/07 1:15-3:15

18. How many PED classes are offered for the second block this semester?    _6 __   :-(

19. As what will BIO 201 from Jefferson College transfer to Missouri State U? BIO 235 (Genetics)

20. From whom would Dr. Tomasi request an exception to the "amorous relationship policy"? his boss/supervisor (Dr. Mathis or Dr. Einhellig)