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History of Ancient Israel -- Bibliography

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Ackroyd, P.R. The Chronicler in His Age. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1991.

_____, "The Biblical Interpretation of the Reigns of Ahaz and Hezekiah," in G.W. Ahlstrom, ed. In the Shelter of Elyon. JSOTSup 31; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1984: 247-59.

_____. Israel Under Babylon and Persia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1970.

_____. Exile and Restoration. London: SCM Press, 1968.

Adams, R.M. Heartland of Cities: Surveys of Ancient Settlement and Land Use on the Central Floodplain Of the Euphrates. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981.

Aharoni, M., "The Horned Altar at Beersheba," BA 37 (1974), 2-23.

_____, "Arad: Its Inscriptions and Temple," BA 21 (1968), 18-32.

_____ and A.F. Rainey, “Arad: An Ancient Israelite Fortress with a Temple to Yahweh,” BAR 13 (2, 1987), 16-35.

Aharoni, Y., “The Building Activities of David and Solomon,” IEJ 24 (1974), 13-16.

Ahituv, S., "The Origin of Israel," Beit Mikra 49 (2003), 57-66 (Hebrew).

Ahlström, G.W., "Administration of the State in Canaan and Ancient Israel," in J.M. Sasson, ed. Civilizations of the Ancient Near East. vol. 1. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1995: 587-604.

_____. The History of Ancient Palestine from the Paleolithic Period to Alexander’s Conquest. JSOTSup 146; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993.

_____, “The Origin of Israel in Palestine,” SJOT 2 (1991a), 19-34.

_____, "The Role of Archaeological and Literary Remains in Reconstructing Israel's History," in D. Edelman, ed. The Fabric of History. JSOTSup 127; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1991b: 116-42.

_____. Who Were the Israelites? Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1986.

_____. Royal Administration and National Religion in Ancient Palestine. Leiden: Brill, 1982a.

_____, "Where Did the Israelites Live?" JNES 41 (1982b), 133-38.

_____ and D. Edelman, "Merneptah's Israel," JNES 44 (1985), 59-61.

Albertz, R., "Secondary Sources also Deserve to be Historically Evaluated: The Case of the United Monarchy," in P.R. Davies and D.V. Edelman, eds. The Historian and the Bible: Essays in Honour of Lester L. Grabbe. London: T & T Clark, 2010: 31-45.

_____, "Social History of Ancient Israel," in W.G.M. Williamson, ed. Understanding the History of Ancient Israel. Oxford: Oxford, 2007: 347-367.

_____, “Exodus: Liberation History against Charter Myth,” in J.W. van Henten and A. Houtepen, eds. Religious Identity and the Invention of Tradition. Assen: Van Gorcum 2001: 128-43.

_____, "In Search of the Deuteronomists. A First Solution to a Historical Riddle," in T. Römer, ed. The Future of the Deuteronomistic History. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2000: 1-18.

_____. A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period. II: From the Exile to the Maccabees. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 1994.

_____ and B. Becking. Yahwism After the Exile: Perspectives on Israelite Religion in the Persian Era. Assen: Royal Van Gorcum, 2003.

Albright, W.F. Archaeology and the Religion of Israel. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1968.

_____. Archaeology, Historical Analogy, and Early Biblical Tradition. Rockwell Lectures 6. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1966.

_____.  From the Stone Age to Christianity: Monotheism and the Historical Process (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1957 [1940]).

_____. Archaeology and Religion of Israel, 4th ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1956.

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Amar, Z., "Agricultural Realia in Light of the Lachish Relief," UF 31 (1999), 1-11.

Amiran, D.H.K., "The Pattern of Settlement in Palestine," IEJ 3 (1953), 65-78, 192-209, 250-60.

Amit, Y., "Looking at History through Literary Glasses Too," in Y. Amit, et al, eds. Essays on Ancient Israel in Its Near Eastern Context. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2006a: 1-15.

_____, "The Saul Polemic in the Persian Period," in O. Lipschits and M. Oeming, eds. Judah and the Judeans in the Persian Period. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2006b: 647-661.

Anderesen, F.I. and D.N. Freedman. Hosea, a New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. New York: Doubleday, 1980.

Anderson, W.H.U., "David as a Biblical 'Goodfella' and 'The Godfather': Cultural-Social Analogies with Monarchy and La Cosa Nostra," SJOT 18 (2004), 60-76.

Andreason, N.-E. A., "The Role of the Queen-Mother in Israelite Society," CBQ 49 (1983), 179-94.

Arnold, B.T., "Nebuchadnezzar and Solomon: Parallel Lives Illuminate History," BRev 33 (1, 2007), 48-54, 76.

_____, "Necromancy and Cleromancy in 1 and 2 Samuel," CBQ 66 (2004), 199-213.

Ash, P.S., “Jeroboam I and the Deuteronomistic Historian’s Ideology of the Founder,” CBQ 60 (1998), 16-24.

_____, “Solomon’s? District? List,” JSOT 67 (1995), 67-86.

Assman, Jan., "Exodus and Memory," in Thomas Levy, et al, eds. Israel's Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective. New York: Springer, 2015: 3-15.

Astour, M., "The Hapiru in the Amarna Texts: Basic Points of Controversy," UF 31 (1999), 31-50.

Athas, G., "Setting the Record Straight: What Are We Making of the Tel Dan Inscriptions?" JSS 51 (2006), 241-255.

_____. The Tel Dan Inscription: a Reappraisal and a New Interpretation. London: T & T Clark, 2003.

Aubet, M.E. The Phoenicians and the West: Politics, Colonies and Trade. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Auld, A.G., "Reading Kings on the Divided Monarchy: What Sort of Narrative?" in H.G.M. Williamson, ed. Understanding the History of Ancient Israel. Oxford: Oxford, 2007: 337-343.

_____, "Counting Sheep, Sins and Sour Grapes: The Primacy of the Primary History?" in A.G. Hunter and P.R. Davies, eds. Sense and Sensitivity. JSOTSup 348; London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002: 63-72.

_____, "The Deuteronomists between History and Theology," in A. Lemaire and M. Saebo, eds. Congress Volume, Oslo 1998. Leiden: Brill, 2000: 53-67, 359-359.

_____, "What Was the Main Source of the Books of Chronicles?" in G.M. Patrick, ed. The Chronicler as Author. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999: 91-99.

_____, Kings Without Privilege: David and Moses in the Story of the Bible’s Kings. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1994.

_____ and M. Steiner. Jerusalem I: From the Bronze Age to the Macabees. Cambridge: Lutterworth, 1996.

Averbeck, R.E., M.W. Chavalas, D.B. Weisberg, eds. Life and Culture in the Ancient Near East. Baltimore: CDL Press, 2003.

Avigad, N. Discovering Jerusalem. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1983.

_____. Bullae and Seals from a Post-Exilic Judan Archive. Qedem 4; Hebrew University Institute of Archaeology Monograph Series; Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1976.

_____, "The Epitaph of a Royal Steward from Siloam Village," IEJ 3 (1953), 137-152.

Avioz, M., "When Was the First Temple Destroyed, According to the Bible," Bib 84 (2003), 562-65.

Avishur, Y. and M. Heltzer, "The Scribe and Priest Ezra: a Leader Under Achaemenian Rule," Trans 29 (2005), 17-36.

Bailey, R.C. David in Love and War. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1990.

Bakon, S., "Zedekiah: Last King of Judah," JBQ 36 (2008), 93-101.

Balentine, S.E., “The Politics of Religion in the Persian Period,” in J. Barton and D.J. Reimer, eds. After the Exile: Essays in Honour of Rex Mason. Macon: Mercer University Press, 1996: 129-46.

Banning, E.B., "Highlands and Lowlands: Problems and Survey Frameworks for Rural Archaeology in the Near East," BASOR 301 (1996), 25-46.

Bar-Adon, P., “Excavations in the Judean Desert,” Atiqot 9 (1989), 1-88 (Hebrew).

Barako, T., "How Did the Philistines Get to Canaan? One: by Sea," BAR 29/2 (2003), 26-33, 64, 66.

Bar Yosef, O. and Khazanov, A., eds. Pastoralism in the Levant: Archaeological Materials in Anthropological Perspectives. Madison, WI: Prehistoric Press, 1992.

Barnes, W.H. Studies in the Chronology of the Divided Monarchy of Israel. Atlanta: Scholars, 1991.

Barr, J. History and Ideology in the Old Testament. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Barrick, W.B., “On the Meaning of Beth-Ha/Bamoth and Bate-habamoth and the Composition of the Kings History,” JBL 115 (1996), 621-642.

Barstad, H.M., "After the 'Myth of the Empty Land': Major Challenges in the Study of Neo-Babylonian Judah," in O. Lipschits and J. Blenkinsopp, eds. Judah and the Judeans in the Neo-Babylonian Period. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2003: 3-20.

_____, "'Fact' versus 'Fiction' and Other Issues in the History Debate, and Their Relevance for the Study of the Old Testament," in C. Bultmann, et al, eds. Vergegenwärtigung des Alten Testaments. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2002: 433-47.

_____, “The Strange Fear of the Bible,” in L.L. Grabbe, ed. Leading Captivity Captive: “The Exile” as History and Ideology. JSOTSup 278; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998: 120-27.

_____, “History and the Hebrew Bible,” in L.L. Grabbe, ed. Can a “History of Israel” Be Written? JSOTSup 245; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997: 37-64.

_____. The Myth of the Empty Land: A Study in the History and Archaeology of Judah during the “Exilic” Period. Symbolae osloenses, fasc. suppl., 28; Oslo: Scandinavian University press, 1996.

Bartlett, J.R. Edom and the Edomites. JSOTSup 77; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1989.

_____, “The ‘United’ Campaign Against Moab in 2 Kings 3:4-27,” in J. Sawyer and D. Clines, eds. Midian, Moab and Edom. The History and Archaeology of Late Bronze and Iron Age Jordan and Northwest Arabia. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1983: 135-46.

Barton, J., "Dating the 'Succession Narrative,'" in J. Day, ed. In Search of Pre-Exilic Israel. New York: T & T Clark, 2004: 95-106.

Batto, B.F. Slaying the Dragon, Mythmaking in the Biblical Tradition. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1992.

Beaulieu, P.-A. The Reign of Nabonidus, King of Babylon 556-539 B.C. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989.

Beck, P., “The Art of Palestine During the Iron Age II: Local Traditions and External Influences (10th-8th Centuries BCE),” in C. Uehlinger, ed. Images as Media: Sources for the Cultural History of the Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean (1st Millennium BCE). OBE 175; Fribourg: Universitatsverlag; Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2000: 165-83.

Becking, B., “Chronology: A Skeleton Without Flesh? Sennacherib’s Campaign as a Case-Study,” in Lester L. Grabbe, ed. “Like a Bird in a Cage” The Invasion of Sennacherib in 701 BCE. JSOTSup 363; London; New York: Sheffield Academic Press, 2003: 46-72.

_____, “West Semites at Tell Šēh Hamid: Evidence for the Israelite Exile?” in U. Hubner and E.A. Knaup, eds. Kein Land  für sich allein. OBO 186; Freiburg: Universitatsverlag, 2002: 153-66.

_____, “The Hellenistic Period and Ancient Israel: Three Preliminary Statements,” in L.L. Grabbe, ed. Did Moses Speak Attic? Jewish Historiography and Scripture in the Hellenistic Period. JSOTSup 317; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001: 78-90.

_____, “Did Jehu Write the Tel Dan Inscription?” SJOT 13 (1999), 187-201.

_____, “Ezra’s Re-enactment of the Exile,” in L.L. Grabbe, ed. Leading Captivity Captive: “The Exile” as History and Ideology. JSOTSup 278; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998: 40-61.

_____, “Inscribed Seals as Evidence for Biblical Israel? Jeremiah 40.7—41.15 Par Exemple,” in L.L.Grabbe, ed. Can a “History of Israel” Be Written? JSOTSup 245; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997a: 65-83.

_____, "From Apostasy to Destruction: a Josianic View on the Fall of Samaria (2 Kings 17,21-23)," in M. Vervenne and J. Lust, eds. Deuteronomy and Deuteronomic Literature. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1997b: 279-97.

_____. The Fall of Samaria: An Historical and Archaeological Study. Leiden: Brill, 1992.

Begg, C.T., “The Interpretation of the Gedalajah Episode (2 Kgs 25,22-26) in Context,” Antonianum 62 (1987), 3-11.

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Beit-Arieh, I. and B. Cresson, “Horvat ‘Uza, a Fortified Outpost on the Eastern Negev Border,” BA 54 (1991), 126-35.

Bellefontaine, E., "Customary Law and Chieftainship: Judicial Aspects of 2 Samuel 14.4-21," JSOT 38 (1987), 47-72.

Bendor, S. The Social Structure of Ancient Israel. Jerusalem: Simor, 1996.

Ben Tor, A. & D. Ben-Ami,” Hazor & the Archaeology of the Tenth Century B.C.E.,” IEJ 48 (1998), 1-37.

Ben Zvi, E., "Who Knew What? The Construction of the Monarchic Past in Chronicles and Implications for the Intellectual Setting of Chronicles," in O. Lipschits, et al, eds. Judah and the Judeans in the Fourth Century B.C.E. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2007: 349-360.

_____, "Observations on Josiah's Account in Chronicles and Implications for Reconstructing the Worldview of the Chronicler," in Y. Amit, et al, eds. Essays on Ancient Israel in Its Near Eastern Context. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2006: 89-106.

_____. History, Literature and Theology in the Book of Chronicles. London: Equinox, 2005.

_____, “The Account of the Reign of Manasseh in II Reg 21,1-18 and the Redactional History of the Book of Kings,” ZAW 103 (1991), 355-74.

_____, "Tracing Prophetic Literature in the Book of Kings: The Case of II Kings 15.37," ZAW 102 (1990), 100-105.

Berlin, A., "Characterization in Biblical Narrative: David's Wives," JSOT 23 (1982), 69-85.

Berlyn, P.J., "The Rise of the House of Omri," JBQ 33 (2005), 223-30.

_____, “Divided They Stand: The United Monarchy Split in Twain,” JBQ 27 (1999), 211-21.

Berquist, J.L., “Critical Spatiality and the Construction of the Ancient World,” in D.M. Gunn and P.M. McNutt, eds. “Imagining” Biblical Worlds. JSOTSup 359; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002: 14-29.

_____, “The Social Context of Postexilic Judaism,” in L.M. Luker, ed. Passion, Vitality, and Foment: The Dynamics of Second Temple Judaism. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity, 2001: 20-54.

_____. Judaism in Persia’s Shadow: A Social and Historical Approach. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1995.

Betlyon, J.W., "A People Transformed: Palestine in the Persian Period," NEA 68/1-2 (2005), 4-58.

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_____, "Archaeological Evidence of Military Operations in Southern Judah during the Early Hellenistic Period," BA 54 (1991), 46-43.

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Bieniada, M., “Factors Which Effected Changes in Settlement Pattern and the Character of ‘Israelite Settlement’ During the Transitional Late Bronze and Early Iron Age in Palestine,” Polish Journal of Biblical Research 1 (2001), 157-97.

Bienkowski, P., "Transjordan and Assyria," in L.E. Stager, et al, eds. The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2000: 44-58.

_____, "The Edomites: The Archaeological Evidence from Transjordan," in D. Edelman, ed. You Shall Not Abhor an Edomite, for He Is Your Brother. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995: 41-92.

_____ and L. Sedman, “Busayra and Judah: Stylistic Parallels in Material Culture,” in A. Mazar, ed. Studies in the Archaeology of the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan. JSOTSup 331; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001: 310-25.

_____ and E. van der Steen, “Tribes, Trade and Towns: A New Framework for the Late Iron Age in Southern Judah and the Negev,” BASOR 323 (2001), 21-47.

Bietak, M., "Israelites Found in Egypt," BARev 29 (5, 2003), 40-49, 82.

Biran, A., “The High Places of Biblical Dan,” in A. Mazar, ed. Studies in the Archaeology of the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan. JSOTSup 331; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001: 148-55.

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