Jeremiah Bibliography


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Last Updated: May 9, 2009


Ackroyd, P.R., "The Vitality of the Word of God in the Old Testament," ASTI 1 (1962), 7-23.

_____, "The Book of Jeremiah--Some Recent Studies," JSOT 28 (1984), 47-59.

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_____. Exile and Restoration: A Study of Hebrew Thought of the Sixth Century. OTL; London: SCM, 1968b.

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Aitken, K.T., "The Oracles Against Babylon in Jeremiah 50-51: Structures and Perspectives," TB 35 (1984),

Althann, R., "Jeremiah iv 11-12: Stichometry, Parallelism, and Translation," VT 28 (1978), 385-391.

Anbar, M., "To Put One's Neck Under the Yoke," in Y. Amit, et al, eds. Essays on Ancient Israel in Its Near
     Eastern Context
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Anderson, B.W., "`The Lord Has Created Something New,'--A Stylistic Study of Jer 31:15-22,"  CBQ 40/4
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    137-60. Part II: VT 48 (1998), 301-308.

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     Davies, eds. Sense and Sensitivity. JSOTSup 348; London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002: 63-72.

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Barstad, H.M., "Prophecy in the Book of Jeremiah and the Historical Prophet," in A.S. Hunter and P.R. Davies, eds.
     Sense and Sensitivity. JSOTSup 348; London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002: 87-100.

Barton, J., "Jeremiah in the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha," in Troubling Jeremiah. JSOTSup 260; Sheffield:
     Sheffield Academic Press, 1999: 306-319.

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     in Troubling Jeremiah. JSOTSup 260; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999: 293-305.

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Becking, B., "The Return of the Deity: Iconic or Aniconic?" in Y. Amit, et al, eds. Essays on Ancient Israel in Its
     Near Eastern Context
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    (2003), 7-21.

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     Sheffield Academic Press, 1999: 179-99.

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Boadt, L., "The Book of Jeremiah and the Power of Historical Recitation," in A. Diamond, et al, eds. Troubling
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     113 (2001), 186-97.

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    eds., J.J. Burham and J.R. Porter (Atlanta, 1970), 189-213.

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Brodie, L.T., "Jacob's Travail (Jer 30:1-13) and Jacob's Struggle (Gen 32:22-32): a Test Case for Measuring
    the Influence of the Book of Jeremiah on the Present Text of Genesis," JSOT 19 (1981), 31-60.

Brueggemann, W.A., "Jeremiah's Use of Rhetorical Questions," JBL 92/3 (1973), 358-374.

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    (1985), 419-428.

_____. To Pluck Up, To Tear Down: A Commentary on the Book of Jeremiah 1-25. Grand Rapids:
    Eerdmans, 1988.

_____, "A `Characteristic' Reflection on What Comes Next (Jeremiah 32.16-44)," in S.B. Reid,
    ed. Prophets and Paradigms: Essays in Honor of Gene M. Tucker. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press,

_____, "Next Steps in Jeremiah Studies?" in Troubling Jeremiah. JSOTSup 260; Sheffield: Sheffield
     Academic Press, 1999: 404-22.

_____, "The God of 'All Flesh,'" in F.J. Gaiser and M.A. Throntveit, eds., "And God Saw That It Was Good":
    Essays on Creation and God in Honor of Terence E. Fretheim
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    Seminary, 2006: 85-93.

Bultmann, C., "A Prophet in Desperation? The Confessions of Jeremiah," in J.C. de Moor, ed. The Elusive
     Prophet: The Prophet as a Historical Person, Literary Character and Anonymous Artist
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     Leiden: Brill, 2001: 83-93.

Buss, M.J., "An Anthropological Perspective Upon Prophetic Call Narratives," Semeia 21 (1982), 9-30.

_____, "The Book of Jeremiah: Portrait of a Prophet," Int 37 (1983), 130-145.

Callaway, M.C., "The Lamenting Prophet and the Modern Self: On the Origins of Contemporary Readings of
    Jeremiah," in J. Kaltner and L. Stulman, eds. Inspired Speech. JSOTSup 378; London: T & T Clark, 2004:

_____, "Black Fire on White Fire: Historical Context and Literary Subtext in Jeremiah 37-38," in Troubling
. JSOTSup 260; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999: 171-78.

Carroll, R.P., "Halfway Through a Dark Wood: Reflections on Jeremiah 25," in Troubling Jeremiah. JSOTSup 260;
     Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999a: 73-86.

_____, "The Book of J: Intertextuality and Ideological Criticism," in Troubling Jeremiah (1999b), 220-43.

_____, "Something Rich and Strange: Imagining a Future for Jeremiah Studies," in Troubling Jeremiah (1999c),

_____, "Manuscripts Don't Burn -- Inscribing the Prophetic Tradition: Reflections on Jeremiah 36," in
    M. Augustin, et al., eds. Dort ziehen Schiffe dahin. Frankfort am Main: Peter Lang, 1996: 31-42.

_____, "Inscribing the Covenant: Writing and the Written in Jeremiah," in A.G. Auld, ed. Understanding
    Poets and Prophets
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_____. Jeremiah: A Commentary. Philadelphia: SCM Press, 1986. BS1525.3 .C37

_____. From Chaos to Covenant. London: SCM Press, 1981.

_____, "Prophecy and Dissonance, A Theoretical Approach to the Prophetic Tradition," ZAW 92 (1980),

_____, "Poets not Prophets: a Response to `Prophets Through the Looking Glass,'" JSOT 27 (1983), 25-31.

_____, "Theodicy and the Community: The Text and Subtext of Jeremiah 5:1-6," OTS 23 (1984), 19-39.

Castellino, G.R., "Observations on the Literary Structure of Some Passages in Jeremiah," VT 30 (1980),

Cazelles, H., "Jeremiah and Deuteronomy," in A Prophet to the Nations: Essays in Jeremiah Studies.
     Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1983:

Chavel, S., "'Let My People Go!' Emancipation, Revelation, and Scribal Activity in Jeremiah 34.8-14,"
    JSOT 76 (1997), 71-95.

Childs, B.S., "The Enemy from the North and the Chaos Tradition," JBL 78 (1959), 187-98.

Clements, R.E., "Jeremiah 1--25 and the Deuteronomistic History," in A. Auld, ed. Understanding Poets
    and Prophets.
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Clines, D.J.A. and D.M. Gunn, "Form, Occasion and Redaction in Jeremiah 20," ZAW 88 (1976), 390-409.

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Dahlberg, B.T., "The Typological Use of Jeremiah 1:4-19 in Matthew 16:13-23," JBL 94 (1975), 73-80.

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_____, "Israel's `Two Evils' in Jeremiah ii 13," VT 31 (1981), 369-372.

_____, "Jeremiah 2:2-3 and Israel's Love for God during the Wilderness Wanderings," CBQ 45 (1983),

Diamond, A.R.P., "Playing God--'Polytheizing' YHWH-Alone in Jeremiah's Metaphorical Spaces," in
     P.J.P. van Hecke, ed. Metaphor in the Hebrew Bible. BETL 187; Leuven: Peeters, 2005: 119-32.

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    17 (2003), 34-48.

_____, ed. Troubling Jeremiah. JSOTSup 260; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999.
     BS1525.2 .T76x

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     Oracles--Reconstructing the Hermeneutics of Prophecy," JSOT 57 (1993), 99-119.

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40 (1990), 33-50.

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    JSOT Press, 1987.

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     Troubling Jeremiah. JSOTSup 260; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999: 123-45.

Dijkstra, M., "Prophecy by Letter (Jeremiah xxix 24-32)," VT 33 (1983), 319-322.

Di Pede, E., “Un oracle pour les Rëcabites (Jr 35,18-19TM) ou à leur propos (42,18-19 LXX)?” SJOT 20/1
      (2006), 96-109

Domeris, W.R., "When Metaphor Becomes Myth: A Socio-Linguistic Reading of Jeremiah," in Troubling Jeremiah.
     JSOTSup 260; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999: 244-62.

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    YHWH," in J.W. Dyk, et al, eds. Rediscovery of the Hebrew Bible. Maastricht: Shaker, 1999a:

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    JSOT 86 (1999b), 67-84.

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Frost, S.B., "The Memorial of a Childless Man, A Study in Hebrew Thought on Immortality," Int 26 (1972),

Gershenson, D.E., "A Greek Myth in Jeremiah," ZAW 108 (1996), 192-200.

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    Psautier," ZAW 118 (2006), 549-57.

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     Israel in Its Near Eastern Context
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Graham, J.N., "`Vinedressers and Plowmen': 2 Kings 25:12 and Jeremiah 52:16," BA 47/1 (1984), 55-58.

Green, A.R., "The Chronology of the Last Days of Judah," JBL 101 (1982a), 57-73.

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